A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name Effect of Microgravity and Mechanical Stimulation on the in-Vitro Mineralisation and Resorption in Fetal Mouse Long Bones
Operational Nomenclature Fetal Mouse Long Bones
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=FetalMouseLongBones_SHUT
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-z6hjm3p
Platform Space Shuttle
HRE-E3P Category Biology
Mission STS-42, IML-1
Team Coordinator Name JP Veldhuijzen, Jack JWA van Loon
Version 1.0
Publication Jack JWA van Loon, JP Veldhuijzen, EH Burger, 1996, Bone and space flight: an overview, Biological and Medical Research in Space, , 259-299, D Moore, P Bie, H Oser, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg

JP Veldhuijzen, Jack JWA van Loon, 1995, The effect of microgravity and mechanical stimulation on the in vitro mineralisation and resorption in fetal mouse long bones, Biorack on Spacelab IML-1, ESA SP-1162, 129-137, C Mattok

Jack JWA van Loon, DJ Bervoets, EH Burger, SC Diuedonné, JW Hagen, CM Semeins, BZ Doulabi, JP Veldhuijzen, 1995, Decreased mineralization and increased calcium resease in isolated fetal mouse long bones under near weightlessness, J. Bone Miner. Res., Vol. 10, No. 4, 550-557
Temporal Coverage 1992-01-22T00:00:00Z/1992-01-30T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2024-06-18T15:18:24Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2024, 'Fetal Mouse Long Bones', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-z6hjm3p