A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name PK-3 Plus - Plasma crystal research on the ISS
Operational Nomenclature PK-3 Plus
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=PK3_Plus_ISS
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-jnioutv
Platform ISS
HRE-E3P Category Physical Sciences
Mission Inc13, Inc14
Team Coordinator Name Gregor Eugen Morfill
Version 1.0
Team Members PK3_Plus_ISS
Publication Alexander D. Usachev, AV Zobnin, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, Markus H. Thoma, M Kretschmer, S Ratynskaia, RA Quinn, H Höfner, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2004, The project, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Proceedings of 21st Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, Praha, Czech Republic, 14-17 June 2004, Suppl. C54, 3, C639-C647, DOI: 10.1007/BF03166464.

VE Fortov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, OF Petrov, Markus H. Thoma, Alexander D. Usachev, H Höfner, AV Zobnin, M Kretschmer, S Ratynskaia, M Fink, K Tarantik, Y Gerasimov, V Esenkov, 2005, The project ´Plasmakristall-4´ (PK-4) - a new stage in investigations of dusty plasmas under microgravity conditions: first results and future plans, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 47, 12B, B537-B549, 32nd EPS Plasma Physics Conference (Tarragona, Spain, 27 June - 1 July 2005).

Markus H. Thoma, H Höfner, S Khrapak, M Kretschmer, RA Quinn, S Ratynskaia, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Alexander D. Usachev, AV Zobnin, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, 2005, Measurement of the ion drag force in a complex dc plasma using the PK-4 experiment, Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 50, 2, 179-183, International Conference on Dusty Plamas in Applications, (Odessa, Ukraine, 25-29 August 2004).

Markus H. Thoma, H Höfner, M Kretschmer, S Ratynskaia, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Alexander D. Usachev, AV Zobnin, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, 2006, Parabolic Flight Experiments with PK-4, Microgravity Science and Technology, 18, 3-4, 47-50, DOI: 10.1007/BF02870378.

Markus H. Thoma, MA Fink, H Höfner, M Kretschmer, SA Khrapak, SV Ratynskaia, VV Yaroshenko, Gregor Eugen Morfill, OF Petrov, Alexander D. Usachev, AV Zobnin, VE Fortov, 2007, PK-4: Complex Plasmas in Space - the next Generation, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 35, 2, 255-259, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2007.893750.

P Hofmann, R Seurig, A Stettner, J Burfeindt, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Hubertus M. Thomas, Markus H. Thoma, H Hofner, VE Fortov, W Molotkov, OF Petrov, Andrey M Lipaev, 2008, Complex plasma research on ISS: PK-3 plus, PK-4 and impact/plasmalab, Acta Astronautica, 63, 1-4, 53-60.

Kazuo Takahashi, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, AV Ivlev, Y Hayashi, S Adachi, 2008, Diagnosis in complex plasmas for microgravity experiments (PK-3 Plus), Multifacets of Dusty Plasma, 1041, 329-330

Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, AV Ivlev, T Hagl, H Rothermel, SA Khrapak, KR Sütterlin, M Rubin-Zuzic, M Schwabe, SK Zhdanov, C Räth, VE Fortov, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, OF Petrov, VI Tokarev, YI Malenchenko, MV Turin, PV Vinogradov, FN Yurchikhin, SK Krikalev, Thomas Reiter, 2008, New Directions of Research in Complex Plasmas on the International Space Station, Fifth International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas; 18-23 May 2008, Ponta Degada, Azores, Portugal, , 41-44.

M Schwabe, SK Zhdanov, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, M Rubin-Zuzic, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, VE Fortov, Thomas Reiter, 2008, Nonlinear waves externally excited in a complex plasma under microgravity conditions, New Journal of Physics, 10, 3, 033037, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/10/3/033037

Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, AV Ivlev, T Hagl, H Rothermel, A Khrapak, KR Sütterlin, M Rubin-Zuzic, M Schwabe, SK Zhdanov, C Räth, VE Fortov, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, OF Petrov, VI Tokarev, YI Malenchenko, MV Turin, PV Vinogradov, FN Yurchikhin, SK Krikalev, Thomas Reiter, 2008, New directions of research in complex plasmas on the International Space Station, Multifacets of Dusty Plasma, 1041, 41-44

Kazuo Takahashi, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, AV Ivlev, Y Hayashi, S Adachi, 2008, Diagnosis in Complex Plasmas for Microgravity Experiments (PK-3 plus), Fifth International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas; 18-23 May 2008, Ponta Degada, Azores, Portugal, , 329-330

Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VE Fortov, AV Ivlev, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, T Hagl, H Rothermel, SA Khrapak, R Sütterlin, M Rubin-Zuzic, OF Petrov, VI Tokarev, SK Krikalev, 2008, Complex plasma laboratory PK-3 Plus on the International Space Station, New Journal of Physics, 10, 1-14, doi:10.1088/1367-2630/10/3/033036

V Yaroshenko, V Yaroshenko, Markus H. Thoma, Markus H. Thoma, Hubertus M. Thomas, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2008, Double layer formation at the interface of complex plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 15, 8, 082104-082104-6, DOI: 10.1063/1.2966119

R Sütterlin, A Wysocki, AV Ivlev, C Räth, Hubertus M. Thomas, M Rubin-Zuzic, WJ Goedheer, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, H Löwen, 2009, Dynamics of Lane Formation in Driven Binary Complex Plasmas, Physical Review Letters, 102, 085003/1-4, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.085003

Alexander D. Usachev, AV Zobnin, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, BM Annaratone, Markus H. Thoma, H Höfner, M Kretschmer, M Fink, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2009, Formation of a Boundary-Free Dust Cluster in a Low-Pressure Gas-Discharge Plasma, Physical Review Letters, 102, 4, 045001, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.045001

VE Fortov, AG Khrapak, VI Molotkov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, OF Petrov, Hubertus M. Thomas, OS Vaulina, SV Vladimirov, 2009, Types of experimental complex plasmas, Complex and Dusty Plasmas: From Laboratory to Space, , 1-440, VE Fortov, CRC Press, Lond

AV Ivlev, SK Zhdanov, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2009, Fluid phase separation in binary complex plasmas, Europhysics Letters, 85, 45001/1-5, DOI : 10.1209/0295-5075/85/45001

AV Zobnin, 2009, A Nonlocal Model of Spatially Nonuniform Positive Column of DC Discharge, High Temperature, 47, 6, 769-776, DOI: 10.1134/S0018151X09060017

K Jiang, V Nosenko, YF Li, M Schwabe, U Konopka, AV Ivlev, VE Fortov, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, OF Petrov, MV Turin, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2009, Mach cones in a three-dimensional complex plasma, Europhysics Letters, 85, 4, 45002, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/85/45002

B Liu, JA Goree, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Hubertus M. Thomas, H Rothermel, AV Ivlev, 2009, Transverse oscillations in a single-layer dusty plasma under microgravity, Physics of Plasmas, 16, 8, 083703, DOI: 10.1063/1.3204638

BA Klumov, P Huber, S Vladimirov, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, 2009, Structural properties of 3D complex plasmas: experiments versus simulations, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 51, 12, 124028, DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/51/12/124028

PC Brandt, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2009, Solid phases in electro- and magnetorheological systems, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 204513

Gregor Eugen Morfill, AV Ivlev, 2009, Complex plasmas: An interdisciplinary research field, Reviews of Modern Physics, 81, 4, 1353-1404

K Jiang, CR Du, KR Sütterlin, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2010, Lane formation in binary complex plasmas: Role of non-additive interactions and initial configurations, Europhysics Letters, 92, 65002

S Zhdanov, R Heidemann, Markus H. Thoma, R Sütterlin, Hubertus M. Thomas, H Höfner, K Tarantik, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Alexander D. Usachev, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, 2010, Dissipative Dark Solitons in DC Complex Plasmas, European Physical Letters, 89, 2, 25001, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/89/25001

SK Zhdanov, M Schwabe, RJ Heidemann, KR Sütterlin, Hubertus M. Thomas, M Rubin-Zuzic, H Rothermel, T Hagl, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, Thomas Reiter, 2010, Auto-oscillations in complex plasmas, New Journal of Physics, 12, 4, 043006, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/043006

A Wysocki, C Räth, AV Ivlev, KR Sütterlin, Hubertus M. Thomas, SA Khrapak, SK Zhdanov, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, H Löwen, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2010, Kinetics of Fluid Demixing in Complex Plasmas: Role of Two-Scale Interactions, Physical Review Letters, 105, 4, 045001, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.045001

KR Sütterlin, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, A Wysocki, H Löwen, 2010, Lane Formation in Driven Binary Complex Plasmas on the International Space Station, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science - 12th Workshop on Physics of Dusty Plasma; 17-20 May 2009, Boulder, U.S.A., 38, 4, 861-868, DOI 10.1109/TPS.2009.2035504

VV Yaroshenko, Markus H. Thoma, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2010, Generation of a Double Layer at the Interface of Strongly Coupled Complex Plasmas, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science - 12th Workshop on Physics of Dusty Plasma; 17-20 May 2009, Boulder, U.S.A., 38, 4, 869-873, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2009.2036852

BA Klumov, G Joyce, C Räth, P Huber, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VI Molotkov, VE Fortov, 2010, Structural properties of 3D complex plasmas under microgravity conditions, Europhysics Letters, 92, 1, 15003, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/92/15003

B Liu, JA Goree, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, 2010, Dusty plasma diagnostics methods for charge, electron temperature, and ion density, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 5, 053701, DOI: 10.1063/1.3400225

Markus H. Thoma, S Mitic, Alexander D. Usachev, BM Annaratone, MA Fink, VE Fortov, H Höfner, AV Ivlev, BA Klumov, U Konopka, M Kretschmer, Gregor Eugen Morfill, OF Petrov, R Sütterlin, S Zhdanov, AV Zobnin, 2010, Recent Complex Plasma Experiments in a DC Discharge, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38, 4, 857-860, 12th Workshop on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Boulder, USA, 2009)

U de Angelis, G Regnoli, S Ratynskaia, 2010, Long-range Attraction of Negatively Charged Dust Particles in Weakly Ionized Dense Dust Clouds, Physics of Plasmas, 17, 4, 043702, DOI: 10.1063/1.3368797

BM Annaratone, T Antonova, C Arnas, P Bandyopadhyay, M Chaudhuri, CR Du, Y Elskens, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, V Nosenko, KR Sütterlin, M Schwabe, Hubertus M. Thomas, 2010, Collective effects in complex plasma, Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 19, 065026

AV Ivlev, PC Brandt, Gregor Eugen Morfill, C Räth, Hubertus M. Thomas, G Joyce, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, 2010, Electrorheological Complex Plasmas, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38, 4, 733-740, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2009.2037716

KR Sütterlin, A Wysocki, C Räth, AV Ivlev, Hubertus M. Thomas, SA Khrapak, SK Zhdanov, M Rubin-Zuzic, WJ Goedheer, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, H Löwen, 2010, Non-equilibrium phase transitions in complex plasma, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 52, 12, 124042, DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/52/12/124042

Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, 2011, 国際宇宙ステーションにおけるコンプレックスプラズマ研究, Journal of plasma and fusion research, 87, 2, 82-84

M Kretschmer, U Konopka, SK Zhdanov, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VE Fortov, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, OF Petrov, 2011, Particles Inside the Void of a Complex Plasma, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 39, 11, 2758-2759, DOI: 10.1109/TPS.2011.2135383

M Schwabe, K Jiang, SK Zhdanov, T Hagl, P Huber, AV Ivlev, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, VN Naumkin, KR Sütterlin, Hubertus M. Thomas, VE Fortov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, A Skvortsov, S Volkov, 2011, Direct measurement of the speed of sound in a complex plasma under microgravity conditions, Europhysics Letters, 96, 5, 55001, DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/55001

K Jiang, LJ Hou, AV Ivlev, YF Li, CR Du, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, KR Sütterlin, 2011, Initial stages in phase separation of binary complex plasmas: Numerical experiments, Europhysics Letters, 93, 55001, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/93/55001

VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, VN Naumkin, VE Fortov, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, SA Khrapak, Gregor Eugen Morfill, M Schwabe, 2011, Phase transitions in dust plasma in microgravity, Conference on Low Temperature Plasma Physics; 21-27 June 2011, Petrozavodsk, Russia, , 146-151

MA Fink, Markus H. Thoma, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2011, PK-4 Science Activities in Micro-gravity, Microgravity Science and Technology, 23, 169-171, ELGRA Biennial Symposium and General Assembly (Bonn, Germany, 2009)

SA Khrapak, BA Klumov, P Huber, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, VN Naumkin, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, Gregor Eugen Morfill, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, Y Malentschenko, S Volkov, 2011, Freezing and Melting of 3D Complex Plasma Structures under Microgravity Conditions Driven by Neutral Gas Pressure Manipulation, Physical Review Letters, 106, 205001

RJ Heidemann, L Couëdel, SK Zhdanov, KR Sütterlin, M Schwabe, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, T Hagl, Gregor Eugen Morfill, VE Fortov, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Tokarev, Thomas Reiter, PV Vinogradov, 2011, Comprehensive experimental study of heartbeat oscillations observed under microgravity conditions in the PK-3 Plus laboratory on board the International Space Station, Physics of Plasmas, 18, 053701, DOI: 10.1063/1.3574905

H Totsuij, Kazuo Takahashi, S Adachi, Y Hayashi, M Takayanagi, 2011, Strongly Coupled Plasmas under Microgravity, Japan Society of Microgravity Application - 8th Japan-China-Korea Workshop on Microgravity Sciences for Asian Microgravity Pre-Symposium, 28, 2, 27-30

L Wörner, V Nosenko, AV Ivlev, SK Zhdanov, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, M Kroll, J Schablinski, D Block, 2011, Effect of rotating electric field on 3D complex (dusty) plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 18, 6, 063706, DOI: 10.1063/1.3601341

G Joyce, C Räth, P Huber, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, V Molotkov, VE Fortov, 2011, Structural properties of 3D complex plasmas under microgravity conditions, Europhysics Letters, 93, 2, 29901, doi:10.1209/0295-5075/93/29901

DI Zhukhovitskii, VE Fortov, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, VN Naumkin, Hubertus M. Thomas, AV Ivlev, M Schwabe, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2012, Nonviscous motion of a slow particle in a dust crystal under microgravity conditions, Physical Review E, 86, 1-2, 016401, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.016401

SA Khrapak, BA Klumov, P Huber, VI Molotkov, Andrey M Lipaev, VN Naumkin, AV Ivlev, Hubertus M. Thomas, M Schwabe, Gregor Eugen Morfill, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, Y Malentschenko, S Volkov, 2012, Fluid-solid phase transitions in three-dimensional complex plasmas under microgravity conditions, Physical Review E, 85, 066407, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.066407

VE Fortov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2012, Strongly coupled dusty plasmas on ISS: experimental results and theoretical explanation, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54, 12, 124040, DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/54/12/124040

Gregor Eugen Morfill, AV Ivlev, Hubertus M. Thomas, 2012, Complex (dusty) plasmas-kinetic studies of strong coupling phenomena, Physics of Plasmas, 19, 055402, DOI: 10.1063/1.4717979

CR Du, KR Sütterlin, K Jiang, C Räth, AV Ivlev, SA Khrapak, M Schwabe, Hubertus M. Thomas, VE Fortov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, YI Malenchenko, F Yurtschichin, YV Lonchakov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2012, Experimental investigation on lane formation in complex plasmas under microgravity conditions, New Journal of Physics, 14, 7, 073058, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/7/073058

Gregor Eugen Morfill, Hubertus M. Thomas, 2012, Basic Research in Space - Applications on Earth, Public Service Review - European Science & Technology, 14, 90-93

DI Zhukhovitskii, AV Ivlev, VE Fortov, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2013, Onset of cavity deformation upon subsonic motion of a projectile in a fluid complex plasma, Physical Review E, 87, 063108, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.063108

L Wörner, AV Ivlev, L Couëdel, P Huber, M Schwabe, T Hagl, M Mikikian, L Boufendi, A Skvortsov, Andrey M Lipaev, VI Molotkov, OF Petrov, VE Fortov, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2013, The effect of a direct current field on the microparticle charge in the plasma afterglow, Physics of Plasmas, 20, 12, 123702, DOI: 10.1063/1.4843855

M Schwabe, SK Zhdanov, C Räth, DB Graves, Hubertus M. Thomas, Gregor Eugen Morfill, 2014, Collective Effects in Vortex Movements in Complex Plasmas, Physical Review Letters, 112, 115002

Markus H. Thoma, Hubertus M. Thomas, Christina A. Knapek, Andre Melzer, Uwe Konopka, 2023, Complex plasma research under microgravity conditions, npj Microgravity, 9, 13, , DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41526-023-00261-8

for more reference documents on plasma research of the Morfill team, please, visit the PK-4 project website: http://www2011.mpe.mpg.de/theory/plasma-crystal/PK4/
Temporal Coverage 2006-04-02T00:00:00Z/2007-04-09T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2023-06-16T07:50:06Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2023, 'PK-3 Plus', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-jnioutv