A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name TRIPLELUX-A - Gene, immune and cellular responses to single and combined Space flight conditions
Operational Nomenclature TRIPLELUX-A
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=TRIPLELUX_A_ISS
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-18mosau
Platform ISS
HRE-E3P Category Biology
Mission Inc43
Team Coordinator Name Oliver Ullrich
Version 1.0
Publication A Horn, 2011, Vorbereitungen für das Biolab Experiment TRIPLE LUX A Hardwareentwicklung, Kalibrierung und biologische Bodenkontrollen, Doctoral Thesis (Engineering),University of Magdeburg, Germany

Cora Sandra Thiel, Svantje Tauber, Markus Braun, Jason Hatton, Samantha Cristoforetti, Oliver Ullrich, Diane de Zélicourt, Astrid Adrian, Markus Franz, Dana M. Simmet, Kathrin Schoppmann, Swantje Hauschild, Sonja Krammer, Miriam Christen, Gesine Bradacs, Katrin Paulsen, Susanne A. Wolf, Vartan Kurtcuoglu, Stefanie Franke, Samuel Tanner, Beate Sick, Bertold Hock, 2017, Rapid adaptation to microgravity in mammalian macrophage cells, Scientific Reports, 7, article ID 43, , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00119-6

K Huber, J Sromicki, Bertold Hock, O Ullrich, 2008, The TRIPLE LUX A experiment for BIOLAB/ISS – combined effects of microgravity and cosmic radiation on the oxidative burst of mammalian macrophageal cells., Journal of Gravitational Physiology, 15, 1, 147-148
Temporal Coverage 2015-03-12T00:00:00Z/2015-06-11T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2023-08-17T19:02:30Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2023, 'TRIPLELUX-A', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-18mosau