Name | Study of the cardio-vascular system |
Operational Nomenclature | Cardio-Vascular System |
URL |;investigationAcronym=CardioVascularSystem_OSTA |
DOI | |
Platform | Other Space Stations |
HRE-E3P Category | Human Research |
Mission | MIR Aragatz French/Russian Mission |
Team Coordinator Name | Philippe Arbeille |
Version | 1.0 |
Team Members | CardioVascularSystem_OSTA |
Publication | G Fomina, N Kokova, V Bystrov, V Poliakov, L Strogonova, V Gratchev, O Atkov, JM Pottier, P Arbeille, F Patat, L Pourcelot, JL Chrétien, M Venet, 1990, Ultrasound investigation of the cardiovascular system during the 25-days Soviet-French flight: cardiac aspects, Proc. Fourth European Symp. Life Sciences Research in Space, Trieste, Italy, ESA SP-307, 27-29 P Arbeille, O Atkov, V Bystrov, JL Chrétien, G Fomina, V Gratchev, N Kokova, F Patat, V Poliakov, JM Pottier, L Pourcelot, L Strogonova, 1990, Ultrasound investigation of the cardiovascular system during the 25 days French-Soviet spaceflight (26 Nov-21Dec 88), Proc. Fourth European Symp. Life Sciences Research in Space, Trieste, Italy, ESA SP-307, 23-26 P Arbeille, P Arbeille, JM Pottier, JM Pottier, F Patat, F Patat, M Berson, M Berson, A Roncin, A Roncin, C Le Toullec, C Le Toullec, P Migné, P Migné, L Pourcelot, L Pourcelot, A Kotovskaya, A Kotovskaya, O Atkov, O Atkov, L Strogonova, L Strogonova, G Fomina, G Fomina, N Kokova, N Kokova, 1987, Cardiovascular adaptation to zero-g during a long-term flight (237 days) onboard the Salyut-VII Soviet space station, Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space, Graz, Austria, ESA SP-271, 143-146 |
Temporal Coverage | 1988-11-26T00:00:00Z/1988-12-21T00:00:00Z |
Mission Description | The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972. |
Creator Contact | |
Date Published | 2023-10-07T15:18:03Z |
Last Update | 2025-01-25 |
Publisher And Registrant | European Space Agency |
Credit Guidelines | European Space Agency, 2023, 'Cardio-Vascular System', 1.0, European Space Agency, |