A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name Microgravity crystallization of HIV reverse transcriptase
Operational Nomenclature Crystallization of HIV reverse transcriptase
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=Crystallization_HIV_Transcriptase_RETR
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-1e5504k
Platform Retrievable Facilities
HRE-E3P Category Physical Sciences
Mission Foton 7
Team Coordinator Name .Naomi E. Chayen
Version 1.0
Publication SD Trakhanov, AI Grebenko, VA Shirokov, AV Gudkov, AV Egorov, IN Barmin, VK Vainstein, AS Spirin, 1991, Crystallization of protein and ribosomal particles in microgravity, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 110, Iss. 1-2, 317-321

JR Helliwell, EH Snell, .Naomi E. Chayen, RA Judge, TJ Boggon, ML Pusey, 2002, Fluid Physics and Macromolecular Growth in Microgravity, Physics of Fluids in Microgravity, Chapter 14, 489-514, S Monti, Taylor and Francis

.Naomi E. Chayen, JR Helliwell, 2002, Protein Crystallization in Microgravity: Are We Reaping the Full Benefit of Outer Space?, Annals The New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 594, 591-597

R Hilgenfeld, A Liesum, R Storm, A Plaas-Link, 1992, Crystallization of two bacterial enzymes on an unmanned space mission, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 122, Iss. 1-4, 330-336

.Naomi E. Chayen, 1995, Microgravity protein crystallization aboard the Photon satellite, Jorunal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 153, 175-179

LJ DeLucas, MM Long, KM Moore, WM Rosenblum, TL Bray, C Smith, M Carson, SVL Narayana, MD Harrington, D Carter, AD Clark, RG Nanni, J Ding, A Jacobo-Molina, G Kamer, SH Hughes, E Arnold, HM Einspahr, LL Clancy, GSJ Rao, PF Cook, BG Harris, SH Munson, BC Finzel, A McPherson, PC Weber, FA Lewandowski, TL Nagabhushan, PP Trotta, P Reichert, MA Navia, KP Wilson, JA Thompson, RN Richards, KD Bowersox, CJ Meade, ES Baker, SP Bishop, Bonnie J. Dunbar, E Trinh, J Prahl, A Sacco, CE Bugg, 1994, Recent results and new hardware developments for protein crystal growth in microgravity, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 135, Iss. 1-2, 183-195

J Dong, TJ Boggon, .Naomi E. Chayen, J Rafetry, RC Bi, JR Helliwell, 1999, Bound Solvent Structures for Microgravity, Ground Control, Gel and Microbatch Grown HEW Lysozyme Crystals at 1.8Å resolution, Acta Crystallographica, Vol. D 55, 745-752

.Naomi E. Chayen, JR Helliwell, 1999, Space-grown Crystals May Prove their Worth, Nature, Vol. 398, 20

TJ Boggon, .Naomi E. Chayen, EH Snell, J Dong, P Lautenschlager, L Potthast, P Siddons, V Stojanoff, E Gordon, A Thompson, PF Zagalsky, RC Bi, JR Helliwell, 1998, Protein Crystal Movements and Fluid Flows During Growth, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. A 356, 1045-1061

.Naomi E. Chayen, EH Snell, JR Helliwell, PF Zagalsky, 1997, CCD video Observation of Microgravity Crystallization: Apocrustacyanin C1, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 171, 219-225

RK Strong, BL Stoddard, A Arrott, GK Farber, 1992, Long duration growth of protein crystals in microgravity aboard the MIR space station, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 119, Iss. 3-4, 200-214

K Asano, S Fujita, T Senda, Y Mitsui, 1992, Crystal growth of ribonuclease S under microgravity, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 122, 323-329

A McPherson, 1993, Virus and protein crystal growth on Earth and in microgravity, Journal of Physics, Vol. D 26, 104-112

EH Snell, A Cassetta, JR Helliwell, TJ Boggon, .Naomi E. Chayen, Edgar Weckert, K Holzer, K Schroer, EJ Gordon, PF Zagalsky, 1997, Partial Improvement of Crystal Quality for Microgravity Grown Apocrustacyanin C1, Acta Crystallographica, Vol. D 53, 231-239

M Riess-Kautt, I Broutin, A Ducruix, W Shepard, R Kahn, .Naomi E. Chayen, D Blow, K Paal, W Littke, B Lorber, Anne Theobald-Dietrich, R Giegé, 1997, Crystallogenesis Studies in Microgravity with the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility on SpaceHab-01, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 181, 79-96

.Naomi E. Chayen, EJ Gordon, PF Zagalsky, 1996, The Crystallization of Apocrustacyanin C1 on the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2) Mission, Acta Crystallographica, Vol. D 52, 156-159

.Naomi E. Chayen, TJ Boggon, A Cassetta, A Deacon, T Gleichmann, J Habash, SJ Harrop, JR Helliwell, YP Nieh, MR Peterson, J Raftery, E Snell, A Hädener, AC Niemann, DP Siddons, V Stojanoff, AW Thompson, T Ursby, M Wulff, 1996, Trends and Challenges in Experimental Macromolecular Crystallography, Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, Vol. 29, 227-278

LJ DeLucas, CD Smith, HW Smith, S Vijay-Kumar, SE Senadhi, SE Ealick, DC Carter, RS Snyder, PC Weber, FR Salemme, 1989, Protein crystal growth in microgravity, Science, Vol. 246, no. 4930, 651-654

LF Lloyd, P Brick, MZ Lou, 1991, Many crystal forms of human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase, Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 217, 19-22
Temporal Coverage 1991-10-04T00:00:00Z/1991-10-20T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2023-12-11T19:18:12Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2023, 'Crystallization of HIV reverse transcriptase', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-1e5504k