Name | Microgravity crystallization of HIV reverse transcriptase |
Operational Nomenclature | Crystallization of HIV reverse transcriptase |
URL |;investigationAcronym=Crystallization_HIV_Transcriptase_RETR |
DOI | |
Platform | Retrievable Facilities |
HRE-E3P Category | Physical Sciences |
Mission | Foton 7 |
Team Coordinator Name | .Naomi E. Chayen |
Version | 1.0 |
Publication | SD Trakhanov, AI Grebenko, VA Shirokov, AV Gudkov, AV Egorov, IN Barmin, VK Vainstein, AS Spirin, 1991, Crystallization of protein and ribosomal particles in microgravity, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 110, Iss. 1-2, 317-321 JR Helliwell, EH Snell, .Naomi E. Chayen, RA Judge, TJ Boggon, ML Pusey, 2002, Fluid Physics and Macromolecular Growth in Microgravity, Physics of Fluids in Microgravity, Chapter 14, 489-514, S Monti, Taylor and Francis .Naomi E. Chayen, JR Helliwell, 2002, Protein Crystallization in Microgravity: Are We Reaping the Full Benefit of Outer Space?, Annals The New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 594, 591-597 R Hilgenfeld, A Liesum, R Storm, A Plaas-Link, 1992, Crystallization of two bacterial enzymes on an unmanned space mission, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 122, Iss. 1-4, 330-336 .Naomi E. Chayen, 1995, Microgravity protein crystallization aboard the Photon satellite, Jorunal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 153, 175-179 LJ DeLucas, MM Long, KM Moore, WM Rosenblum, TL Bray, C Smith, M Carson, SVL Narayana, MD Harrington, D Carter, AD Clark, RG Nanni, J Ding, A Jacobo-Molina, G Kamer, SH Hughes, E Arnold, HM Einspahr, LL Clancy, GSJ Rao, PF Cook, BG Harris, SH Munson, BC Finzel, A McPherson, PC Weber, FA Lewandowski, TL Nagabhushan, PP Trotta, P Reichert, MA Navia, KP Wilson, JA Thompson, RN Richards, KD Bowersox, CJ Meade, ES Baker, SP Bishop, Bonnie J. Dunbar, E Trinh, J Prahl, A Sacco, CE Bugg, 1994, Recent results and new hardware developments for protein crystal growth in microgravity, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 135, Iss. 1-2, 183-195 J Dong, TJ Boggon, .Naomi E. Chayen, J Rafetry, RC Bi, JR Helliwell, 1999, Bound Solvent Structures for Microgravity, Ground Control, Gel and Microbatch Grown HEW Lysozyme Crystals at 1.8Å resolution, Acta Crystallographica, Vol. D 55, 745-752 .Naomi E. Chayen, JR Helliwell, 1999, Space-grown Crystals May Prove their Worth, Nature, Vol. 398, 20 TJ Boggon, .Naomi E. Chayen, EH Snell, J Dong, P Lautenschlager, L Potthast, P Siddons, V Stojanoff, E Gordon, A Thompson, PF Zagalsky, RC Bi, JR Helliwell, 1998, Protein Crystal Movements and Fluid Flows During Growth, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Vol. A 356, 1045-1061 .Naomi E. Chayen, EH Snell, JR Helliwell, PF Zagalsky, 1997, CCD video Observation of Microgravity Crystallization: Apocrustacyanin C1, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 171, 219-225 RK Strong, BL Stoddard, A Arrott, GK Farber, 1992, Long duration growth of protein crystals in microgravity aboard the MIR space station, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 119, Iss. 3-4, 200-214 K Asano, S Fujita, T Senda, Y Mitsui, 1992, Crystal growth of ribonuclease S under microgravity, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 122, 323-329 A McPherson, 1993, Virus and protein crystal growth on Earth and in microgravity, Journal of Physics, Vol. D 26, 104-112 EH Snell, A Cassetta, JR Helliwell, TJ Boggon, .Naomi E. Chayen, Edgar Weckert, K Holzer, K Schroer, EJ Gordon, PF Zagalsky, 1997, Partial Improvement of Crystal Quality for Microgravity Grown Apocrustacyanin C1, Acta Crystallographica, Vol. D 53, 231-239 M Riess-Kautt, I Broutin, A Ducruix, W Shepard, R Kahn, .Naomi E. Chayen, D Blow, K Paal, W Littke, B Lorber, Anne Theobald-Dietrich, R Giegé, 1997, Crystallogenesis Studies in Microgravity with the Advanced Protein Crystallization Facility on SpaceHab-01, Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 181, 79-96 .Naomi E. Chayen, EJ Gordon, PF Zagalsky, 1996, The Crystallization of Apocrustacyanin C1 on the International Microgravity Laboratory (IML-2) Mission, Acta Crystallographica, Vol. D 52, 156-159 .Naomi E. Chayen, TJ Boggon, A Cassetta, A Deacon, T Gleichmann, J Habash, SJ Harrop, JR Helliwell, YP Nieh, MR Peterson, J Raftery, E Snell, A Hädener, AC Niemann, DP Siddons, V Stojanoff, AW Thompson, T Ursby, M Wulff, 1996, Trends and Challenges in Experimental Macromolecular Crystallography, Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, Vol. 29, 227-278 LJ DeLucas, CD Smith, HW Smith, S Vijay-Kumar, SE Senadhi, SE Ealick, DC Carter, RS Snyder, PC Weber, FR Salemme, 1989, Protein crystal growth in microgravity, Science, Vol. 246, no. 4930, 651-654 LF Lloyd, P Brick, MZ Lou, 1991, Many crystal forms of human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase, Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 217, 19-22 |
Temporal Coverage | 1991-10-04T00:00:00Z/1991-10-20T00:00:00Z |
Mission Description | The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972. |
Creator Contact | |
Date Published | 2023-12-11T19:18:12Z |
Last Update | 2025-01-25 |
Publisher And Registrant | European Space Agency |
Credit Guidelines | European Space Agency, 2023, 'Crystallization of HIV reverse transcriptase', 1.0, European Space Agency, |