A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name EKE Exercise Kinetics Experiment - Assessment of endurance capacity by gas exchange and heart rate kinetics during Physical Training
Operational Nomenclature EKE
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=EKE_ISS
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-cdjpvky
Platform ISS
HRE-E3P Category Human Research
Mission Inc19, Inc20, Inc21, Inc22, Inc23, Inc24, Inc25, Inc26, Inc27, Inc28, Inc29, Inc30, Inc31, Inc32, Inc33, Inc34
Team Coordinator Name Uwe Hoffmann
Version 1.0
Team Members EKE_ISS
Publication Jessica Koschate, U Drescher, K Brixius, G Montiel, HG Predel, Uwe Hoffmann, 2012, Relationship between V’O2 kinetics and maximal oxygen uptake in the elderly, European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Brugge, Belgium, , , oral presentati

U Drescher, Alan D. Moore, D Eßfeld, Uwe Hoffmann, 2012, Heart Rate and Oxygen Uptake Kinetics Before and After Prolonged Spaceflight, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44, 5

U Drescher, G Montiel, Uwe Hoffmann, HG Predel, K Brixius, 2012, Auswirkung eines 8-wöchigen Ausdauertrainings auf die Herzfrequenz- und V‘O2-Kinetiken bei älteren, männlichen, nicht insulinpflichtigen Diabetes Typ II Patienten, Clinical Research in Cardiology, 101, Suppl. 1

U Drescher, G Montiel, K Brixius, HG Predel, Uwe Hoffmann, 2012, Estimating Cardio-Respiratory Kinetics with Elderly, Male, Non-insulin-taking Diabetes Type II Patients before and af-ter Nordic-Walking-Training, German Physiological Society, 91st Annual Meeting, Dresden, Germany, , , poster presentati

U Drescher, D Eßfeld, Uwe Hoffmann, 2012, Anwendung eines nicht-invasiven Verfahrens zur Bestimmung der muskulären V‘O2-Kinetik, 46. Arbeits- und Leistungsphysiologische Arbeitstagung (ALAT), Lübeck, Germany, , , oral presentati

A Steegmanns, U Drescher, Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Influence of breath-hold and dynamic exercise on cardiac output during acute blood volume shifts due to changes in body posture, European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Liverpool, UK, , , poster presentati

A Steegmanns, 2011, Einfluss von kombinierter Arbeit und Apnoe auf Parameter des Herz-Kreislaufsystems, 45. Atmungsphysiologische Arbeitstagung, Hannover, Germany, , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, A Steegmanns, U Drescher, 2011, Muscular Oxygen Uptake Kinetics as Indicator for Effective Countermeasures, International Symposium on Safety of Human Work in Extreme Environments, Copiapó, Los Andes, Santiago, Chile, , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Influences of Cardiogenic Factors on Respiratory V’O2-Kinetics, International Journal of Exercise Science (Web-Conference), , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Ansatz zur Ermittlung muskulärer V’O2-Kinetiken aus kardiorespiratorischen Parametern, 45. Atmungsphysiologische Arbeitstagung, Hannover, Germany, , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Ausdauerleistungsdiagnostik mit moderaten Intensitäten, DLR-Workshop Gesundheitsforschung im Raumfahrtprogramm, Cologne, Germany, , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, 2010, A Method for Modeling and Assessing Muscular Oxygen Uptake Kinetics, International Congress of Medicine in Space and Extreme Environments (ICMS), Berlin, Germany, , , oral presentati

U Drescher, 2010, Muscular Oxygen Uptake Kinetics during Aerobic Exercise, International Congress of Medicine in Space and Extreme Environments (ICMS), Berlin, Germany, , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, 25 Jahre Weltraumforschung: Von 1985 bis heute: Die Entwicklung der Weltraumforschung an der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln, IMPULSE - Das Wissenschaftsmagazin der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln

U Drescher, 2010, Modeling Muscular V’O2-Kinetiks on the Basis of Respiratory V’O2 and Cardiac Out-put Measurements, European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Antalya, Turkey, , , poster presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, U Drescher, AP Benson, HB Rossiter, D Eßfeld, 2013, Skeletal muscle V´O2 kinetics from cardio-pulmonary measurements: assessing distortions through O2 transport by means of stochastic workrate signals and circulatory modelling, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 113, 7, 1745-1754

Uwe Hoffmann, 2013, Assessment of Heart Rate, Pulmonary and Muscular Oxygen Uptake Kinetics Before and After Prolonged Spaceflight, 19th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Cologne, Germany, , , poster presentati

U Drescher, D Loosen, B Baak, D Eßfeld, Uwe Hoffmann, 2013, Assessment of Heart rate, Pulmonary and Muscular V’O2-Kinetics of Upper and Lower Body Exercise during Dynamic Moderate Work Rate Changes, European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Barcelona, Spain, , , oral presentati

U Drescher, AP Benson, HB Rossiter, Uwe Hoffmann, 2013, Validation of a Non-Invasive Approach to Assess Muscular Oxygen Uptake Kinetics, 19th IAA Humans in Space Symposium, Cologne, Germany, , , poster presentati

U Drescher, Jessica Koschate, D Loosen, B Baak, G Montiel, K Brixius, HG Predel, D Eßfeld, Uwe Hoffmann, 2013, Nicht-invasive Bestimmung kardiorespiratorischer Kinetiken bei unterschiedlichen Probandengruppen und Ergometrieformen, 47. Arbeits- und Leistungsphysiologische Arbeitstagung (ALAT), Bayreuth, Germany, , , oral presentati

Uwe Hoffmann, Uwe Hoffmann, Uwe Hoffmann, Alan D. Moore, Alan D. Moore, Alan D. Moore, U Drescher, U Drescher, U Drescher, 2012, Influence of Prolonged Spaceflight on Heart Rate and Oxygen Uptake Kinetics, Conference Paper for Life in Space for Life on Earth Symposium, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 18-22 June 2012

U Drescher, 2010, Characterization of Respiratory and Muscular V‘O2 Kinetics during Moderate Pseudo Random Binary Sequence Exercise, International e-Conference on Kinesiology and Integrated Physiology (Web-Conference), , , oral presentati

U Drescher, D Eßfeld, Uwe Hoffmann, 2012, Theoretical Modelling and Practical Assessment of Muscular V’O2-Kinetics, Systems Biology in Exercise: Cardiorespiratory & Metabolic Integration, Leeds, UK, , , oral presentati

U Drescher, A Steegmanns, Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Linearity of V’O2-Kinetics during Moderate PRBS Exercise Testing, European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Liverpool, UK, , , oral presentati

U Drescher, Alan D. Moore, A Steegmanns, D Eßfeld, Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Bestimmung pulmonaler und muskulärer V’O2-Kinetiken mittels Zeitreihenanalyse vor und nach Weltraumaufenthalt, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin, (DGLRM), Jahrestagung, Sinsheim, Germany, , , oral presentati

U Drescher, 2010, Estimating the Influence of Cardio-vascular Parameters on Respiratory V´O2 Kinetics During Moderate Exercise, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, USA, , , poster presentati

U Drescher, Uwe Hoffmann, 2011, Influences on Pulmonary and Muscular V’O2-Kinetics, International Journal of Exercise Science (Web-Conference), , , oral presentati

F Iellamo, M Di Rienzo, D Lucini, JM Legramante, P Pizzinelli, P Castiglioni, F Pigozzi, M Pagani, G Parati, 2006, Muscle metaboreflex contribution to cardiovascular regulation during dynamic exercise in microgravity: in-sights from mission STS-107 of the space shuttle Columbia, The Journal of Physiology, 572, 3, 829-838
Temporal Coverage 2009-03-29T00:00:00Z/2013-03-15T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2023-09-06T12:02:26Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2023, 'EKE', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-cdjpvky