A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name Cartilage
Operational Nomenclature CARTILAGE
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=CARTILAGE_ISS
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-56x34em
Platform ISS
HRE-E3P Category Human Research
Mission Inc35, Inc36, Inc37, Inc38, Inc39, Inc40, Inc41, Inc42, Inc43, Inc44, Inc45, Inc46, Inc47, Inc48, Inc49, Inc50
Team Coordinator Name Gert-Peter Bruggemann
Version 1.0
Publication AM Liphardt, GP Brüggeman, A Niehoff, 2016, Adaptation of cartilage to immobilization, Schneider S. Exercise in space: a holistic approach for the benefit of human health on earth., ISBN: 9783319295718., S. 15-38, Springer International Publishing (Verlag)

TP Andriacchi, A Mündermann, RL Smith, EJ Alexander, CO Dyrby, S Koo, 2004, A framework for the in vivo pathomechanics of osteoarthritis at the knee, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 32, 3, 447-457

F Eckstein, S Faber, R Muhlbauer, J Hohe, KH Englmeier, M Reiser, R Putz, 2002, Functional adaptation of human joints to mechanical stimuli, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 10, 1, 44-50

S Hinterwimmer, M Krammer, M Krotz, C Glaser, R Baumgart, M Reiser, F Eckstein, 2004, Cartilage atrophy in the knees of patients after seven weeks of partial load bearing, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 50, 8, 2516-2520

S Koo, GE Gold, TP Andriacchi, 2005, Considerations in measuring cartilage thickness using MRI: factors influencing reproducibility and accuracy, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 13, 9, 782-789

A Niehoff, GP Brüggeman, N Hamann, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, AM Liphardt, 2014, The effect of immobility and microgravity on cartilage metabolism., Abstracts 6th International Congress of Medicine in Space and Extreme Environments (ICMS), September 16-19, Berlin, Germany.

C Gonska, 2015, Der Einfluss von Vibrationstraining und spezieller Ernährung auf den Kollagenstoffwechsel des Gelenkknorpels während einer dreiwöchigen Immobilisation, Master’s thesis

V Bolte, 2015, Der Einfluss von Vibrationstraining und spezieller Ernährung auf die Morphologie der Oberschenkelmuskulatur während einer dreiwöchigen Immobilisation., Master’s thesis

B Vanwanseele, F Eckstein, H Knecht, E Stussi, A Spaepen, 2002, Knee cartilage of spinal cord-injured patients displays progressive thinning in the absence of normal joint loading and movement, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 46, 8, 2073-2078

A Niehoff, A Hamann, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, GP Brüggeman, AM Liphardt, 2015, Der Effekt von Mikrogravitation auf den Metabolismus des Gelenkknorpels., Proceedings of the National Symposium in Research under Space Conditions (German National Aeronautics and Space Research Centre), , 48

A Niehoff, GP Brüggeman, N Hamann, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, AM Liphardt, 2015, Effect of microgravity and immobilization on serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), , , Abstracts Gordon Research Conference Cartilage Biology and Pathology, March 22-27, Galveston, USA.

W Wirth, F Eckstein, 2008, A technique for regional analysis of femorotibial cartilage thickness based on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27, 6, 737-744

AM Liphardt, N Hamann, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, TP Andriacchi, J Mester, GP Brüggeman, A Niehoff, 2015, Der Effekt von Immobilisation durch Bettruhe in 6°-Kopftieflage auf den Metabolismus des Gelenkknorpels., Proceedings of the National Symposium in Research under Space Conditions (German National Aeronautics and Space Research Centre), October 28-30, Bonn, Germany,, , 47-48

AM Liphardt, GP Brüggeman, N Hamann, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, A Niehoff, 2015, The Effect of Immobility and Microgravity on Cartilage Metabolism., Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74 (Suppl. 2), 919

AM Liphardt, A Mündermann, S Koo, N Bäcker, TP Andriacchi, Jochen Zange, J Mester, Martina Heer, 2009, Vibration training intervention to maintain cartilage thickness and serum concentrations of cartilage oligometric matrix protein (COMP) during immobilization, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 17, 12 DOI: 10.1016/j.joca.2009.07.007, 1598-603

F Eckstein, O Benichou, W Wirth, DR Nelson, S Maschek, M Hudelmaier, CK Kwoh, A Guermazi, D Hunter, 2009, Magnetic resonance imaging-based cartilage loss in painful contralateral knees with and without radiographic joint space narrowing: Data from the steoarthritis initiative, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 61, 7, 1218-1225

RJ Buck, BT Wyman, MP Le Graverand, M Hudelmaier, W Wirth, F Eckstein, 2009, Does the use of ordered values of subregional change in cartilage thickness improve the detection of disease progression in longitudinal studies of osteoarthritis?, Arthritis and Rheumatism, 61, 7, 917-924, doi: 10.1002/art.24613

AM Liphardt, A Mündermann, S Koo, N Bäcker, TP Andriacchi, S Achtzehn, Martina Heer, J Mester, 2017, Sensitivity of serum concentration of cartilage biomarkers to 21-days of bed rest, J Orthop Res, DOI: 10.1002/jor.23786.

A Niehoff, GP Brüggeman, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, AM Liphardt, 2016, Long-duration space flight and cartilage adaptation: first results to changes in the tissue metabolism, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24, S144-S145

A Mündermann, CO Dyrby, TP Andriacchi, KB King, 2005, Serum concentration of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) is sensitive to physiological cyclic loading in healthy adults, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 13, 1, 34-38

AM Liphardt, GP Brüggeman, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, A Niehoff, 2016, Impact of medium term bed rest on serum levels of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein., Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24, S151-S152

AM Liphardt, GP Brüggeman, F Zaucke, F Eckstein, W Bloch, A Mündermann, S Koo, J Mester, G Schett, J Rech, A Niehoff, 2016, Impact of immobilization on serum levels of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and implications for clinical practice in musculoskeletal disorders, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 75, S.2, 184-185

AM Liphardt, A Niehoff, 2016, Auswirkungen von Mikrogravitation auf Gelenkknorpel Raumfahrtforschung untersucht Rolle von mechanischer Belastung für die Knorpelgesundheit (Effects of Microgravity on Articular Cartilage – Space Flight Research investigates the Role of Mechanical Loading for Cartilage Health), Flug u Reisemed, 23, 06 DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-122167, 278-282
Temporal Coverage 2013-03-16T00:00:00Z/2017-04-10T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2023-09-02T22:02:07Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2023, 'CARTILAGE', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-56x34em