Name | PCDF/PROTEIN - Influence of mass transport and surface growth processes on protein crystal perfection |
Operational Nomenclature | PCDF/PROTEIN |
URL |;investigationAcronym=PCDF_PROTEIN_ISS |
DOI | |
Platform | ISS |
HRE-E3P Category | Physical Sciences |
Mission | Inc18, Inc19, Inc20 |
Team Coordinator Name | Fermin Otalora |
Version | 1.0 |
Team Members | PCDF_PROTEIN_ISS |
Publication | Luis David Patiño‐Lopez, Klaas Decanniere, JA Gavira-Gallardo, Dominique Maes, Fermin Otálora, 2012, Protein Experiment: Scientific Data Processing Platform for On-Flight Experiment Tuning, Microgravity Science Technology, 24, 5, 327-334, DOI:10.1007/s12217-012-9320-y Vladimir Pletser, Olivier Minster, R Bosch, L Potthast, J Stapelmann, 2001, The protein crystallisation diagnostics facility, status of the ESA programme on the fundamentals of protein crystal growth, Journal of Crystal Growth, 232, 439 Luca De Smet, S Klaï, Klaas Decanniere, E Haumont, 2010, Successful PCDF PROTEIN Mission in ISS after Meticulous Preparation and On-the-fly Flexibility, AIAA SpaceOps 2010 conference proceedings Vladimir Pletser, R Bosch, L Potthast, P Lautenschlager, R Kassel, 2009, The Protein Crystallisation Diagnostics Facility (PCDF) on Board ESA Columbus Laboratory, Microgravity Science Technology, 21, 269 Dominique Maes, Christine Evrard, JA Gavira-Gallardo, Mike Sleutel, Cécile van de Weerdt, Fermin Otálora, Juan Manuel Garcìa-Ruiz, Gregoire Nicolis, Joseph A Martial, Klaas Decanniere, 2008, Toward a definition of X‐ray crystal quality, Crystal Growth and Design, 12, 4284 Vladimir Pletser, J Stapelmann, L Potthast, R Bosch, 1999, The protein crystallisation diagnostics facility, a new European instrument to investigate biological macromolecular crystal growth on board the International Space Station, Journal of Crystal Growth, 196, 638 P Vekilov, Alexander A. Chernov, The physics of protein crystallization, Solid State Physics, volume 57, pages 1.147. Academic Press, 2002 P Vekilov, Dense liquid precursor for the nucleation of ordered solid phases from solution., Cryst. Growth Des., 4: 671.685, 2004 Gregoire Nicolis, C Nicolis, Enhancement of the nucleation of protein crystals by the presence of an intermediate phase: a kinetic model., Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 323:139.154, 2003 Gregoire Nicolis, V Basios, C Nicolis, Pattern formation and fluctuation-induced transitions in protein crystallization, J. Chem. Phys., 120:7708.7719, 2004. J Lutsko, Kinetic theory and hydrodynamics of dense, reacting fluids far from equilibrium., J. Chem. Phys., 120:6325. 6345, 2004 |
Temporal Coverage | 2008-10-15T00:00:00Z/2009-10-11T00:00:00Z |
Mission Description | The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972. |
Creator Contact | |
Date Published | 2024-01-21T01:18:17Z |
Last Update | 2025-01-25 |
Publisher And Registrant | European Space Agency |
Credit Guidelines | European Space Agency, 2024, 'PCDF/PROTEIN', 1.0, European Space Agency, |