A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name Influence of Gravity on Proliferation and Biosynthetic Capacity of Isolated Mesenchymal Cells
Operational Nomenclature Proliferation and Biosynthetic Capacity of Mesenchymal Cells
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=BiosyntheticCapacity_MesenchymalCells_SHUT
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-7wwvr0u
Platform Space Shuttle
HRE-E3P Category Biology
Mission STS-55, Spacelab D2
Team Coordinator Name PK Muller
Version 1.0
Publication U Seitzer, 1994, Connective tissue synthesis in space: Gravity effects on collagen synthesis of cultured mesenchymal cells, Proc. 5th Eur. Symp. On Life Sciences Research in Space, Arcachon, France, ESA SP-366, 101-103, H Oser, TH Guyenne

U Seitzer, 1995, Connective tissue synthesis in space: Gravity effects on collagen synthesis of cultured mesenchymal cells, Proc. Norderney Symp. Sci. Res. German Spacelab Mission D2, Norderney, Germany, , 570-574, PR Sahm, MH Keller, B Schiewe, DLR, Köl

U Seitzer, 1995, Microgravity and hypergravity effects on collagen biosynthesis of human dermal fibroblasts, Cell Tissue Res., Vol. 282, 513-517
Temporal Coverage 1993-04-26T00:00:00Z/1993-05-06T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2024-06-26T18:18:05Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2024, 'Proliferation and Biosynthetic Capacity of Mesenchymal Cells', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-7wwvr0u