A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name THOR - What Happens Above Thunderstorms? (Danish National Contribution)
Operational Nomenclature THOR
URL https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/investigation;investigationAcronym=THOR_ISS
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-ntjw3dd
Platform ISS
HRE-E3P Category Physical Sciences
Mission Inc43, Inc44
Team Coordinator Name Torsten Neubert
Version 1.0
Team Members THOR_ISS
Publication Olivier Chanrion, Torsten Neubert, Andreas Mogensen, Y Yair, Martin Stendel, R Singh, D Siingh, 2016, Profuse activity of blue electrical discharges at the tops of thunderstorms, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 1, , DOI: 10.1002/2016GL071311

Olivier Chanrion, Torsten Neubert, Andreas Mogensen, Y Yair, Martin Stendel, Niels Larsen, 2016, First results from the THOR experiment imaging thunderstorm activity from the ISS, Geophysical Research Abstracts - EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria, 18, , EGU2016-16783-1

Martin Stendel, Y Yair, Olivier Chanrion, Andreas Mogensen, Torsten Neubert, Observing blue jets and other electrical discharges from space: A multiparameter cumulonimbus forecast scheme and its verification, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, , , submitted

Olivier Chanrion, 2015, Blue glimpses at the top of thunderclouds from the THOR experiment, TEA-IS Conference. Copenhagen 26-29 June 2015

JK Nielsen, M Foster, A Heidinger, 2011, Tropical stratospheric cloud climatology from the PATMOS-x dataset: An assessment of convective contributions to stratospheric water, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L18801, doi: 10.1029/2011GL049429

S Solomon, KH Rosenlof, RW Portmann, JS Daniel, SM Davis, TJ Sanford, GK Plattner, 2010, Contributions of stratospheric water vapor to decadal changes in the rate of global warming, Science, 327, 5970, 1219-1223, doi:10.1126/science.1182488

Olivier Chanrion, Torsten Neubert, Andreas Mogensen, Y Yair, Martin Stendel, R Singh, 2016, First results from the THOR experiment: Blue Discharges at the top of Thunderstorms, Geophysical Research Abstracts - American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, , , AGU2016-AE31A-02

Y Yair, Martin Stendel, Olivier Chanrion, Torsten Neubert, M Moalem, I Silber, C Price, 2016, Predicting thunderstorms, lightning and sprites for global observations from the International Space Station, Geophysical Research Abstracts - EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria, 18, , EGU2016-2109-1
Temporal Coverage 2015-03-12T00:00:00Z/2015-09-11T00:00:00Z
Mission Description The HRE Data Archive (HREDA) collects information and data of investigations funded or co-funded by ESA’s Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration (HRE) and performed on microgravity and ground-based facilities since 1972.
Creator Contact https://hreda.esac.esa.int/hreda/#/pages/help/contact
Date Published 2023-09-09T16:02:13Z
Last Update 2025-01-25
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2023, 'THOR', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-ntjw3dd