A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name 086394
Title Is there a slope change in the L_O-L_X relation for low-mass active black holes?


DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-718ow1g
Author European Space Agency
Description A linear correlation between X-ray and optical [OIII] line luminosities in AGN
is thought to manifest the ionization of low-density gas by the field of high-
energy photons from the central black hole vicinity. It is often used to
estimate the AGN ionizing flux from optical spectra. We identified 33 AGN
powered by low-mass BHs (<6e5 MSun). They form a tight (spread 0.23dex) sub-
linear (L_OIIIvirgulL_X^0.48) relation that steepens and puffs up once more massive
objects are included. We propose to observe a complete flux limited sample of 21
AGN with low-mass BHs (<1e6 MSun) with available optical IFU spectroscopy. We
will pin down the transition mass where the L_OIII-L_X slope changes and check
whether it is connected to AGN-driven outflows, internal structure, dynamics, and star formation
Publication No observations found associated with the current proposal
Instrument EMOS1, EMOS2, EPN, OM, RGS1, RGS2
Temporal Coverage 2020-11-08T07:59:49Z/2021-02-24T18:56:35Z
Version 18.02_20200221_1200
Mission Description The European Space Agency's (ESA) X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) was launched by an Ariane 504 on December 10th 1999. XMM-Newton is ESA's second cornerstone of the Horizon 2000 Science Programme. It carries 3 high throughput X-ray telescopes with an unprecedented effective area, and an optical monitor, the first flown on a X-ray observatory. The large collecting area and ability to make long uninterrupted exposures provide highly sensitive observations.
Since Earth's atmosphere blocks out all X-rays, only a telescope in space can detect and study celestial X-ray sources. The XMM-Newton mission is helping scientists to solve a number of cosmic mysteries, ranging from the enigmatic black holes to the origins of the Universe itself. Observing time on XMM-Newton is being made available to the scientific community, applying for observational periods on a competitive basis.
Creator Contact https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/xmm-newton-helpdesk
Date Published 2022-03-18T00:00:00Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2022, Is There A Slope Change In The L_O-L_X Relation For Low-Mass Active Black Holesquestionmark, 18.02_20200221_1200, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-718ow1g