Our central aim is to acquire a much needed X-ray spectral data set on singleWolf-Rayet (WR) star winds so as to infer temperatures and filling factors ofhot wind (shock) components and hence elucidate the wind structure. Thisstructure is crucial to testing wind driver and shock formation mechanismsand in particular the role of multiple photon scattering in optically thickwinds. Our observing strategy: (1) Emphasize single star winds, as opposedto binary wind interactions; (2) Use strong WR subtype abundance variationsto probe the hot gas with depth; (3) Use XMM.s large collecting area toobtain the first X-ray spectra of single WR stars in contrast to previousbroadband measurements.
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
The European Space Agencys (ESA) X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) was launched by an Ariane 504 on December 10th 1999. XMM-Newton is ESAs second cornerstone of the Horizon 2000 Science Programme. It carries 3 high throughput X-ray telescopes with an unprecedented effective area, and an optical monitor, the first flown on a X-ray observatory. The large collecting area and ability to make long uninterrupted exposures provide highly sensitive observations. Since Earths atmosphere blocks out all X-rays, only a telescope in space can detect and study celestial X-ray sources. The XMM-Newton mission is helping scientists to solve a number of cosmic mysteries, ranging from the enigmatic black holes to the origins of the Universe itself. Observing time on XMM-Newton is being made available to the scientific community, applying for observational periods on a competitive basis.
European Space Agency, Dr Richard Ignace, 2003, 'X-ray Emission from Single Wolf-Rayet Stars', 17.56_20190403_1200, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-kbfqizf