scientific abstract this proposal is to study the (currently unknown) far-infrared emission properties of dust grains in the regions where they are formed. the study is designed to reveal the spectral dependence of the dust continuum emission and to find new dust emission features that will aid the full identification of the grains. the targets will be m-giants, miras, oh/ir stars, s-stars, carbon stars, post-agb transition objects (pre-planetary nebulae), and ionised planetary nebulae (pn) and their neutral shells (where present). these objects are believed to be the main sources of the refractory dust grains that are present in the general insterstellar medium. we will study the characteristics of the dust emission spectra as a function of stellar mass, evolutionary stage and chemical composition. none of the numerous mid-infared dust features now known were predicted prior to their observational discovery and one can expect a systematic study of the region longwards of 30um to reveal new dust features that will provide important insights into the nature of circumstellar and interstellar dust. a latex file containing fuller details of this proposal is available from observation summary this proposal is split into four parts - this is part 2. full (43-196.7um) lws grating spectra will be obtained for all targets (lws01 aot in fast mode). the sws consortium is obtaining 2.43-45um low-resolution sws grating spectra of the majority of these targets (sws01 aot, speed code 1), and we will obtain similar sws spectra of the remainder of the targets. if objects in the orion-hole should be observable (i.e. a spring launch), the total amount of lws guaranteed (spacecraft) time allocated will be 28.39 hours, of which 11.04 hours will be for priority 1 targets. for an autumn launch (sagittarius-hole observable), 27.86 hours of lws guaranteed (spacecraft) time will be allocated, of which 10.82 hours will be for priority 1 targets.
LWS01 , SWS01 , SWS06
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was the worlds first true orbiting infrared observatory. Equipped with four highly-sophisticated and versatile scientific instruments, it was launched by Ariane in November 1995 and provided astronomers world-wide with a facility of unprecedented sensitivity and capabilities for a detailed exploration of the Universe at infrared wavelengths.
European Space Agency, Barlow et al., 1999, 'The far-IR spectra of cool evolved stars, post-AGB objects and planetary nebulae ', 1.0, European Space Agency,