OMC FF sequence ISOC V10 onwards: sequence of ff measurements with LED on/off, followed by a DC cal.
Extreme relativistic electron fluxes in the Earths outer radiation belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM data - Meredith, Nigel P., Horne, Richard B.,Sandberg, Ingmar,Papadimitriou, Constantinos,Evans, Hugh D. R. (2017-07-01)
New hard X-ray sources discovered in the ongoing INTEGRAL Galactic plane survey after 14 yr of observations - Krivonos, Roman A., Tsygankov, Sergey S.,Mereminskiy, Ilya A.,Lutovinov, Alexander A.,Sazonov, Sergey Yu.,Sunyaev, Rashid A. (2017-09-01)
Temporal Coverage
2016-11-11T02:01:07Z / 2016-11-11T06:19:11Z
Mission Description
The INTEGRAL (International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) mission, launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) on October 17, 2002, was designed to study high-energy phenomena in the universe. INTEGRAL was operating until february 2025 and it was equipped with three high-energy instruments: the Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite (IBIS), the Spectrometer on INTEGRAL (SPI), and the JEM-X (Joint European Monitor for X-rays). Its Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) provided optical V-band magnitude measurements, complementing the high-energy observations.