A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Proposal ID 8860314
Obs ID 88603140002
Title Earth Observation 4.1
Download Data Associated to the proposal https://isla.esac.esa.int/tap/download/bundle?format=ascii_curl&product_id=prop_id:8860314
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-0aidgpp
Author Public
Abstract This is a public observation where the Earth will drift through the field of view of the INTEGRAL instruments. Results from this observation will help in separating the cosmic and instrumental backgrounds and so ultimately lead to improved background subtraction.Scientifically, the main goals are to measure the spectral shape of the cosmic X-ray background emission above 20 keV and to study any high-energy emission from the Earth during storms in auroral regions.
  • Extreme relativistic electron fluxes in the Earths outer radiation belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM data - Meredith, Nigel P., Horne, Richard B.,Sandberg, Ingmar,Papadimitriou, Constantinos,Evans, Hugh D. R. (2017-07-01) http://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2017SpWea..15..917M
  • INTEGRAL/SPI {$gamma$}-ray line spectroscopy. Response and background characteristics - Diehl, Roland, Siegert, Thomas,Greiner, Jochen,Krause, Martin,Kretschmer, Karsten,Lang, Michael,Pleintinger, Moritz,Strong, Andrew W.,Weinberger, Christoph,Zhang, Xiaoling (2018-03-01) http://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2018A&A...611A..12D
  • New hard X-ray sources discovered in the ongoing INTEGRAL Galactic plane survey after 14 yr of observations - Krivonos, Roman A., Tsygankov, Sergey S.,Mereminskiy, Ilya A.,Lutovinov, Alexander A.,Sazonov, Sergey Yu.,Sunyaev, Rashid A. (2017-09-01) http://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2017MNRAS.470..512K
  • The INTEGRAL/IBIS AGN catalogue: an update - Malizia, A., Landi, R.,Molina, M.,Bassani, L.,Bazzano, A.,Bird, A. J.,Ubertini, P. (2016-07-01) http://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/#abs/2016MNRAS.460...19M
Temporal Coverage 2015-11-10T03:55:36Z / 2015-11-10T07:26:09Z
Version 1.0
Mission Description The INTEGRAL (International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) mission, launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) on October 17, 2002, was designed to study high-energy phenomena in the universe. INTEGRAL was operating until february 2025 and it was equipped with three high-energy instruments: the Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite (IBIS), the Spectrometer on INTEGRAL (SPI), and the JEM-X (Joint European Monitor for X-rays). Its Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) provided optical V-band magnitude measurements, complementing the high-energy observations.
Creator Contact https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/integral/helpdesk
Date Published 2025-03-25T09:54:46Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, Public, 2025, 'Earth Observation 4.1', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-0aidgpp