A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Proposal ID 1040030
Obs ID 10400300001
Title INTEGRAL ToO follow up on Fermi Galactic gamma-ray Transients
Download Data Associated to the proposal https://isla.esac.esa.int/tap/download/bundle?format=ascii_curl&product_id=prop_id:1040030
DOI https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-9d6p8un
Author den Hartog
Abstract Galactic gamma-ray transients are rare events. The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Large Area Telescope so far detected ^en transient sources close to the Galactic plane during its first four years of operations. All of them were subjects of broad multi-wavelength follow-up campaigns in soft X-ray, radio and optical. Sometimes they turned out to be of extragalactic origin, but most of the time they are Galactic, or no proper identification could be achieved. The Galactic Fermi transients included the first detected gamma-ray Nova, Crab-nebula flares, a gamma-ray binary periastron passage and an outburst of Cyg X-3. This is a resubmission of AO-8/9 accepted ToO programs to include INTEGRAL in our multi-wavelength campaign to follow up Galactic Fermi transients. INTEGRAL can provide very valuable information which could lead to the source identification and to yield non-thermal hard-X-ray spectra which could be directly linked to the underlying high-energy emission processes seen at gamma-rays in the Fermi band. The trigger criteria are based on (1) a Fermi detection of a transient event, (2) first ToO observations/or archival information at different wavelengths excluding (or strongly suggesting) that the transient source is of extragalactic origin. Depending on the (possible) nature of the source we will estimate the optimal INTEGRAL exposure and discuss this with the Project Scientist. We have many years of hands-on INTEGRAL experience including several (accepted and new) ToO programs. The optimal exposure time for each ToO may range from 50 ks up to 400 ks. For time-allocation purposes we request four ToO triggers up to 200 ks per trigger (adding up to 800 ks) to be executed on either four different events, or more triggers on the same event if a study of time-evolution is justified.
Temporal Coverage 2013-12-26T09:22:00Z / 2013-12-28T13:26:44Z
Version 1.0
Mission Description The INTEGRAL (International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory) mission, launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) on October 17, 2002, was designed to study high-energy phenomena in the universe. INTEGRAL was operating until february 2025 and it was equipped with three high-energy instruments: the Imager on Board the INTEGRAL Satellite (IBIS), the Spectrometer on INTEGRAL (SPI), and the JEM-X (Joint European Monitor for X-rays). Its Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) provided optical V-band magnitude measurements, complementing the high-energy observations.
Creator Contact https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/integral/helpdesk
Date Published 2025-03-25T09:54:37Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, den Hartog, 2025, 'INTEGRAL ToO follow up on Fermi Galactic gamma-ray Transients', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.57780/esa-9d6p8un