Publications |
- 20-100 keV properties of cataclysmic variables detected in the INTEGRAL/IBIS survey - Barlow, E. J., Knigge, C.,Bird, A. J.,J Dean, A.,Clark, D. J.,Hill, A. B.,Molina, M.,Sguera, V. (2006-10-01)
- A comprehensive analysis of the hard X-ray spectra of bright Seyfert galaxies - Lubinski, P., Beckmann, V.,Gibaud, L.,Paltani, S.,Papadakis, I. E.,Ricci, C.,Soldi, S.,Turler, M.,Walter, R.,Zdziarski, A. A. (2016-05-01)
- A description of sources detected by INTEGRAL during the first 4 years of observations - Bodaghee, A., Courvoisier, T. J. -L.,Rodriguez, J.,Beckmann, V.,Produit, N.,Hannikainen, D.,Kuulkers, E.,Willis, D. R.,Wendt, G. (2007-05-01)
- An asymmetric distribution of positrons in the Galactic disk revealed by γ-rays - Weidenspointner, Georg, Skinner, Gerry,Jean, Pierre,Knodlseder, Jurgen,von Ballmoos, Peter,Bignami, Giovanni,Diehl, Roland,Strong, Andrew W.,Cordier, Bertrand,Schanne, Stephane,Winkler, Christoph (2008-01-01)
- Background modelling for I3-ray spectroscopy with INTEGRAL/SPI - Siegert, Thomas, Diehl, Roland,Weinberger, Christoph,Pleintinger, Moritz M. M.,Greiner, Jochen,Zhang, Xiaoling (2019-06-01)
- Comparing simulated 26Al maps to gamma-ray measurements - Pleintinger, Moritz M. M., Siegert, Thomas,Diehl, Roland,Fujimoto, Yusuke,Greiner, Jochen,Krause, Martin G. H.,Krumholz, Mark R. (2019-12-01)
- Constraints on dark matter and the shape of the Milky Way dark halo from the 511-keV line - Ascasibar, Y., Jean, P.,Boehm, C.,Knodlseder, J. (2006-06-01)
- Constraints on positron annihilation kinematics in the inner Galaxy - Siegert, Thomas, Crocker, Roland M.,Diehl, Roland,Krause, Martin G. H.,Panther, Fiona H.,Pleintinger, Moritz M. M.,Weinberger, Christoph (2019-07-01)
- Contribution of the Accretion Disk, Hot Corona, and Obscuring Torus to the Luminosity of Seyfert Galaxies: INTEGRAL and Spitzer Observations - Sazonov, S., Willner, S. P.,Goulding, A. D.,Hickox, R. C.,Gorjian, V.,Werner, M. W.,Churazov, E.,Krivonos, R.,Revnivtsev, M.,Sunyaev, R.,Jones, C.,Murray, S. S.,Vikhlinin, A.,Fabian, A. C.,Forman, W. R. (2012-10-01)
- Detection of γ-ray lines from interstellar 60Fe by the high resolution spectrometer SPI - Harris, M. J., Knodlseder, J.,Jean, P.,Cisana, E.,Diehl, R.,Lichti, G. G.,Roques, J. -P.,Schanne, S.,Weidenspointner, G. (2005-04-01)
- Detection of the high-energy cut-off from the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy NGC 5273 - Pahari, Mayukh, McHardy, I. M.,Mallick, Labani,Dewangan, G. C.,Misra, R. (2017-09-01)
- Diffuse Emission Measurement with the SPectrometer on INTEGRAL as an Indirect Probe of Cosmic-Ray Electrons and Positrons - Bouchet, Laurent, Strong, Andrew W.,Porter, Troy A.,Moskalenko, Igor V.,Jourdain, Elisabeth,Roques, Jean-Pierre (2011-09-01)
- Diffuse Galactic emission spectrum between 0.5 and 8.0 MeV - Siegert, Thomas, Berteaud, Joanna,Calore, Francesca,Serpico, Pasquale D.,Weinberger, Christoph (2022-04-01)
- Discovery of the Radio and X-Ray Counterpart of TeV γ-Ray Source HESS J1731-347 - Tian, W. W., Leahy, D. A.,Haverkorn, M.,Jiang, B. (2008-06-01)
- Dose Measured On-Board INTEGRAL After More Than 12 Years in Space - Claret, Arnaud, Laurent, Philippe,Sauvageon, Aymeric,Savchenko, Volodymyr (2015-12-01)
- Extended emission from short gamma-ray bursts detected with SPI-ACS/INTEGRAL - Minaev, P. Yu., Pozanenko, A. S.,Loznikov, V. M. (2010-10-01)
- Extreme flux states of NGC 4151 observed with INTEGRAL - Lubinski, P., Zdziarski, A. A.,Walter, R.,Paltani, S.,Beckmann, V.,Soldi, S.,Ferrigno, C.,Courvoisier, T. J. -L. (2010-11-01)
- Extreme relativistic electron fluxes in the Earths outer radiation belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM data - Meredith, Nigel P., Horne, Richard B.,Sandberg, Ingmar,Papadimitriou, Constantinos,Evans, Hugh D. R. (2017-07-01)
- Gamma-ray bursts observed by the INTEGRAL-SPI anticoincidence shield: A study of individual pulses and temporal variability - Ryde, F., Borgonovo, L.,Larsson, S.,Lund, N.,von Kienlin, A.,Lichti, G. (2003-11-01)
- Gamma-Ray Emission of 60Fe and 26Al Radioactivity in Our Galaxy - Wang, W., Siegert, T.,Dai, Z. G.,Diehl, R.,Greiner, J.,Heger, A.,Krause, M.,Lang, M.,Pleintinger, M. M. M.,Zhang, X. L. (2020-02-01)
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy of positron annihilation in the Milky Way - Siegert, Thomas, Diehl, Roland,Khachatryan, Gerasim,Krause, Martin G. H.,Guglielmetti, Fabrizia,Greiner, Jochen,Strong, Andrew W.,Zhang, Xiaoling (2016-02-01)
- Global characteristics of GRBs observed with INTEGRAL and the inferred large population of low-luminosity GRBs - Foley, S., McGlynn, S.,Hanlon, L.,McBreen, S.,McBreen, B. (2008-06-01)
- Hard X-ray bursts detected by the IBIS telescope onboard the INTEGRAL observatory in 2003 2004 - Chelovekov, I. V., Grebenev, S. A.,Sunyaev, R. A. (2006-07-01)
- Hard X-ray emission from the Galactic ridge - Krivonos, R., Revnivtsev, M.,Churazov, E.,Sazonov, S.,Grebenev, S.,Sunyaev, R. (2007-03-01)
- Hard X-ray properties of magnetic cataclysmic variables - Scaringi, S., Bird, A. J.,Norton, A. J.,Knigge, C.,Hill, A. B.,Clark, D. J.,Dean, A. J.,McBride, V. A.,Barlow, E. J.,Bassani, L.,Bazzano, A.,Fiocchi, M.,Landi, R. (2010-02-01)
- Hard-X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei in the INTEGRAL complete sample - Molina, M., Bassani, L.,Malizia, A.,Stephen, J. B.,Bird, A. J.,Bazzano, A.,Ubertini, P. (2013-08-01)
- INTEGRAL 11-year hard X-ray survey above 100 keV - Krivonos, R., Tsygankov, S.,Lutovinov, A.,Revnivtsev, M.,Churazov, E.,Sunyaev, R. (2015-04-01)
- INTEGRAL/IBIS 7-year All-Sky Hard X-Ray Survey. II. Catalog of sources - Krivonos, R., Tsygankov, S.,Revnivtsev, M.,Grebenev, S.,Churazov, E.,Sunyaev, R. (2010-11-01)
- INTEGRAL/IBIS 7-year All-Sky Hard X-ray Survey. I. Image reconstruction - Krivonos, R., Revnivtsev, M.,Tsygankov, S.,Sazonov, S.,Vikhlinin, A.,Pavlinsky, M.,Churazov, E.,Sunyaev, R. (2010-09-01)
- INTEGRAL/IBIS all-sky survey in hard X-rays - Krivonos, R., Revnivtsev, M.,Lutovinov, A.,Sazonov, S.,Churazov, E.,Sunyaev, R. (2007-11-01)
- INTEGRAL/IBIS and Swift/XRT observations of hard cataclysmic variables - Landi, R., Bassani, L.,Dean, A. J.,Bird, A. J.,Fiocchi, M.,Bazzano, A.,Nousek, J. A.,Osborne, J. P. (2009-01-01)
- INTEGRAL IBIS Census of the Sky Beyond 100 keV - Bazzano, A., Stephen, J. B.,Fiocchi, M.,Bird, A. J.,Bassani, L.,Dean, A. J.,Malizia, A.,Ubertini, P.,Lebrun, F.,Walter, R.,Winkler, C. (2006-09-01)
- INTEGRAL IBIS Extragalactic Survey: Active Galactic Nuclei Selected at 20-100 keV - Bassani, L., Molina, M.,Malizia, A.,Stephen, J. B.,Bird, A. J.,Bazzano, A.,Belanger, G.,Dean, A. J.,De Rosa, A.,Laurent, P.,Lebrun, F.,Ubertini, P.,Walter, R. (2006-01-01)
- INTEGRAL insight into the inner parts of the Galaxy. High mass X-ray binaries - Lutovinov, A., Revnivtsev, M.,Gilfanov, M.,Shtykovskiy, P.,Molkov, S.,Sunyaev, R. (2005-12-01)
- INTEGRAL SPI All-Sky View in Soft Gamma Rays: A Study of Point-Source and Galactic Diffuse Emission - Bouchet, L., Jourdain, E.,Roques, J. -P.,Strong, A.,Diehl, R.,Lebrun, F.,Terrier, R. (2008-06-01)
- INTEGRAL/SPI {$gamma$}-ray line spectroscopy. Response and background characteristics - Diehl, Roland, Siegert, Thomas,Greiner, Jochen,Krause, Martin,Kretschmer, Karsten,Lang, Michael,Pleintinger, Moritz,Strong, Andrew W.,Weinberger, Christoph,Zhang, Xiaoling (2018-03-01)
- Kinematics of massive star ejecta in the Milky Way as traced by 26Al - Kretschmer, Karsten, Diehl, Roland,Krause, Martin,Burkert, Andreas,Fierlinger, Katharina,Gerhard, Ortwin,Greiner, Jochen,Wang, Wei (2013-11-01)
- Leptonic origin of the 100 MeV γ-ray emission from the Galactic centre - Malyshev, D., Chernyakova, M.,Neronov, A.,Walter, R. (2015-10-01)
- Masses and accretion rates of supermassive black holes in active galactic nuclei from the INTEGRAL survey - Khorunzhev, G. A., Sazonov, S. Yu.,Burenin, R. A.,Tkachenko, A. Yu. (2012-08-01)
- New hard X-ray sources discovered in the ongoing INTEGRAL Galactic plane survey after 14 yr of observations - Krivonos, Roman A., Tsygankov, Sergey S.,Mereminskiy, Ilya A.,Lutovinov, Alexander A.,Sazonov, Sergey Yu.,Sunyaev, Rashid A. (2017-09-01)
- New INTEGRAL sources and TeV emission - Walter, Roland, (2007-06-01)
- OMC/INTEGRAL photometric observations of pulsating components in eclipsing binaries and characterization of DY Aqr - Alfonso-Garzon, J., Montesinos, B.,Moya, A.,Mas-Hesse, J. M.,Martin-Ruiz, S. (2014-10-01)
- On the Morphology of the Electron-Positron Annihilation Emission as Seen by Spi/integral - Bouchet, L., Roques, J. P.,Jourdain, E. (2010-09-01)
- Probing clumpy stellar winds with a neutron star - Walter, R., Zurita Heras, J. (2007-12-01)
- Progressive steepening of the SNR RX J1713.7-3946 X-ray spectrum from XMM-Newton to INTEGRAL - Kuznetsova, Ekaterina, Krivonos, Roman,Churazov, Eugene,Lyskova, Natalia,Lutovinov, Alexander (2019-10-01)
- Prospect of Studying Hard X- and Gamma-Rays from Type Ia Supernovae - Maeda, K., Terada, Y.,Kasen, D.,Ropke, F. K.,Bamba, A.,Diehl, R.,Nomoto, K.,Kromer, M.,Seitenzahl, I. R.,Yamaguchi, H.,Tamagawa, T.,Hillebrandt, W. (2012-11-01)
- Radioactive 26Al from massive stars in the Galaxy - Diehl, Roland, Halloin, Hubert,Kretschmer, Karsten,Lichti, Giselher G.,Schonfelder, Volker,Strong, Andrew W.,von Kienlin, Andreas,Wang, Wei,Jean, Pierre,Knodlseder, Jurgen,Roques, Jean-Pierre,Weidenspointner, Georg,Schanne, Stephane,Hartmann, Dieter H.,Winkler, Christoph,Wunderer, Cornelia (2006-01-01)
- Radioactive 26Al from the Scorpius-Centaurus association - Diehl, R., Lang, M. G.,Martin, P.,Ohlendorf, H.,Preibisch, Th.,Voss, R.,Jean, P.,Roques, J. -P.,von Ballmoos, P.,Wang, W. (2010-11-01)
- Reflection in Seyfert galaxies and the unified model of AGN - Ricci, C., Walter, R.,Courvoisier, T. J. -L.,Paltani, S. (2011-08-01)
- Relativistic Reflection in NGC 4151 - Szanecki, Michal, Niedzwiecki, Andrzej,Zdziarski, Andrzej A. (2021-03-01)
- Search for 511 keV emission in satellite galaxies of the Milky Way with INTEGRAL/SPI - Siegert, Thomas, Diehl, Roland,Vincent, Aaron C.,Guglielmetti, Fabrizia,Krause, Martin G. H.,Boehm, Celine (2016-10-01)
- Search for outbursts in the narrow 511-keV line from compact sources based on INTEGRAL data - Tsygankov, S. S., Churazov, E. M. (2010-04-01)
- Searching for the 511 keV annihilation line from galactic compact objects with the IBIS gamma ray telescope - De Cesare, G., (2011-07-01)
- Spatial clustering and halo occupation distribution modelling of local AGN via cross-correlation measurements with 2MASS galaxies - Krumpe, Mirko, Miyaji, Takamitsu,Coil, Alison L.,Aceves, Hector (2018-02-01)
- Spectral and intensity variations of Galactic 26Al emission - Wang, W., Lang, M. G.,Diehl, R.,Halloin, H.,Jean, P.,Knodlseder, J.,Kretschmer, K.,Martin, P.,Roques, J. P.,Strong, A. W.,Winkler, C.,Zhang, X. L. (2009-03-01)
- SPI observations of the diffuse 60Fe emission in the Galaxy - Wang, W., Harris, M. J.,Diehl, R.,Halloin, H.,Cordier, B.,Strong, A. W.,Kretschmer, K.,Knodlseder, J.,Jean, P.,Lichti, G. G.,Roques, J. P.,Schanne, S.,von Kienlin, A.,Weidenspointner, G.,Wunderer, C. (2007-07-01)
- Study of Long-lived Radioactive Sources in the Galaxy with INTEGRAL/SPI - Wang, Wei, (2008-01-01)
- 26Al in the inner Galaxy. Large-scale spectral characteristics derived with SPI/INTEGRAL - Diehl, R., Halloin, H.,Kretschmer, K.,Strong, A. W.,Wang, W.,Jean, P.,Lichti, G. G.,Knodlseder, J.,Roques, J. -P.,Schanne, S.,Schonfelder, V.,von Kienlin, A.,Weidenspointner, G.,Winkler, C.,Wunderer, C. (2006-04-01)
- The 1st INTEGRAL SPI-ACS gamma-ray burst catalogue - Rau, A., Kienlin, A. V.,Hurley, K.,Lichti, G. G. (2005-08-01)
- The all-sky distribution of 511 keV electron-positron annihilation emission - Knodlseder, J., Jean, P.,Lonjou, V.,Weidenspointner, G.,Guessoum, N.,Gillard, W.,Skinner, G.,von Ballmoos, P.,Vedrenne, G.,Roques, J. -P.,Schanne, S.,Teegarden, B.,Schonfelder, V.,Winkler, C. (2005-10-01)
- The catalog of variable sources detected by INTEGRAL. I. Catalog and techniques - Telezhinsky, I., Eckert, D.,Savchenko, V.,Neronov, A.,Produit, N.,Courvoisier, T. J. -L. (2010-11-01)
- The Deep Look at the Hard X-Ray Sky: The Swift-INTEGRAL X-Ray (SIX) Survey - Bottacini, Eugenio, Ajello, Marco,Greiner, Jochen (2012-08-01)
- The First INTEGRAL AGN Catalog - Beckmann, V., Gehrels, N.,Shrader, C. R.,Soldi, S. (2006-02-01)
- The Fourth IBIS/ISGRI Soft Gamma-ray Survey Catalog - Bird, A. J., Bazzano, A.,Bassani, L.,Capitanio, F.,Fiocchi, M.,Hill, A. B.,Malizia, A.,McBride, V. A.,Scaringi, S.,Sguera, V.,Stephen, J. B.,Ubertini, P.,Dean, A. J.,Lebrun, F.,Terrier, R.,Renaud, M.,Mattana, F.,Gotz, D.,Rodriguez, J.,Belanger, G.,Walter, R.,Winkler, C. (2010-01-01)
- The Galactic Bulge Diffuse Emission in Broadband X-Rays with NuSTAR - Perez, Kerstin, Krivonos, Roman,Wik, Daniel R. (2019-10-01)
- The Galactic 26Al Emission Map as Revealed by INTEGRAL SPI - Bouchet, Laurent, Jourdain, Elisabeth,Roques, Jean-Pierre (2015-03-01)
- The Hard X-Ray 20-40 keV AGN Luminosity Function - Beckmann, V., Soldi, S.,Shrader, C. R.,Gehrels, N.,Produit, N. (2006-11-01)
- The hard X-ray view of bright infrared galaxies - Walter, R., Cabral, N. (2009-04-01)
- The High-Energy Spectrum of NGC 4151 - Beckmann, V., Shrader, C. R.,Gehrels, N.,Soldi, S.,Lubinski, P.,Zdziarski, A. A.,Petrucci, P. -O.,Malzac, J. (2005-12-01)
- The IBIS Soft Gamma-Ray Sky after 1000 Integral Orbits - Bird, A. J., Bazzano, A.,Malizia, A.,Fiocchi, M.,Sguera, V.,Bassani, L.,Hill, A. B.,Ubertini, P.,Winkler, C. (2016-03-01)
- The INTEGRAL complete sample of type 1 AGN - Molina, M., Bassani, L.,Malizia, A.,Stephen, J. B.,Bird, A. J.,Dean, A. J.,Panessa, F.,de Rosa, A.,Landi, R. (2009-11-01)
- The INTEGRAL High-energy Cut-off Distribution of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei - Malizia, A., Molina, M.,Bassani, L.,Stephen, J. B.,Bazzano, A.,Ubertini, P.,Bird, A. J. (2014-02-01)
- The INTEGRAL/IBIS AGN catalogue: an update - Malizia, A., Landi, R.,Molina, M.,Bassani, L.,Bazzano, A.,Bird, A. J.,Ubertini, P. (2016-07-01)
- The INTEGRAL/IBIS AGN catalogue - I. X-ray absorption properties versus optical classification - Malizia, A., Bassani, L.,Bazzano, A.,Bird, A. J.,Masetti, N.,Panessa, F.,Stephen, J. B.,Ubertini, P. (2012-11-01)
- The INTEGRAL long monitoring of persistent ultra compact X-ray bursters - Fiocchi, M., Bazzano, A.,Ubertini, P.,Bird, A. J.,Natalucci, L.,Sguera, V. (2008-12-01)
- The Second IBIS/ISGRI Soft Gamma-Ray Survey Catalog - Bird, A. J., Barlow, E. J.,Bassani, L.,Bazzano, A.,Belanger, G.,Bodaghee, A.,Capitanio, F.,Dean, A. J.,Fiocchi, M.,Hill, A. B.,Lebrun, F.,Malizia, A.,Mas-Hesse, J. M.,Molina, M.,Moran, L.,Renaud, M.,Sguera, V.,Shaw, S. E.,Stephen, J. B.,Terrier, R.,Ubertini, P.,Walter, R.,Willis, D. R.,Winkler, C. (2006-01-01)
- The second INTEGRAL AGN catalogue - Beckmann, V., Soldi, S.,Ricci, C.,Alfonso-Garzon, J.,Courvoisier, T. J. -L.,Domingo, A.,Gehrels, N.,Lubinski, P.,Mas-Hesse, J. M.,Zdziarski, A. A. (2009-10-01)
- The sky distribution of positronium annihilation continuum emission measured with SPI/INTEGRAL - Weidenspointner, G., Shrader, C. R.,Knodlseder, J.,Jean, P.,Lonjou, V.,Guessoum, N.,Diehl, R.,Gillard, W.,Harris, M. J.,Skinner, G. K.,von Ballmoos, P.,Vedrenne, G.,Roques, J. -P.,Schanne, S.,Sizun, P.,Teegarden, B. J.,Schonfelder, V.,Winkler, C. (2006-05-01)
- The spectral catalogue of INTEGRAL gamma-ray bursts. results of the joint IBIS/SPI spectral analysis - Bosnjak, Z., Gotz, D.,Bouchet, L.,Schanne, S.,Cordier, B. (2014-01-01)
- The Third IBIS/ISGRI Soft Gamma-Ray Survey Catalog - Bird, A. J., Malizia, A.,Bazzano, A.,Barlow, E. J.,Bassani, L.,Hill, A. B.,Belanger, G.,Capitanio, F.,Clark, D. J.,Dean, A. J.,Fiocchi, M.,Gotz, D.,Lebrun, F.,Molina, M.,Produit, N.,Renaud, M.,Sguera, V.,Stephen, J. B.,Terrier, R.,Ubertini, P.,Walter, R.,Winkler, C.,Zurita, J. (2007-05-01)
- Time Evolution of Flares in GRB 130925A: Jet Precession in a Black Hole Accretion System - Hou, Shu-Jin, Liu, Tong,Gu, Wei-Min,Lin, Da-Bin,Sun, Mou-Yuan,Wu, Xue-Feng,Lu, Ju-Fu (2014-01-01)
- Timing properties of gamma-ray bursts detected by SPI-ACS detector onboard INTEGRAL - Savchenko, V., Neronov, A.,Courvoisier, T. J. -L. (2012-05-01)
- Type I X-ray Bursts Detected by the JEM-X Telescope Onboard the INTEGRAL Observatory in 2003-2015 - Chelovekov, I. V., Grebenev, S. A.,Mereminskiy, I. A.,Prosvetov, A. V. (2017-12-01)
- VerticaVertical position of the Sun with gamma-rays - Siegert, Thomas, (2019-12-01)
- Water megamaser emission in hard X-ray selected AGN - Panessa, F., Castangia, P.,Malizia, A.,Bassani, L.,Tarchi, A.,Bazzano, A.,Ubertini, P. (2020-09-01)
- X-ray absorption in INTEGRAL active galactic nuclei. Host galaxy inclination - Malizia, A., Bassani, L.,Stephen, J. B.,Bazzano, A.,Ubertini, P. (2020-07-01)