A Wide-Field Hubble Space Telescope Survey of the Cluster Cl 0024+16 at z = 0.4. III. Spectroscopic Signatures of Environmental Evolution in Early-Type Galaxies
A Wide-Field Survey of Two z ~ 0.5 Galaxy Clusters: Identifying the Physical Processes Responsible for the Observed Transformation of Spirals into S0s
Constraining the Neutral Fraction of Hydrogen in the IGM at Redshift 7.5
Dynamical Evidence for Environmental Evolution of Intermediate-Redshift Spiral Galaxies
Environmental Effects in the Evolution of Galactic Bulges
Galaxy cluster cores as seen with VLT/MUSE: New strong-lensing analyses of RX J2129.4 + 0009, MS 0451.6 - 0305, and MACS J2129.4 - 0741
Galaxy Populations in Massive z = 0.2-0.9 Clusters. I. Analysis of Spectroscopy
GALEX Observations of Passive Spirals in the Cluster Cl 0024+17: Clues to the Formation of S0 Galaxies
GLACE survey: Galaxy activity in ZwCl0024+1652 cluster from strong optical emission lines
Harnessing the Hubble Space Telescope Archives: A Catalog of 21,926 Interacting Galaxies
Imaging the Thermal and Kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Signals in a Sample of 10 Massive Galaxy Clusters: Constraints on Internal Velocity Structures and Bulk Velocities
J0454-0309: evidence of a strong lensing fossil group falling into a poor galaxy cluster
Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies in Intermediate-Redshift Galaxy Clusters: A Significant but Extreme Butcher-Oemler Population
Molecular Gas in a Gravitationally Lensed Galaxy Group at z = 2.9
Radio counterpart of the lensed submm emission in the cluster MS0451.6-0305: new evidence for the merger scenario
Ram pressure stripping in the z ~ 0.5 galaxy cluster MS 0451.6-0305
Spectroscopy of Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies in Distant Clusters. II. Physical Properties of dE Progenitor Candidates
Spitzer UltRa Faint SUrvey Program (SURFS UP). II. IRAC-detected Lyman-Break Galaxies at 6 z 10 behind Strong-lensing Clusters
Stellar Populations and Evolution of Early-type Cluster Galaxies: Constraints from Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy of z = 0.5-0.9 Galaxy Clusters
Studying C II emission in low-mass galaxies at z 7
The distribution of dark matter and gas spanning 6 Mpc around the post-merger galaxy cluster MS 0451-03
The Dynamical Distinction between Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies in Distant Clusters: Further Evidence for the Recent Origin of S0 Galaxies
The Evolution of Bulge-dominated Field Galaxies from z 1 to the Present
The Gemini/HST Galaxy Cluster Project: Redshift 0.2-1.0 Cluster Sample, X-Ray Data, and Optical Photometry Catalog
The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
The role of environment in the morphological transformation of galaxies in 9 rich intermediate redshift clusters
The Type Ia Supernova Rate in Redshift 0.5-0.9 Galaxy Clusters
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Ellis et al., 2006, 'The role of dark matter and intracluster gas in galaxy formation and cluster evolution', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-ye7i49l