A 7 deg2 survey for galaxy-scale gravitational lenses with the HST imaging archive
A New Window into the Nature of X-Ray Binaries in M101 from Their Optical Emission
Bulgeless Giant Galaxies Challenge Our Picture of Galaxy Formation by Hierarchical Clustering
Characterization of Active Galactic Nuclei and Their Hosts in the Extended Groth Strip: A Multiwavelength Analysis
Compact Optical Counterparts of Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources
Constraints for the Progenitor Masses of 17 Historic Core-collapse Supernovae
Discovery of an Eclipsing X-Ray Binary with a 32.69 hr Period in M101: An Analog of Her X-1 or LMC X-4?
Discovery of Five Candidate Analogs for e Carinae in Nearby Galaxies
Do Nuclear Star Clusters and Supermassive Black Holes Follow the Same Host-Galaxy Correlations?
EVLA Observations Constrain the Environment and Progenitor System of Type Ia Supernova 2011fe
Exclusion of a luminous red giant as a companion star to the progenitor of supernova SN 2011fe
Extremely late photometry of the nearby SN 2011fe
Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Star-forming Regions in Nearby Galaxies: Stellar Populations and Abundance Indicators
Gemini Spectra of Star Clusters in the Spiral Galaxy M101
Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Star Clusters in M101
Irradiation models for ULXs and fits to optical data
Luminosity Models and Density Profiles for Nuclear Star Clusters for a Nearby Volume-limited Sample of 29 Galaxies
Multi-Epoch Multi-Wavelength Study of an Ultraluminous X-ray Source in M101: The Nature of the Secondary
NIR counterparts to ULXs (III): completing the photometric survey and selected spectroscopic results
On the Nature of the Progenitor of the Type Ia SN2011fe in M101
Origin of the Diffuse, Far Ultraviolet Emission in the Interarm Regions of M101
Physical Structure and Nature of Supernova Remnants in M101
Possible Detection of the Progenitor of the Type II Supernova SN 2023ixf
Progenitor constraints on the Type-Ia supernova SN2011fe from pre-explosion Hubble Space Telescope HeII narrow-band observations.
Quasi-periodic whispers from a transient ULX in M 101: signatures of a fast-spinning neutron star?
Searching for Wolf-Rayet Stars Beyond the Local Group
Searching for Wolf-Rayet Stars in M101
SN 2023ixf in Messier 101: A Variable Red Supergiant as the Progenitor Candidate to a Type II Supernova
SN 2023ixf in Messier 101: The Twilight Years of the Progenitor as Seen by Pan-STARRS
The Chandra M101 Megasecond: Diffuse Emission
The Distance to M101 Hosting Type Ia Supernova 2011fe Based on the Tip of the Red Giant Branch
The Dusty Red Supergiant Progenitor and the Local Environment of the Type II SN 2023ixf in M101
The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
The Luminosity Function of Star Clusters in 20 Star-forming Galaxies Based on Hubble Legacy Archive Photometry
The Massive Star Population in M101. III. Spectra and Photometry of the Luminous and Variable Stars
The Massive Star Population in M101. II. Spatial Variations in the Recent Star Formation History
The Massive Star Population in M101. I. The Identification and Spatial Distribution of the Visually Luminous Stars
The Optical Counterpart of M101 ULX-1
The Vast Population of Wolf-Rayet and Red Supergiant Stars in M101. I. Motivation and First Results
Two Populations of Old Star Clusters in the Spiral Galaxy M101 Based on HST/ACS Observations
Very Late Photometry of SN 2011fe
Whimper of a Bang: Documenting the Final Days of the Nearby Type Ia Supernova 2011fe
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Kuntz et al., 2003, 'Stellar populations in M101: X-ray binaries, globular clusters, and more', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-3cwiqwl