Consistent dust and gas models for protoplanetary disks. IV. A panchromatic view of protoplanetary disks
Constraints to the magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars - II. The Mg II ultraviolet feature
Constraints to the magnetospheric properties of T Tauri stars - I. The C II, Fe II and Si II ultraviolet features
Estimating the Interstellar Extinction and the Contribution from an Accretion Shock to the Formation of Emission Continuum in DS Tau and DG Tau
Evidence of Hot High Velocity Photoionized Plasma Falling on Actively Accreting T Tauri Stars
Evidence of Stellar-driven Outflows from the Classical T Tauri Star RY Tau
In the Trenches of the Solar-Stellar Connection. VII. Wilson-Bappu 2022
Mg II h + k Flux--Rotational Period Correlation for G-type Stars
Mid-IR spectra of pre-main sequence Herbig stars: An explanation for the non-detections of water lines
Peculiarities of the UV Continuum Energy Distribution for T Tauri Stars
Ultraviolet spectrum of FU Ori and a Compromise model of the FUor
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Calvet et al., 2006, 'TESTING THEORIES OF WIND/JET PRODUCTION IN YSOs', 1.0, European Space Agency,