Dissecting the Gravitational lens B1608+656. II. Precision Measurements of the Hubble Constant, Spatial Curvature, and the Dark Energy Equation of State
Dissecting the Gravitational Lens B1608+656. I. Lens Potential Reconstruction
H0LiCOW - V. New COSMOGRAIL time delays of HE 0435-1223: H0 to 3.8 per cent precision from strong lensing in a flat LCDM model
The Gravitational Lens B1608+656. I. V-, I-, and H-Band Hubble Space Telescope Imaging
The Hubble Constant from the Gravitational Lens B1608+656
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Readhead et al., 1999, 'NICMOS observations of the gravitational lens 1608+656', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-rvcg5i2