A Relation between Supermassive Black Hole Mass and Quasar Metallicity?
A Uniform Analysis of the Lya Forest at z = 0-5. III. Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph Spectral Atlas
A Uniform Analysis of the Lya Forest at z = 0-5. IV. The Clustering and Evolution of Clouds at z <= 1.7
Balmer Lines as Diagnostics of Physical Conditions in Active Galactic Nuclei Broad Emission Line Regions
Bias in C IV-based quasar black hole mass scaling relationships from reverberation mapped samples
Broad-line region physical conditions along the quasar eigenvector 1 sequence
Classical and MgII-selected damped Lyman a absorbers: impact on OHI at z < 1.7
Clustering Properties of Low-Redshift QSO Absorption Systems Toward the Galactic Poles
Comparison of the active galactic nuclei Baldwin effect with the modified Baldwin effect of the ultraviolet-optical emission lines in a single sample
Cosmic Filaments in Superclusters
Emission Line Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei from a Post-COSTAR Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph Spectral Atlas
Emission Line Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei from a pre-COSTAR Faint Object Spectrograph Hubble Space Telescope Spectral Atlas
Evidence of a Strong N V/C IV Correlation between Emission and Absorption Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei
Extended emission-line regions: Remnants of quasar superwinds?
Fe II Emission in 14 Low-Redshift Quasars. I. Observations
Fe II/Mg II Emission-Line Ratios of QSOs within 0 < z < 5.3
In Situ Star Formation in Accretion Disks and Explanation of Correlation between the Black Hole Mass and Metallicity in Active Galactic Nuclei
Intrinsic Absorption Lines in Seyfert 1 Galaxies. I. Ultraviolet Spectra from the Hubble Space Telescope
Linking the power sources of emission-line galaxy nuclei from the highest to the lowest redshifts
Low Redshift BAL QSOs in the Eigenvector 1 Context
Mg II Absorber Number Density at z~=0.05: Implications for ODLA Evolution
Outflow and Metallicity in the Broad-Line Region of Low-Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei
Outflows from active galactic nuclei: the BLR-NLR metallicity correlation
Photoionization of Disk Winds
Probing re-ionization with quasar spectra: the impact of the intrinsic Lyman a emission line shape uncertainty
Quasars and H II regions during reionization
Rehabilitating C IV-based black hole mass estimates in quasars
SDSS J094533.99+100950.1 - the remarkable weak emission line quasar
Spectral Properties from Lya to Ha for an Essentially Complete Sample of Quasars. I. Data
Study of ultraviolet-optical properties of a complete sample of QSOs
The Baldwin Effect and Black Hole Accretion: A Spectral Principal Component Analysis of a Complete Quasar Sample
The behaviour of quasar C IV emission-line properties with orientation
The Blueshift of the C IV Broad Emission Line in QSOs
The Chemical Properties of Low-redshift QSOs
The Intermediate-ionization Lines as Virial Broadening Estimators for Population A Quasars
The Next Generation Atlas of Quasar Spectral Energy Distributions from Radio to X-Rays
The Optical and Ultraviolet Emission-line Properties of Bright Quasars with Detailed Spectral Energy Distributions
The orientation dependence of quasar single-epoch black hole mass scaling relationships
The orientation dependence of quasar spectral energy distributions
Ultraviolet and Optical Properties of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Variability of Narrow, Associated Absorption Lines in Moderate- and Low-Redshift Quasars
What controls the CIV line profile in active galactic nuclei?
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Wills et al., 1998, 'SOFT X-RAYS AND THE UV SPECTRA OF A COMPLETE QSO SAMPLE', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-javbjhh