Active Star Formation in the N11B Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud: A Sequential Star Formation Scenario Confirmed
A Deep Chandra Observation of the Giant H II Region N11. I. X-Ray Sources in the Field
ALMA CO Observations of Supernova Remnant N63A in the Large Magellanic Cloud: Discovery of Dense Molecular Clouds Embedded within Shock-ionized and Photoionized Nebulae
Australia Telescope Compact Array Survey of Candidate Ultracompact and Buried H II Regions in the Magellanic Clouds
Cold dust in three massive evolved stars in the LMC
Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 Imaging of Shocks in Superbubbles
Interstellar Bubbles in Two Young H II Regions
Physical conditions in the gas phases of the giant H II region LMC-N 11 unveiled by Herschel . I. Diffuse C II and O III emission in LMC-N 11B
Protostars, Dust Globules, and a Herbig-Haro Object in the LMC Superbubble N51D
Spitzer View of Young Massive Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud H II Complex N 44
Star formation in OB associations and clusters
Structure and Dynamics of Candidate O Star Bubbles in N44
The homogeneity of chemical abundances in H II regions of the Magellanic Clouds
The Wind of the Be Supergiant Henize S22 Viewed through a Reflection Nebula in DEM L106
Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud: N63 and N180 H II Regions
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Chu et al., 2001, 'High Resolution Imaging of Bubble and Superbubbles in HII Regions', 1.0, European Space Agency,