A Complete Census of Luminous Stellar Variability on Day to Decade Timescales
ACS imaging of star clusters in M 51. I. Identification and radius distribution
AINUR: Atlas of Images of NUclear Rings
A morphological comparison between the central region in AGN and normal galaxies using HST data
Clusters in the inner spiral arms of M 51: The cluster IMF and the formation history
Hierarchical star formation in M 51: star/cluster complexes
Hubble Space Telescope and Ground-based Observations of SN 1993J and SN 1998S: CNO Processing in the Progenitors
Late-Time HST Photometry of SN 1994I: Hints of Positron Annihilation Energy Deposition
Measurements of the Cosmological Parameters O and L from the First Seven Supernovae at z >= 0.35
Ongoing Massive Star Formation in the Bulge of M51
Properties of Resolved Star Clusters in M51
Reeling in the Whirlpool galaxy: Distance to M 51 clarified through Cepheids and the type IIP supernova 2005cs
Star cluster formation and disruption time-scales - I. An empirical determination of the disruption time of star clusters in four galaxies
The Globular Cluster Systems of Five Nearby Spiral Galaxies: New Insights from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging
The luminosity function of young star clusters: implications for the maximum mass and luminosity of clusters
The star cluster population of M 51. II. Age distribution and relations among the derived parameters
The star cluster population of M 51. III. Cluster disruption and formation history
The structure and environment of young stellar clusters in spiral galaxies
Young massive star clusters in M51
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.