3D spectroscopy of merger Seyfert galaxy Mrk 334: nuclear starburst, superwind and the circumnuclear cavern
A Bar Fuels a Supermassive Black Hole?: Host Galaxies of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Accretion and Outflow in the Active Galactic Nucleus and Starburst of NGC 5135
A closer look at NGC 7314 nuclear region: a multiwavelength analysis of the Seyfert nucleus and its surroundings
Active Galactic Nuclei with Ultrafast Outflows Monitoring Project: The Broad-line Region of Mrk 79 as a Disk Wind
Adaptive optics near-infrared imaging of NGC 2992 - unveiling core structures related to radio figure-of-8 loops
A dichotomy in the orientation of dust and radio jets in nearby low-power radio galaxies
A Gemini-NIFS view of the merger remnant NGC 34
AGN impact on the molecular gas in galactic centres as probed by CO lines
AGN Narrow-Line Kinematics: Determining Inclinations via Outflows
A Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Survey of Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei
A Hubble Space Telescope Survey of the Mid-Ultraviolet Morphology of Nearby Galaxies
AINUR: Atlas of Images of NUclear Rings
ALMA Observation of NGC 5135: The Circumnuclear CO (6-5) and Dust Continuum Emission at 45 pc Resolution
ALMA observations of AGN fuelling. The case of PKS B1718-649
ALMA Observations of Warm Molecular Gas and Cold Dust in NGC 34
A low-luminosity type-1 QSO sample . IV. Molecular gas contents and conditions of star formation in three nearby Seyfert galaxies
A morphological comparison between the central region in AGN and normal galaxies using HST data
A multiwavelength map of the nuclear region of NGC 7582
A Multi-Wavelength Spectral and Polarimetric Study of the Jet of 3C 264
A Multi-wavelength Study of the Nature of Type 1.8/1.9 Seyfert Galaxies
A New H I Survey of Active Galaxies
An Imaging Survey of Early-Type Barred Galaxies
An obscured narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy candidate, Mrk 1388 with nonthermal jets
An Off-nucleus Nonstellar Black Hole in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 5252
An X-ray look at the Seyfert 1 Galaxy Mrk 590: XMM-Newton and Chandra reveal complexity in circumnuclear gas
An X-Ray + Radio Search for Massive Black Holes in Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies
An X-ray view of 82 LINERs with Chandra and XMM-Newton data
A Radio Study of the Seyfert Galaxy IC 5063: Evidence for Fast Gas Outflow
A Radio Study of the Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 6: Implications for Seyfert Life Cycles
A Search for Core-Collapse Supernova Progenitors in Hubble Space Telescope Images
Asteroid Trails in Hubble Space TelescopeWFPC2 Images: First Results
A Strong Correlation between Circumnuclear Dust and Black Hole Accretion in Early-Type Galaxies
A Survey of Kiloparsec-Scale Radio Outflows in Radio-Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei
Atomic and Molecular Gas in Colliding Galaxy Systems. I. The Data
Azimuthal and Kinematic Segregation of Neutral and Molecular Gas in Arp 118: The Yin-Yang Galaxy NGC 1144
BVRI photometric analysis for the galaxy group NGC 4410
Chandra Observations of Candidate True Seyfert 2 Nuclei
Chandra X-Ray Imaging of the Interacting Starburst Galaxy System NGC 7714/7715: Tidal Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources, Emergent Wind, and Resolved H II Regions
Circumnuclear Dust in Nearby Active and Inactive Galaxies. I. Data
Circumnuclear Dust in Nearby Active and Inactive Galaxies. II. Bars, Nuclear Spirals, and the Fueling of Active Galactic Nuclei
Circumnuclear gas kinematics in Seyfert 1 galaxies and direct measurement of their black hole masses
Circumnuclear star formation in Mrk 42 mapped with Gemini Near-infrared Integral Field Spectrograph
Circumnuclear Structure and Black Hole Fueling: Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS Imaging of 250 Active and Normal Galaxies
Circumnuclear Structures in the Interacting Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1241: Kinematics and Optical/Infrared Morphology
Cold molecular gas outflow encasing the ionized one in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3281
Compact molecular disc and ionized gas outflows within 350 pc of the active nucleus of Mrk 1066
Connections between Star Cluster Populations and Their Host Galaxy Nuclear Rings
Deconstructing NGC 7130
Detection of a Corrugated Velocity Pattern in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 5427
Detection of X-Ray Elongated Emission from AN Ultraluminous X-Ray Source in the Interacting Pair of Galaxies NGC 5953/5954
Direct Measurement of the Jet Geometry in Seyfert Galaxies
Discovery and Rapid Follow-up Observations of the Unusual Type II SN 2018ivc in NGC 1068
Discovery of ultra-compact nuclear rings in three spiral galaxies
Disentangling the near-infrared continuum spectral components of the inner 500 pc of Mrk 573: two-dimensional maps
Double-barred galaxies. I. A catalog of barred galaxies with stellar secondary bars and inner disks
Dust enshrouded star-forming activity in Arp 299
Dust Morphology of Hidden Broad-Line Region and Non-Hidden Broad-Line Region Seyfert 2 Galaxies
Dust within the central regions of Seyfert galaxies
Early-type Galaxies with Tidal Debris and Their Scaling Relations in the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G)
Embedded AGN and star formation in the central 80 pc of IC 3639
Evidence for a Young Stellar Population in Nearby Type 1 Active Galaxies
Evolutionary paths in starbursting transition dwarf galaxies
Examining the kinematics of narrow-line region gas in active galaxies using HST
Examining the Seyfert-Starburst Connection with Arcsecond-Resolution Radio Continuum Observations
Extreme Star Formation in the Interacting Galaxy Arp 299 (IC 694+NGC 3690)
Feedback in nearby dwarf starburst galaxies and giant extragalactic H II regions
Feeding and feedback in NGC 3081
Feeding and feedback in the active nucleus of Mrk 1157 probed with the Gemini Near-Infrared Integral-Field Spectrograph
Feeding and feedback in the inner kiloparsec of the active galaxy NGC 2110
Feeding versus feedback in AGN from near-infrared IFU observations: the case of Mrk 766
Feeding versus feedback in NGC 1068 probed with Gemini NIFS - I. Excitation
Fractal Structure in Galactic Star Fields
Further Evidence for a Supermassive Black Hole Mass-Pitch Angle Relation
Gas inflows towards the nucleus of NGC 1358
Gas inflows towards the nucleus of the active galaxy NGC 7213
Gas inflows towards the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1667
Gemini Near-Infrared Field Spectrograph Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 3: Feeding and Feedback on Galactic and Nuclear Scales
Gemini Near Infrared Field Spectrograph Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 573: In Situ Acceleration of Ionized and Molecular Gas off Fueling Flows
Have we detected the most luminous ULX so far?
High-resolution spectroscopy of the extended narrow-line region of IC 5063 and NGC 7212
Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Circumnuclear Environments of the CfA Seyfert Galaxies: Nuclear Spirals and Fueling
Hubble Space Telescope Near-infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts. II. An Atlas and Inventory of the Host Galaxies, Mergers, and Companions
Hubble Space Telescope Near-infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts. III. Radio Galaxies and Quasars in Context
Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the CFA Seyfert 2 Galaxies: The Fueling of Active Galactic Nuclei
IC 3639--a New Bona Fide Compton-Thick AGN Unveiled by NuSTAR
Intermediate-age stars as the origin of low stellar velocity dispersion nuclear rings: the case of Mrk 1157
Interrogating Seyferts with NebulaBayes: Spatially Probing the Narrow-line Region Radiation Fields and Chemical Abundances
Interstellar Gas in the NGC 4410 Galaxy Group
Investigating the Core Morphology-Seyfert Class Relationship with Hubble Space Telescope Archival Images of Local Seyfert Galaxies
Is a Minor Merger Driving the Nuclear Activity in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 2110?
Is Extended Hard X-Ray Emission Ubiquitous in Compton-thick AGN?
Kinematics and morphology of the narrow-line region in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1386
Kinematics of Interstellar Gas in Nearby UV-selected Galaxies Measured with HST STIS Spectroscopy
Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 3
Linear radio structures in selected Seyfert galaxies
Long-Term Variability in the Optical Spectrum of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2992
Mid-infrared imaging of 25 local AGN with VLT-VISIR
Mid- to Far-Infrared Emission and Star Formation in Early-Type Galaxies
Modeling the Outflow in the Narrow-line Region of Markarian 573: Biconical Illumination of a Gaseous Disk
Models of the Morphology, Kinematics, and Star Formation History of the Prototypical Collisional Starburst System NGC 7714/7715 = ARP 284
Molecular Gas in Candidate Double-barred Galaxies. I. The Diverse Morphology and Dynamics of NGC 2273 and NGC 5728
Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XIII. The interacting Seyfert 2/LINER galaxy NGC 5953
Molecular gas in the central region of NGC 7213
Molecular tendrils feeding star formation in the Eye of the Medusa. The Medusa merger in high resolution 12CO 2-1 maps
Morphological and kinematical analysis of the double-barred galaxy NGC 3504 using ALMA CO (2-1) data
Mrk 1239: a Type-2 Counterpart of Narrow-line Seyfert-1?
Multiwavelength analyses of a small sample of nearby spiral galaxies: The radio and X-ray connection
Near-infrared adaptive optics imaging of nuclear spiral structure in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3227
Near-infrared dust and line emission from the central region of Mrk1066: constraints from Gemini NIFS
Neutral hydrogen absorption observations of the central region of NGC 5929
Neutral hydrogen gas in interacting galaxies: the NGC 6221/6215 galaxy group
NGC 2992: Interplay between the multiphase disc, wind, and radio bubbles
NGC 5953/54: BVRIHaJK photometry and N II Fabry-Perot interferometry. I. The data
NGC 7469 as seen by MEGARA: new results from high-resolution IFU spectroscopy
NICMOS Imaging of Molecular Hydrogen Emission in Seyfert Galaxies
Nuclear star clusters in 228 spiral galaxies in the HST/WFPC2 archive: catalogue and comparison to other stellar systems
Observational evidence for AGN fueling: I. The case of NGC 6104aEURMerging with a companion
Ongoing Mass Transfer in the Interacting Galaxy Pair NGC 1409/1410
On the location and composition of the dust in the MCG-6-30-15 warm absorber
On the morphology of sigma-drop galaxies
Optical detection of the radio supernova SN 2000ft in the circumnuclear region of the luminous infrared galaxy NGC 7469
Optical multiband surface photometry of a sample of Seyfert galaxies. I. Large-scale morphology and local environment analysis of matched Seyfert and inactive galaxy samples
Outflows in the narrow-line region of bright Seyfert galaxies - I. GMOS-IFU data
Physical conditions in the narrow-line region of Markarian 3
Physical Conditions in the Narrow-Line Region of Markarian 3. I. Observational Results
Precise Black Hole Masses from Megamaser Disks: Black Hole-Bulge Relations at Low Mass
Precise physical conditions for the warm gas outflows in the nearby active galaxy IC 5063
Prevalence of Tidal Interactions among Local Seyfert Galaxies
Probing the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in Seyfert Galaxies with Slitless Spectroscopy: Observational Results
Probing the origin of low-frequency radio emission in PG quasars with the uGMRT - I
Progressive Star Bursts and High Velocities in the Infrared-luminous, Colliding Galaxy ARP 118
Properties of the molecular gas in the fast outflow in the Seyfert galaxy IC 5063
Pseudobulges in the Disk Galaxies NGC 7690 and NGC 4593
Radio jet interactions in the radio galaxy PKS 2152-699
Remnant of a Wet Merger: NGC 34 and Its Young Massive Clusters, Young Stellar Disk, and Strong Gaseous Outflow
Resolving the Stellar Populations in the Circumnuclear Ring of NGC 7469
Revealing the Young Starburst in Haro 3 with Radio and Infrared Imaging
Revisiting the Circumnuclear X-Ray Emission of NGC 2992 in a Historically Low State
ROSAT X-ray observations of the interacting pair of galaxies NGC 4410: evidence for a central starburst
SDSS J160531.84+174826.1: A Dwarf Disk Galaxy with an Intermediate-Mass Black Hole
Searching for molecular gas inflows and outflows in the nuclear regions of five Seyfert galaxies
Separating C Stars from Dust in the Central Region of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 1241
Seyfert 1 Mutation of the Classical Seyfert 2 Nucleus NGC 7582
Significant Suppression of Star Formation in Radio-quiet AGN Host Galaxies with Kiloparsec-scale Radio Structures
Spatially Resolved Analysis of Stellar Populations in NGC 2992: Impact of Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback
Spatially Resolved Imaging and Spectroscopy of Candidate Dual Active Galactic Nuclei
Spectral Energy Distributions of Seyfert Nuclei
Spirality: A Novel Way to Measure Spiral Arm Pitch Angle
Starburst-AGN mixing - I. NGC 7130
Star Cluster Dissolution in Arp 284
Star cluster formation and evolution in nearby starburst galaxies - II. Initial conditions
Star cluster formation and evolution in nearby starburst galaxies - I. Systematic uncertainties
Star clusters in the interacting galaxy system Arp 284
Star Formation in the radio galaxy NGC 4410A
Stellar Photometric Structures of the Host Galaxies of Nearby Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei
Structure and kinematics of candidatedouble-barred galaxies
Structure and Kinematics of Molecular Disks in Fast-Rotator Early-Type Galaxies
Sub-arcsecond imaging of the radio continuum and neutral hydrogen in the Medusa merger
Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. II. The Most Luminous Standard Candles in the Universe
Super Star Clusters in the Central Starburst of NGC 4945
Systematic uncertainties in the analysis of star cluster parameters based on broad-band imaging observations
The ATLAS3D project - V. The CO Tully-Fisher relation of early-type galaxies
The ATLAS3D Project - XXIII. Angular momentum and nuclear surface brightness profiles
The circumnuclear environment of the peculiar galaxy NGC3310
The complex multi-component outflow of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7130
The Connection between Bar Strength and Circumnuclear Dust Structure
The dependence of the AV prior for SN Ia on host mass and disc inclination
The detection of stellar velocity dispersion drops in the central regions of five isolated Seyfert spirals
The Discovery of Extended Thermal X-Ray Emission from PKS 2152-699: Evidence for a Jet-Cloud Interaction
The elusive active nucleus of NGC 4945
The Environments of Supernovae in Archival Hubble Space Telescope Images
The Environments of Supernovae in Post-Refurbishment Hubble Space Telescope Images
The field surrounding NGC 7603: Cosmological or non-cosmological redshifts?
The Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS). I. ALMA images of dusty molecular tori in Seyfert galaxies
The Halo, Hot Spots, and Jet/Cloud Interaction of PKS 2153-69
The Host Galaxies of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: Evidence for Bar-Driven Fueling
The Host Galaxies of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies: Nuclear Dust Morphology and Starburst Rings
The host galaxy/AGN connection in nearby early-type galaxies. Sample selection and hosts brightness profiles
The Interpretation of the Emission Spectra of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 7130: Determination of the Active Galactic Nucleus and Starburst Contributions
The jet-cloud interacting radio galaxy PKS B2152-699 - I. Structures revealed in new deep radio and X-ray observations
The Narrow-Line Region in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 3393
The narrow-line regions of jet-dominated Seyfert galaxies
The NGC 5253 star cluster system - I. Standard modelling and infrared-excess sources
The nuclear and extended infrared emission of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and the interacting system Arp 245
The Nuclear Stellar Cluster in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3227: High Angular Resolution Near-Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy
The Obscuring Starburst of NGC 6221 and Implications for the Hard X-Ray Background
The occulting galaxy pair UGC 3995. Dust properties from HST and CALIFA data
The origin of gas in extended narrow-line regions of nearby Seyfert galaxies - I. NGC 7212
The Radio Emission of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 7319
The Relationship Between Black Hole Mass and Velocity Dispersion in Seyfert 1 Galaxies
The role of secular evolution in the black hole growth of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies
The SAURON project - VII. Integral-field absorption and emission-line kinematics of 24 spiral galaxy bulges
The size-density relation of extragalactic H II regions
The spectral energy distribution of the central parsecs of the nearest AGN
The Spitzer View of Low-Metallicity Star Formation. I. Haro 3
The TELPERION survey for distant O III clouds around luminous and hibernating AGN
The tidally disturbed luminous compact blue galaxy Mkn 1087 and its surroundings
The Type IIn Supernova SN 2010bt: The Explosion of a Star in Outburst
The X-ray jet in the merging galaxy system Markarian 266
The X-ray variability and the near-IR to X-ray spectral energy distribution of four low luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies
Three-Dimensional Spectroscopic Study of the Line-Emitting Regions of Mrk 493
Tridimensional Spectrophotometric Study of the Extended Emission-Line Regions of the Infrared-Luminous Merger Markarian 266
UGC 3995: A Close Pair of Spiral Galaxies
Ultraluminous X-ray source XMMUJ132218.3-164247 is in fact a type I Quasar
Ultraviolet-Optical Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxies NGC 7130, NGC 5135, and IC 3639: Implications for the Starburst-Active Galactic Nucleus Connection
UM 625 Revisited: Multiwavelength Study of a Seyfert 1 Galaxy with a Low-mass Black Hole
Unmasking the Supernova Impostors
Unveiling the inner morphology and gas kinematics of NGC 5135 with ALMA
Unveiling the nucleus of NGC 7172
Using Hubble Space Telescope images to identify straight segments in galaxy nuclear spirals
VLT diffraction-limited imaging at 11 and 18mm of the nearest active galactic nuclei
WFPC2 Images of Multiple Nuclei in Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei
WFPC2 Imaging of the Starburst Galaxy NGC 5253
WISDOM Project - XIII. Feeding molecular gas to the supermassive black hole in the starburst AGN-host galaxy Fairall 49
X-ray absorption in Seyfert 2 galaxies
X-ray nature of the LINER nuclear sources
X-ray obscuration and obscured AGN in the local universe
X-ray spectral variability of Seyfert 2 galaxies
X-ray variability of Seyfert 1.8/1.9 galaxies
Young Star Clusters in the Circumnuclear Region of NGC 2110
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.