A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name 5234
URL https://hst.esac.esa.int/ehst/#/pages/search;proposal=5234;TAPCLIENT=DOI
DOI https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-1f895fx
Author European Space Agency
Description This is a scientific proposal for HST mission. For specific information please visit https:\\archive.stsci.edu\proposal_search.php?id=5234&mission=hst
Publication A New Survey for Giant Arcs, Hennawi, Joseph F.,Gladders, Michael D.,Oguri, Masamune, The Astronomical Journal, 135, 2008-02-01 00:00:00, 2008AJ....135..664H||A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies. III. Hubble Space Telescope Morphology of Clusters 0023+0423 and 1604+4304, Lubin, Lori M.,Postman, Marc,Oke, J. B., The Astronomical Journal, 116, 1998-08-01 00:00:00, 1998AJ....116..584L||A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies. II. Photometry, Spectra, and Ages of Clusters 0023+0423 and 1604+4304, Postman, Marc,Lubin, Lori M.,Oke, J. B., The Astronomical Journal, 116, 1998-08-01 00:00:00, 1998AJ....116..560P||A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies. I. The Survey, Oke, J. B.,Postman, Marc,Lubin, Lori M., The Astronomical Journal, 116, 1998-08-01 00:00:00, 1998AJ....116..549O||A Systematic Search for Gravitationally Lensed Arcs in the Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Archive, Sand, David J.,Treu, Tommaso,Ellis, Richard S., The Astrophysical Journal, 627, 2005-07-01 00:00:00, 2005ApJ...627...32S||Constraints on the Size Evolution of Brightest Cluster Galaxies, Nelson, Amy E.,Simard, Luc,Zaritsky, Dennis, The Astrophysical Journal, 567, 2002-03-01 00:00:00, 2002ApJ...567..144N||Detection of Dark Matter Concentrations in the Field of Cl 1604+4304 from Weak Lensing Analysis, Umetsu, Keiichi,Futamase, Toshifumi, The Astrophysical Journal, 539, 2000-08-01 00:00:00, 2000ApJ...539L...5U||Evidence for Cluster Evolution from an Improved Measurement of the Velocity Dispersion and Morphological Fraction of Cluster 1324+3011 at z=0.76, Lubin, Lori M.,Oke, J. B.,Postman, Marc, The Astronomical Journal, 124, 2002-10-01 00:00:00, 2002AJ....124.1905L||Evolution of Cluster Ellipticals at 0.2 < z < 1.2 from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging,, Schade, David,Barrientos, L. Felipe,Lopez-Cruz, Omar, The Astrophysical Journal, 477, 1997-03-01 00:00:00, 1997ApJ...477L..17S||Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies in Inte...rmediate-Redshift Galaxy Clusters: A Significant but Extreme Butcher-Oemler Population, Crawford, S. M.,Bershady, M. A.,Glenn, A. D., The Astrophysical Journal, 636, 2006-01-01 00:00:00, 2006ApJ...636L..13C||Supernovae in deep Hubble Space Telescope galaxy cluster fields: cluster rates and field counts, Gal-Yam, Avishay,Maoz, Dan,Sharon, Keren, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 332, 2002-05-01 00:00:00, 2002MNRAS.332...37G||The Tolman Surface Brightness Test for the Reality of the Expansion. III. Hubble Space Telescope Profile and Surface Brightness Data for Early-Type Galaxies in Three High-Redshift Clusters, Lubin, Lori M.,Sandage, Allan, The Astronomical Journal, 122, 2001-09-01 00:00:00, 2001AJ....122.1071L||The Tolman Surface Brightness Test for the Reality of the Expansion. II. The Effect of the Point-Spread Function and Galaxy Ellipticity on the Derived Photometric Parameters, Lubin, Lori M.,Sandage, Allan, The Astronomical Journal, 121, 2001-05-01 00:00:00, 2001AJ....121.2289L||The Tolman Surface Brightness Test for the Reality of the Expansion. IV. A Measurement of the Tolman Signal and the Luminosity Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies, Lubin, Lori M.,Sandage, Allan, The Astronomical Journal, 122, 2001-09-01 00:00:00, 2001AJ....122.1084L||Where the Blue Stragglers Roam: Searching for a Link between Formation and Environment, Leigh, Nathan,Sills, Alison,Knigge, Christian, The Astrophysical Journal, 661, 2007-05-01 00:00:00, 2007ApJ...661..210L
Instrument WFPC2, WFPC2/WFC
Temporal Coverage 1994-02-25T14:20:17Z/1995-03-02T02:10:37Z
Version 1.0
Mission Description Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
Creator Contact https://support.cosmos.esa.int/esdc/index.php?/Tickets/Submit
Date Published 1996-03-02T15:18:09Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 1996, Faint Clusters Of Galaxies (Wc09) Cycle 4, 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-1f895fx