Publication |
Bipolar Ionization Cones in the Extended Narrow-line Region of Nearby QSO2s, Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa,Dall'Agnol de Oliveira, B.,Longo Micchi, L. F., The Astrophysical Journal, 868, 2018-11-01 00:00:00, 2018ApJ...868...14S||Gauging the effect of supermassive black holes feedback on quasar host galaxies, de Oliveira, B. Dall'Agnol,Storchi-Bergmann, Thaisa,Kraemer, S. B., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504, 2021-06-01 00:00:00, 2021MNRAS.504.3890D||Interactions between large-scale radio structures and gas in a sample of optically selected type 2 quasars, Villar MartÃn, M.,Emonts, B. H. C.,Cabrera Lavers, A., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 650, 2021-06-01 00:00:00, 2021A&A...650A..84V||The Quasar Feedback Survey: revealing the interplay of jets, winds, and emission-line gas in type 2 quasars with radio polarization, Silpa, S.,Kharb, Preeti,Harrison, C. M., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513, 2022-07-01 00:00:00, 2022MNRAS.513.4208S||Warm molecular and ionized gas kinematics in the type-2 quasar J0945+1737, Speranza, G.,Ramos Almeida, C.,Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Astronomy and Astrophysics, 665, 2022-09-01 00:00:00, 2022A&A...665A..55S |