Publication |
- 3D-HST+CANDELS: The Evolution of the Galaxy Size-Mass Distribution since z = 3
- A 7 deg2 survey for galaxy-scale gravitational lenses with the HST imaging archive
- A CANDELS-3D-HST synergy: Resolved Star Formation Patterns at 0.7 < z < 1.5
- A CANDELS WFC3 Grism Study of Emission-line Galaxies at z ~ 2: A Mix of Nuclear Activity and Low-metallicity Star Formation
- A Candidate for the Least-massive Black Hole in the First 1.1 Billion Years of the Universe
- A catalog of polychromatic bulge-disc decompositions of ~17.600 galaxies in CANDELS
- A Catalog of Visual-like Morphologies in the 5 CANDELS Fields Using Deep Learning
- Accelerated Structural Evolution of Galaxies in a Starbursting Cluster at z = 2.51
- Accurate PSF-matched photometry and photometric redshifts for the extreme deep field with the Chebyshev-Fourier functions
- A Census of the Bright z = 8.5-11 Universe with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes in the CANDELS Fields
- A Complete 16 mm Selected Galaxy Sample at z ~ 1: Mid-infrared Spectral Energy Distributions
- A Comprehensive Study of Lya Emission in the High-redshift Galaxy Population
- A Controlled Study of Cold Dust Content in Galaxies from z = 0-2
- A Correlation between Lya Spectral Line Profile and Rest-frame UV Morphology
- A Critical Assessment of Photometric Redshift Methods: A CANDELS Investigation
- A Critical Assessment of Stellar Mass Measurement Methods
- Across the green valley with HST grisms: colour evolution, crossing time-scales, and the growth of the red sequence at z = 1.0-1.8
- Active Galactic Nuclei Emission Line Diagnostics and the Mass-Metallicity Relation up to Redshift z ~ 2: The Impact of Selection Effects and Evolution
- Active Galactic Nuclei Selection and Demographics: A New Age with JWST/MIRI
- Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback at z ~ 2 and the Mutual Evolution of Active and Inactive Galaxies
- AEGIS-X: Deep Chandra Imaging of the Central Groth Strip
- AGN-host connection at 0.5 < z < 2.5: A rapid evolution of AGN fraction in red galaxies during the last 10 Gyr
- AGN Selection Methods Have Profound Impacts on the Distributions of Host-galaxy Properties
- A JWST/NIRSpec First Census of Broad-line AGNs at z = 4-7: Detection of 10 Faint AGNs with M BH 106-108 M and Their Host Galaxy Properties
- A Large Population of Obscured AGN in Disguise as Low-luminosity AGN in Chandra Deep Field South
- ALMA 26 Arcmin2 Survey of GOODS-S at One Millimeter (ASAGAO): Average Morphology of High-z Dusty Star-forming Galaxies in an Exponential Disk (n 1)
- ALMA resolves turbulent, rotating CII emission in a young starburst galaxy at z = 4.8
- ALMA reveals a warm and compact starburst around a heavily obscured supermassive black hole at z = 4.75
- ALMA Reveals Potential Evidence for Spiral Arms, Bars, and Rings in High-redshift Submillimeter Galaxies
- ALMA reveals starburst-like interstellar medium conditions in a compact star-forming galaxy at z 2 using CI and CO
- ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: The Infrared Excess of UV-Selected z = 2-10 Galaxies as a Function of UV-Continuum Slope and Stellar Mass
- ALMA view of a massive spheroid progenitor: a compact rotating core of molecular gas in an AGN host at z = 2.226
- A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Candidate z 12 Galaxy in Early JWST CEERS Imaging
- A low Lyman Continuum escape fraction of <10 per cent for extreme O III emitters in an overdensity at z ~ 3.5
- A magnetar-powered X-ray transient as the aftermath of a binary neutron-star merger
- A Massive, Distant Proto-cluster at z = 2.47 Caught in a Phase of Rapid Formation?
- A mass threshold in the number density of passive galaxies at z ~ 2
- A Multiwavelength Study of Tadpole Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
- An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: Near-infrared Morphologies and Stellar Sizes
- An ALMA view of 11 dusty star-forming galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation history
- Analogues of primeval galaxies two billion years after the Big Bang
- An Alternate Approach to Measure Specific Star Formation Rates at 2lt zlt 7
- Analysis of ~106 Spiral Galaxies from Four Telescopes Shows Large-Scale Patterns of Asymmetry in Galaxy Spin Directions
- Analysis of the SFR-M* plane at z < 3: single fitting versus multi-Gaussian decomposition
- An automatic taxonomy of galaxy morphology using unsupervised machine learning
- An enhanced fraction of starbursting galaxies among high Eddington ratio AGNs
- An Enigmatic Population of Luminous Globular Clusters in a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter
- A new derivation of the Hubble constant from g-ray attenuation using improved optical depths for the Fermi and CTA era
- A new, faint population of X-ray transients
- A New Method for Wide-field Near-IR Imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope
- A new multifield determination of the galaxy luminosity function at z = 7-9 incorporating the 2012 Hubble Ultra-Deep Field imaging
- An extreme O III emitter at z = 3.2: a low metallicity Lyman continuum source
- Angular Momentum Evolution of Stellar Disks at High Redshifts
- An Imperfectly Passive Nature: Bright Submillimeter Emission from Dust-obscured Star Formation in the z = 3.717 Passive System, ZF 20115
- An Increasing Stellar Baryon Fraction in Bright Galaxies at High Redshift
- An observational determination of the evolving extragalactic background light from the multiwavelength HST/CANDELS survey in the Fermi and CTA era
- A Novel Technique to Improve Photometry in Confused Images Using Graphs and Bayesian Priors
- An X-Ray Detected Group of Quiescent Early-Type Galaxies at z = 1.6 in the Chandra Deep Field South
- A Physical Approach to the Identification of High-z Mergers: Morphological Classification in the Stellar Mass Domain.
- A possible large-scale alignment of galaxy spin directions - Analysis of 10 datasets from SDSS, Pan-STARRS, and HST
- A puzzling non-detection of O III and C II from a z 7.7 galaxy observed with ALMA
- A quantitative assessment of completeness correction methods and public release of a versatile simulation code
- A Redshift-independent Efficiency Model: Star Formation and Stellar Masses in Dark Matter Halos at z 4
- A remarkably high fraction of strong Lya emitters amongst luminous redshift 6.0 < z < 6.5 Lyman-break galaxies in the UKIDSS Ultra-Deep Survey
- A Rest-frame Optical View on z ~ 4 Galaxies. I. Color and Age Distributions from Deep IRAC Photometry of the IUDF10 and GOODS Surveys
- A Robust Study of High-redshift Galaxies: Unsupervised Machine Learning for Characterizing Morphology with JWST up to z ~ 8
- A Search for Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Universe with ALFALFA and the WIYN One Degree Imager
- A search for variable and transient radio sources in the extended Chandra Deep Field South at 5.5 GHz
- A Second Galaxy Missing Dark Matter in the NGC 1052 Group
- A Simulation-driven Deep Learning Approach for Separating Mergers and Star-forming Galaxies: The Formation Histories of Clumpy Galaxies in All of the CANDELS Fields
- A Spatially Resolved Study of Cold Dust, Molecular Gas, H II Regions, and Stars in the z = 2.12 Submillimeter Galaxy ALESS67.1
- A Spectroscopic Redshift Measurement for a Luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at z = 7.730 Using Keck/MOSFIRE
- A Spectroscopic Search for AGN Activity in the Reionization Era
- A Spitzer survey of Deep Drilling Fields to be targeted by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time
- A Study of Massive and Evolved Galaxies at High Redshift
- A Submillimeter Perspective on the GOODS Fields (SUPER GOODS). I. An Ultradeep SCUBA-2 Survey of the GOODS-N
- A Submillimeter Perspective on the GOODS Fields (SUPER GOODS). V. Deep 450 mm Imaging
- A Substantial Population of Massive Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 4 from ZFOURGE
- A3COSMOS and A3GOODSS: Continuum source catalogues and multi-band number counts
- A surprising abundance of massive quiescent galaxies at 3 < z < 5 in the first data from JWST CEERS
- A Type Ia Supernova at Redshift 1.55 in Hubble Space Telescope Infrared Observations from CANDELS
- A unique distant submillimeter galaxy with an X-ray-obscured radio-luminous active galactic nucleus
- A universal relationship between stellar masses and binding energies of galaxies
- Automated distant galaxy merger classifications from Space Telescope images using the Illustris simulation
- Automatic identification of outliers in Hubble Space Telescope galaxy images
- A WFC3 Grism Emission Line Redshift Catalog in the GOODS-South Field
- Axion Decay and Anisotropy of Near-IR Extragalactic Background Light
- Being KLEVER at cosmic noon: Ionized gas outflows are inconspicuous in low-mass star-forming galaxies but prominent in massive AGN hosts
- Beyond spheroids and discs: classifications of CANDELS galaxy structure at 1.4 < z < 2 via principal component analysis
- Black Hole Growth Is Mainly Linked to Host-galaxy Stellar Mass Rather Than Star Formation Rate
- Blue Rest-frame UV-optical Colors in z 8 Galaxies from GREATS: Very Young Stellar Populations at 650 Myr of Cosmic Time
- Breaking the Curve with CANDELS: A Bayesian Approach to Reveal the Non-Universality of the Dust-Attenuation Law at High Redshift
- Bright compact bulges at intermediate redshifts
- Brown Dwarf Candidates in the JADES and CEERS Extragalactic Surveys
- Bulge-forming Galaxies with an Extended Rotating Disk at z ~ 2
- Bulge Growth and Quenching since z = 2.5 in CANDELS/3D-HST
- Calibration of colour gradient bias in shear measurement using HST/CANDELS data
- CANDELS+3D-HST: Compact SFGs at z ~ 2-3, the Progenitors of the First Quiescent Galaxies
- CANDELS: Constraining the AGN-Merger Connection with Host Morphologies at z ~ 2
- CANDELS: Correlations of Spectral Energy Distributions and Morphologies with Star formation Status for Massive Galaxies at z ~ 2
- CANDELS: Elevated Black Hole Growth in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 2
- CANDELS/GOODS-S, CDFS, and ECDFS: Photometric Redshifts for Normal and X-Ray-Detected Galaxies
- CANDELS Meets GSWLC: Evolution of the Relationship between Morphology and Star Formation Since z = 2
- CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Detection and Photometry in the GOODS-South Field
- CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS COSMOS Survey Field
- CANDELS Multiwavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS UKIDSS Ultra-deep Survey Field
- CANDELS Observations of the Structural Properties of Cluster Galaxies at z = 1.62
- CANDELS Sheds Light on the Environmental Quenching of Low-mass Galaxies
- CANDELS: The Contribution of the Observed Galaxy Population to Cosmic Reionization
- CANDELS: The Correlation between Galaxy Morphology and Star Formation Activity at z ~ 2
- CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey
- CANDELS: The Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey--The Hubble Space Telescope Observations, Imaging Data Products, and Mosaics
- CANDELS: The Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 2
- CANDELS Visual Classifications: Scheme, Data Release, and First Results
- CANDELSz7: a large spectroscopic survey of CANDELS galaxies in the reionization epoch
- CEERS Key Paper. V. Galaxies at 4 < z < 9 Are Bluer than They Appear-Characterizing Galaxy Stellar Populations from Rest-frame 1 mm Imaging
- Chandra Counterparts of CANDELS GOODS-S Sources
- Characterizing the evolving K -band luminosity function using the UltraVISTA, CANDELS and HUDF surveys
- Chasing passive galaxies in the early Universe: a critical analysis in CANDELS GOODS-South
- Close Companions to Two High-redshift Quasars
- Clump survival and migration in VDI galaxies: an analytical model versus simulations and observations
- Clumpy Galaxies in CANDELS. II. Physical Properties of UV-bright Clumps at 0.5 <= z < 3
- Clumpy Galaxies in CANDELS. I. The Definition of UV Clumps and the Fraction of Clumpy Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 3
- Cluster Ages to Reconstruct the Milky Way Assembly (CARMA). I. The final word on the origin of NGC 6388 and NGC 6441
- Cluster and field elliptical galaxies at z 1.3. The marginal role of the environment and the r^ance of the galaxy central regions
- Clustering dependence on Lya luminosity from MUSE surveys at 3 < z < 6
- Clustering with JWST: Constraining galaxy host halo masses, satellite quenching efficiencies, and merger rates at z = 4-10
- CMU DeepLens: deep learning for automatic image-based galaxy-galaxy strong lens finding
- Cold dust and stellar emissions in dust-rich galaxies observed with ALMA: a challenge for SED-fitting techniques
- Combining ALMA with HST and VLT to Find the Counterparts of Submillimetre Galaxies
- Compact star forming galaxies as the progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies: Clustering result
- Compact star-forming galaxies preferentially quenched to become PSBs in z < 1 clusters
- Comparison of Observed Galaxy Properties with Semianalytic Model Predictions Using Machine Learning
- Conditions for galaxy quenching at 0.5 < z < 2.5 from CANDELS: compact cores and environment
- Constraining constant and tomographic coupled dark energy with low-redshift and high-redshift probes
- Constraining the bright-end of the UV luminosity function for z 7-9 galaxies: results from CANDELS/GOODS-South
- Constraining the cosmic UV background at z > 3 with MUSE Lyman-a emission observations
- Constraining the Low-mass Slope of the Star Formation Sequence at 0.5 < z < 2.5
- Constraints on Quenching of Z 2 Massive Galaxies from the Evolution of the Average Sizes of Star-forming and Quenched Populations in COSMOS
- Constraints on the merging channel of massive galaxies since z ~ 1
- Constraints on the star-formation rate of z ~ 3 LBGs with measured metallicity in the CANDELS GOODS-South field
- Constraints on warm dark matter from UV luminosity functions of high-z galaxies with Bayesian model comparison
- Cosmic evolution and metal aversion in superluminous supernova host galaxies
- Cosmological Model Tests with JWST
- Cross-correlation between X-Ray and Optical/Near-infrared Background Intensity Fluctuations
- Deblending Galaxies with Generative Adversarial Networks
- Deconstructing the galaxy stellar mass function with UKIDSS and CANDELS: the impact of colour, structure and environment
- Decoupled black hole accretion and quenching: the relationship between BHAR, SFR and quenching in Milky Way- and Andromeda-mass progenitors since z = 2.5
- Deep learning for galaxy surface brightness profile fitting
- Deep Learning Identifies High-z Galaxies in a Central Blue Nugget Phase in a Characteristic Mass Range
- Definitive upper bound on the negligible contribution of quasars to cosmic reionization
- Delay Time Distributions of Type Ia Supernovae from Galaxy and Cosmic Star Formation Histories
- Delving deep: A population of extremely dusty dwarfs observed by JWST
- Demographics of Star-forming Galaxies since z ~ 2.5. I. The UVJ Diagram in CANDELS
- Density perturbations for running vacuum: a successful approach to structure formation and to the s8-tension
- Dependence of Cosmological Constraints on Gray Photometric Zero-point Uncertainties of Supernova Surveys
- Dependence of galaxy clustering on UV luminosity and stellar mass at z ~ 4-7
- Detecting outliers in astronomical images with deep generative networks
- Detection of Prominent Stellar Disks in the Progenitors of Present-day Massive Elliptical Galaxies
- Determining Cosmological-model-independent H 0 with Gravitationally Lensed Supernova Refsdal
- Differences in the Structural Properties and Star-formation Rates of Field and Cluster Galaxies at z~1
- Discovery of a Galaxy Cluster with a Violently Starbursting Core at z = 2.506
- Discovery of a Quadruple Lens in CANDELS with a Record Lens Redshift z = 1.53
- Discovery of a z = 7.452 High Equivalent Width Lya Emitter from the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Infrared Grism Survey
- Disentangling AGN and Star Formation Activity at High Redshift Using Hubble Space Telescope Grism Spectroscopy
- Distinguishing Mergers and Disks in High-redshift Observations of Galaxy Kinematics
- Do the Most Massive Black Holes at z = 2 Grow via Major Mergers?
- Dust and gas in luminous proto-cluster galaxies at z = 4.05: the case for different cosmic dust evolution in normal and starburst galaxies
- Dust Attenuation, Bulge Formation, and Inside-out Quenching of Star Formation in Star-forming Main Sequence Galaxies at z ~ 2
- Dust attenuation, dust content, and geometry of star-forming galaxies
- Dust attenuation in 2 < z < 3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
- Dust Heating By Low-mass Stars in Massive Galaxies at z< 1
- Dust temperature and mid-to-total infrared color distributions for star-forming galaxies at 0 < z < 4
- Early Growth of the Star Formation Rate Function in the Epoch of Reionization: An Approach with Rest-frame Optical Emissions
- EGG: hatching a mock Universe from empirical prescriptions
- Eigengalaxies: describing galaxy morphology using principal components in image space
- Emission-line Metallicities from the Faint Infrared Grism Survey and VLT/MUSE
- Emission-line-selected galaxies at z = 0.6-2 in GOODS South: Stellar masses, SFRs, and large-scale structure
- ETHOS - an effective theory of structure formation: predictions for the high-redshift Universe - abundance of galaxies and reionization
- Euclid preparation. VIII. The Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation survey: VLT/KMOS observations and data release
- Evidence for major mergers of galaxies at 2 z < 4 in the VVDS and VUDS surveys
- Evidence for mature bulges and an inside-out quenching phase 3 billion years after the Big Bang
- Evidence for Merger-driven Growth in Luminous, High-z, Obscured AGNs in the CANDELS/COSMOS Field
- Evidence for Reduced Specific Star Formation Rates in the Centers of Massive Galaxies at z = 4
- Evidence for two modes of black hole accretion in massive galaxies at z~2
- Evidence of Environmental Quenching at Redshift z 2
- Evident black hole-bulge coevolution in the distant universe
- Evolution of Intrinsic Scatter in the SFR-Stellar Mass Correlation at 0.5 < z < 3
- Evolution of spatially resolved star formation main sequence and surface density profiles in massive disc galaxies at 0 z 1: inside-out stellar mass buildup and quenching
- Evolution of Star-formation Properties of High-redshift Cluster Galaxies since z = 2
- Evolution of Stellar-to-Halo Mass Ratio at z = 0 - 7 Identified by Clustering Analysis with the Hubble Legacy Imaging and Early Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey Data
- Evolution of the Sizes of Galaxies over 7 < z < 12 Revealed by the 2012 Hubble Ultra Deep Field Campaign
- Expanded Search for z ~ 10 Galaxies from HUDF09, ERS, and CANDELS Data: Evidence for Accelerated Evolution at z > 8?
- Exploring the faintest end of mid-infrared luminosity functions up to z 5 with the JWST CEERS survey
- Exploring the Gas-phase Metallicity Gradients of Star-forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon
- Exploring the progenitors of brightest cluster galaxies at z ~ 2
- Extended Ha over compact far-infrared continuum in dusty submillimeter galaxies. Insights into dust distributions and star-formation rates at z ~ 2
- Extragalactic fast X-ray transient candidates discovered by Chandra (2014-2022)
- Extreme Emission-line Galaxies in CANDELS: Broadband-selected, Starbursting Dwarf Galaxies at z > 1
- Extremely Low Molecular Gas Content in a Compact, Quiescent Galaxy at z = 1.522
- Extremely Red Galaxies at z = 5-9 with MIRI and NIRSpec: Dusty Galaxies or Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei?
- Faint AGNs at z > 4 in the CANDELS GOODS-S field: looking for contributors to the reionization of the Universe
- Faint Submillimeter Galaxies Revealed by Multifield Deep ALMA Observations: Number Counts, Spatial Clustering, and a Dark Submillimeter Line Emitter
- Falling Outer Rotation Curves of Star-forming Galaxies at 0.6 z 2.6 Probed with KMOS3D and SINS/zC-SINF
- FIGS--Faint Infrared Grism Survey: Description and Data Reduction
- First constraints on small-scale non-Gaussianity from UV galaxy luminosity functions
- First gas-phase metallicity gradients of 0.1 z 0.8 galaxies with MUSE
- First identification of direct collapse black hole candidates in the early Universe in CANDELS/GOODS-S
- First Infrared-Based Implications for the Dust Attenuation and Star Formation of Typical Lya Emitters
- First light and reionization epoch simulations (FLARES) X III: the lyman-continuum emission of high-redshift galaxies
- First Results from the VIRIAL Survey: The Stellar Content of UVJ-selected Quiescent Galaxies at 1.5 < z < 2 from KMOS
- Flat rotation curves and low velocity dispersions in KMOS star-forming galaxies at z ~ 1
- FORECAST: A flexible software to forward model cosmological hydrodynamical simulations mimicking real observations
- Forming Compact Massive Galaxies
- Four IRAC Sources with an Extremely Red H - 3.6 Color: Passive or Dusty Galaxies at z > 4.5?
- Fraction of Clumpy Star-forming Galaxies at 0.5 <= z <= 3 in UVCANDELS: Dependence on Stellar Mass and Environment
- From Diversity to Dichotomy, and Quenching: Milky-Way-like and Massive Galaxy Progenitors at 0.5 < z <3.0
- From Naked Spheroids to Disky Galaxies: How Do Massive Disk Galaxies Shape Their Morphology?
- Galaxies Going Bananas: Inferring the 3D Geometry of High-redshift Galaxies with JWST-CEERS
- Galaxy build-up in the first 1.5 Gyr of cosmic history: insights from the stellar mass function at z 4-9 from JWST NIRCam observations
- Galaxy Ellipticity Measurements in the Near-infrared for Weak Lensing
- Galaxy Environment in the 3D-HST Fields: Witnessing the Onset of Satellite Quenching at z ~ 1-2
- Galaxy formation as a cosmological tool - I. The galaxy merger history as a measure of cosmological parameters
- Galaxy Inclination and the IRX-b Relation: Effects on UV Star Formation Rate Measurements at Intermediate to High Redshifts
- Galaxy Mergers up to z < 2.5. II. AGN Incidence in Merging Galaxies at Separations of 3-15 kpc
- Galaxy Mergers up to Z < 2.5. I. The Star Formation Properties of Merging Galaxies at Separations of 3-15 kpc
- Galaxy morphology classification based on Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT)
- Galaxy Morphology Network: A Convolutional Neural Network Used to Study Morphology and Quenching in ~100,000 SDSS and ~20,000 CANDELS Galaxies
- Galaxy Quenching at the High Redshift Frontier: A Fundamental Test of Cosmological Models in the Early Universe with JWST-CEERS
- Galaxy Sizes Since z = 2 from the Perspective of Stellar Mass Distribution within Galaxies
- Galaxy spin direction distribution in HST and SDSS show similar large-scale asymmetry
- Galaxy Stellar Mass Functions from z 10 to z 6 using the Deepest Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera Data: No Significant Evolution in the Stellar-to-halo Mass Ratio of Galaxies in the First Gigayear of Cosmic Time
- Galaxy Stellar Mass Functions from ZFOURGE/CANDELS: An Excess of Low-mass Galaxies since z = 2 and the Rapid Buildup of Quiescent Galaxies
- Galaxy Structure and Mode of Star Formation in the SFR-Mass Plane from z ~ 2.5 to z ~ 0.1
- Galaxy Structure as a Driver of the Star Formation Sequence Slope and Scatter
- Galaxy Structure, Stellar Populations, and Star Formation Quenching at 0.6 z 1.2
- Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS barred discs and bar fractions
- Galaxy Zoo: quantitative visual morphological classifications for 48 000 galaxies from CANDELS
- Gamma-ray bursts, quasars, baryonic acoustic oscillations, and supernovae Ia: new statistical insights and cosmological constraints
- GA-NIFS: Co-evolution within a highly star-forming galaxy group at z ~ 3.7 witnessed by JWST/NIRSpec IFS
- Geometry of Star-forming Galaxies from SDSS, 3D-HST, and CANDELS
- GOODS-ALMA 2.0: Source catalog, number counts, and prevailing compact sizes in 1.1 mm galaxies
- GOODS-ALMA: Optically dark ALMA galaxies shed light on a cluster in formation at z = 3.5
- GOODS-Herschel and CANDELS: The Morphologies of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z ~ 2
- Growth of Bulges in Disk Galaxies Since z ~ 1
- Half-mass Radii for ~7000 Galaxies at 1.0 <= z <= 2.5: Most of the Evolution in the Mass-Size Relation Is Due to Color Gradients
- HALO7D II: The Halo Velocity Ellipsoid and Velocity Anisotropy with Distant Main-sequence Stars
- H-ATLAS/GAMA: quantifying the morphological evolution of the galaxy population using cosmic calorimetry
- Heavily obscured quasar host galaxies at z ~ 2 are discs, not major mergers
- High Dense Gas Fraction in a Gas-rich Star-forming Galaxy at z = 1.2
- High Equivalent Width of Ha+N II Emission in z 8 Lyman-break Galaxies from IRAC 5.8 mm Observations: Evidence for Efficient Lyman-continuum Photon Production in the Epoch of Reionization
- High-precision Photometric Redshifts from Spitzer/IRAC: Extreme 3.6 - 4.5 Colors Identify Galaxies in the Redshift Range z ~ 6.6 - 6.9
- High-redshift AGN in the Chandra Deep Fields: the obscured fraction and space density of the sub-L* population
- High-velocity outflows in massive post-starburst galaxies at z > 1
- How Accurate Are Infrared Luminosities from Monochromatic Photometric Extrapolation?
- How Lyman Alpha Emission Depends on Galaxy Stellar Mass
- HST Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at z = 3.794
- Hubble Imaging of the Ionizing Radiation from a Star-forming Galaxy at Z=3.2 with fesc>50%
- Identification and characterization of six spectroscopically confirmed massive protostructures at 2.5 < z < 4.5
- Implications of Increased Central Mass Surface Densities for the Quenching of Low-mass Galaxies
- Improved photometric redshifts with colour-constrained galaxy templates for future wide-area surveys
- Indications of M-dwarf deficits in the halo and thick disk of the Galaxy
- Inference of the cosmic rest-frame from supernovae Ia
- Inferred H Flux as a Star Formation Rate Indicator at z ~ 4-5: Implications for Dust Properties, Burstiness, and the z = 4-8 Star Formation Rate Functions
- Infrared Color Selection of Massive Galaxies at z > 3
- Insights on star-formation histories and physical properties of 1.2 <=z 4 Herschel-detected galaxies
- Interpreting the Spitzer/IRAC colours of 7 <= z <= 9 galaxies: distinguishing between line emission and starlight using ALMA
- Intrinsic Shape of Star-forming BzK Galaxies. II. Rest-frame Ultraviolet and Optical Structures in GOODS-South and SXDS
- Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interactions on Star Formation at 0.5 < z < 3.0
- Investigating the Effect of Galaxy Interactions on the Enhancement of Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.5 < z < 3.0
- IROCKS: Spatially Resolved Kinematics of z ~ 1 Star-forming Galaxies
- ISM Excitation and Metallicity of Star-forming Galaxies at z 3.3 from Near-IR Spectroscopy
- Is the dark-matter halo spin a predictor of galaxy spin and size?
- Jekyll & Hyde: quiescence and extreme obscuration in a pair of massive galaxies 1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang
- JEMS: A Deep Medium-band Imaging Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field with JWST NIRCam and NIRISS
- JKCS 041: a Coma cluster progenitor at z = 1.803
- JWST/NIRCam observations of stars and H II regions in z 6-8 galaxies: properties of star-forming complexes on 150 pc scales
- JWST PRIMER: a new multifield determination of the evolving galaxy UV luminosity function at redshifts z 9 - 15
- JWST Sneaks a Peek at the Stellar Morphology of z 2 Submillimeter Galaxies: Bulge Formation at Cosmic Noon
- Keck/MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of z = 7-8 Galaxies: Lya Emission from a Galaxy at z = 7.66
- Keck Spectroscopy of 3 < z < 7 Faint Lyman Break Galaxies: The Importance of Nebular Emission in Understanding the Specific Star Formation Rate and Stellar Mass Density
- Keck Spectroscopy of Faint 3 < z < 7 Lyman Break Galaxies. III. The Mean Ultraviolet Spectrum at z ~= 4
- Kiloparsec-scale Dust Disks in High-redshift Luminous Submillimeter Galaxies
- Kiloparsec-scale Properties of Emission-line Galaxies
- Kinematic Downsizing at z ~ 2
- KMOS3D: Dynamical Constraints on the Mass Budget in Early Star-forming Disks
- KMOS3D Reveals Low-level Star Formation Activity in Massive Quiescent Galaxies at 0.7 < z < 2.7
- Large-scale asymmetry in galaxy spin directions: Analysis of galaxies with spectra in DES, SDSS, and DESI Legacy Survey
- Large-scale asymmetry in galaxy spin directions: evidence from the Southern hemisphere
- Large-scale Structure around a z=2.1 Cluster
- Late Bloomer Galaxies: Growing Up in Cosmic Autumn
- Late-time acceleration due to a generic modification of gravity and the Hubble tension
- LBT/LUCI Spectroscopic Observations of z7 Galaxies
- Leveraging 3D-HST Grism Redshifts to Quantify Photometric Redshift Performance
- Limits on the LyC signal from z ~ 3 sources with secure redshift and HST coverage in the E-CDFS field
- Linking galaxy structural properties and star formation activity to black hole activity with IllustrisTNG
- Listening to galaxies tuning at z ~ 2.5-3.0: The first strikes of the Hubble fork
- Local Analogs to High-redshift Galaxies. I. Characterization of Dust Emission and Star Formation History
- Local two-sample testing: a new tool for analysing high-dimensional astronomical data
- Luminous and High Stellar Mass Candidate Galaxies at z 8 Discovered in the Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey
- Lyman continuum escape fraction of faint galaxies at z 3.3 in the CANDELS/GOODS-North, EGS, and COSMOS fields with LBC
- MAGPHYS+photo-z: Constraining the Physical Properties of Galaxies with Unknown Redshifts
- Major mergers are not significant drivers of star formation or morphological transformation around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation
- Major merging history in CANDELS. I. Evolution of the incidence of massive galaxy-galaxy pairs from z = 3 to z ~ 0
- Mass assembly and morphological transformations since z ~ 3 from CANDELS
- Massive galaxy formation caught in action at z ~ 5 with JWST
- Measurement of Galaxy Clustering at z ~ 7.2 and the Evolution of Galaxy Bias from 3.8 < z < 8 in the XDF, GOODS-S, and GOODS-N
- Measuring Structural Parameters Through Stacking Galaxy Images
- Metallicity evolution, metallicity gradients, and gas fractions at z ~ 3.4
- Mid-infrared luminous quasars in the GOODS-Herschel fields: a large population of heavily obscured, Compton-thick quasars at z 2
- MIDIS: JWST NIRCam and MIRI Unveil the Stellar Population Properties of Lya Emitters and Lyman-break Galaxies at z 3-7
- MIDIS: Strong (Hb+O III) and Ha Emitters at Redshift z 7-8 Unveiled with JWST NIRCam and MIRI Imaging in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field
- Milky Way Red Dwarfs in the BoRG Survey; Galactic Scale-height and the Distribution of Dwarf Stars in WFC3 Imaging
- Minor Merger Growth in Action: JWST Detects Faint Blue Companions around Massive Quiescent Galaxies at 0.5 <= z <= 3.0
- Mock light-cones and theory friendly catalogues for the CANDELS survey
- Model-independent test of the running Hubble constant from the Type Ia supernovae and the Hubble parameter data
- Modelling and interpreting spectral energy distributions of galaxies with BEAGLE
- Moderate-luminosity Growing Black Holes from 1.25 < z < 2.7: Varied Accretion in Disk-dominated Hosts
- Molecular gas content in obscured AGN at z > 1
- Monsters in the dark: predictions for luminous galaxies in the early Universe from the BLUETIDES simulation
- Morpheus Reveals Distant Disk Galaxy Morphologies with JWST: The First AI/ML Analysis of JWST Images
- Morpho-kinematics of z ~ 1 galaxies probe the hierarchical scenario
- Morphological Classification of High-redshift Massive Galaxies in the COSMOS/UltraVISTA Field
- Morphologies of ~190,000 Galaxies at z = 0-10 Revealed with HST Legacy Data. II. Evolution of Clumpy Galaxies
- Morphologies of ~190,000 Galaxies at z = 0-10 Revealed with HST Legacy Data. III. Continuum Profile and Size Evolution of Lya Emitters
- Morphologies of ~190,000 Galaxies at z = 0-10 Revealed with HST Legacy Data. I. Size Evolution
- Morphologies of mid-IR variability-selected AGN host galaxies
- Morphologies of z ~ 0.7 AGN host galaxies in CANDELS: no trend of merger incidence with AGN luminosity
- Morphology and structure of BzK-selected galaxies at z ~ 2 in the CANDELS-COSMOS field
- Morphology and structure of extremely red objects at z ~ 1 in the CANDELS-COSMOS field
- Morphology and Structure of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z ~ 2 in the EGS Field
- Morphology and Structure of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z 2 in the EGS Field
- Morphology and the Color-mass Diagram as Clues to Galaxy Evolution at z&approx1
- Morphology Dependence of Stellar Age in Quenched Galaxies at Redshift ~1.2: Massive Compact Galaxies Are Older than More Extended Ones
- Morphology of Galaxies in JWST Fields: Initial Distribution and Evolution of Galaxy Morphology
- MOSEL: Strong OIII 5007 A Emitting Galaxies at (3 < z < 4) from the ZFOURGE Survey
- MOSEL survey: extremely weak outflows in EoR analogues at z = 3-4
- MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of Quiescent Galaxies at 1.5 < z < 2.5. I. Evolution of Structural and Dynamical Properties
- MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of Quiescent Galaxies at 1.5 < z < 2.5. II. Star Formation Histories and Galaxy Quenching
- Multiresolution angular momentum measurements of z 1.5-2 star-forming galaxies
- Must Star-forming Galaxies Rapidly Get Denser before They Quench?
- Nature and Nurture? Comparing Lya Detections in UV-bright and Fainter O III+Hb Emitters at z 8 with Keck/MOSFIRE
- Nature versus nurture: what regulates star formation in satellite galaxies?
- Near-infrared MOSFIRE Spectra of Dusty Star-forming Galaxies at 0.2 < z < 4
- Near infrared spectroscopy and star-formation histories of 3 <= z <= 4 quiescent galaxies
- Near-IR narrow-band imaging with CIRCE at the Gran Telescopio Canarias: Searching for Lya-emitters at z ~ 9.3
- Near-IR Weak-lensing (NIRWL) Measurements in the CANDELS Fields. I. Point-spread Function Modeling and Systematics
- Nebular and Stellar Dust Extinction Across the Disk of Emission-line Galaxies on Kiloparsec Scales
- New constraints on the average escape fraction of Lyman continuum radiation in z 4 galaxies from the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS)
- New empirical constraints on the cosmological evolution of gas and stars in galaxies
- New Spectroscopic Technique Based on Coaddition of Surface Brightness Fluctuations: NGC 4449 and its Stellar Tidal Stream
- New technique to select recent fast-quenching galaxies at z 2 using the optical colours
- NGDEEP Epoch 1: Spatially Resolved Ha Observations of Disk and Bulge Growth in Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 0.6-2.2 from JWST NIRISS Slitless Spectroscopy
- NIHAO-UHD: the properties of MW-like stellar discs in high-resolution cosmological simulations
- No evidence for a significant AGN contribution to cosmic hydrogen reionization
- No Evidence for Feedback: Unexceptional Low-ionization Winds in Host Galaxies of Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei at Redshift z ~ 1
- No More Active Galactic Nuclei in Clumpy Disks Than in Smooth Galaxies at z ~ 2 in CANDELS/3D-HST
- Non-parametric analysis of the rest-frame UV sizes and morphological disturbance amongst L* galaxies at 4 < z < 8
- Nonparametric reconstruction of interaction in the cosmic dark sector
- Nonparametric Star Formation History Reconstruction with Gaussian Processes. I. Counting Major Episodes of Star Formation
- Normal, dust-obscured galaxies in the epoch of reionization
- Obscured AGN enhancement in galaxy pairs at cosmic noon: evidence from a probabilistic treatment of photometric redshifts
- Obscured star formation in bright z 7 Lyman-break galaxies
- Observational constraints on the deceleration parameter in a tilted universe
- Observational constraints on the tilted flat-XCDM and the untilted nonflat XCDM dynamical dark energy inflation parameterizations
- Observational evidence of a slow downfall of star formation efficiency in massive galaxies during the past 10 Gyr
- Observations contradict galaxy size and surface brightness predictions that are based on the expanding universe hypothesis
- Observations of Environmental Quenching in Groups in the 11 GYR since z = 2.5: Different Quenching for Central and Satellite Galaxies
- Observations of the initial formation and evolution of spiral galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in the CANDELS fields
- One Plane for All: Massive Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies Lie on the Same Mass Fundamental Plane at z ~ 0 and z ~ 0.7
- On the Absence of High-redshift AGNs: Little Growth in the Supermassive Black Hole Population at High Redshifts
- On the Detection of Ionizing Radiation Arising from Star-forming Galaxies at Redshift z ~ 3-4: Looking for Analogs of Stellar Re-ionizers
- On the Impact of Inclination-dependent Attenuation on Derived Star Formation Histories: Results from Disk Galaxies in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey Fields
- On the Progenitors of Local Group Novae. II. The Red Giant Nova Rate of M31
- On the Stellar Populations of Galaxies at z = 9-11: The Growth of Metals and Stellar Mass at Early Times
- On the Transition of the Galaxy Quenching Mode at 0.5 < z < 1 in CANDELS
- Optical Line Emission from z ~ 6.8 Sources with Deep Constraints on Lya Visibility
- Optimized Photometric Redshifts for the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS)
- Paschen-line Constraints on Dust Attenuation and Star Formation at z 1-3 with JWST/NIRSpec
- Peering through the holes: the far-UV color of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 3-4 and the escaping fraction of ionizing radiation
- Phantom dark energy as a natural selection of evolutionary processes a ^ la genetic algorithm and cosmological tensions
- Phat ELVIS: The inevitable effect of the Milky Ways disc on its dark matter subhaloes
- PHIBSS: exploring the dependence of the CO-H2 conversion factor on total mass surface density at z<1.5
- Photometric Constraints on the Redshift of z ~ 10 Candidate UDFj-39546284 from Deeper WFC3/IR+ACS+IRAC Observations over the HUDF
- Photometric Redshift Calibration Requirements for WFIRST Weak-lensing Cosmology: Predictions from CANDELS
- Photometric Redshift Estimation with Galaxy Morphology Using Self-organizing Maps
- Photometry of high-redshift blended galaxies using deep learning
- Photo-z-SQL: Integrated, flexible photometric redshift computation in a database
- Physical Properties of Compact Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 2-3
- Physical properties of distant red galaxies in the COSMOS/UltraVISTA field
- Physical Properties of Spectroscopically Confirmed Galaxies at z >= 6. III. Stellar Populations from SED Modeling with Secure Lya Emission and Redshifts
- Physical properties of z > 4 submillimeter galaxies in the COSMOS field
- Piercing through Highly Obscured and Compton-thick AGNs in the Chandra Deep Fields. II. Are Highly Obscured AGNs the Missing Link in the Merger-triggered AGN-Galaxy Coevolution Models?
- Potential scientific synergies in weak lensing studies between the CSST and Euclid space probes
- Potential signature of a quadrupolar hubble expansion in Pantheon+supernovae
- Predicting Quiescence: The Dependence of Specific Star Formation Rate on Galaxy Size and Central Density at 0.5 < z < 2.5
- Probabilistic model for dynamic galaxy decomposition
- Probing cosmic dawn: Ages and star formation histories of candidate z >= 9 galaxies
- Probing the Dawn of Galaxies at z ~ 9-12: New Constraints from HUDF12/XDF and CANDELS data
- Probing the Star Formation Main Sequence Down to 108 M at 1.0 < z < 3.0
- Properties of galaxies at the faint end of the Ha luminosity function at z ~ 0.62
- Properties of galaxies reproduced by a hydrodynamic simulation
- Properties of Submillimeter Galaxies in the CANDELS GOODS-South Field
- Properties of the interstellar medium in star-forming galaxies at redshifts 2 <= z <= 5 from the VANDELS survey
- Quantifying the UV-continuum slopes of galaxies to z ~ 10 using deep Hubble+Spitzer/IRAC observations
- Quenching and morphological transformation in semi-analytic models and CANDELS
- Quenching as a Contest between Galaxy Halos and Their Central Black Holes
- Quiescent Galaxy Size and Spectroscopic Evolution: Combining HSC Imaging and Hectospec Spectroscopy
- Radio continuum size evolution of star-forming galaxies over 0.35 < z < 2.25
- Radio Loud AGNs are Mergers
- Recent Stellar Mass Assembly of Low-mass Star-forming Galaxies at Redshifts 0.3 < z < 0.9
- Reconstructing the Assembly of Massive Galaxies. II. Galaxies Develop Massive and Dense Stellar Cores as They Evolve and Head toward Quiescence at Cosmic Noon
- Reconstructing the Assembly of Massive Galaxies. I. The Importance of the Progenitor Effect in the Observed Properties of Quiescent Galaxies at z 2
- Reconstruction of Galaxy Star Formation Histories through SED Fitting:The Dense Basis Approach
- Red and dead CANDELS: massive passive galaxies at the dawn of the Universe
- Reducing the Uncertainty on the Hubble Constant up to 35% with an Improved Statistical Analysis: Different Best-fit Likelihoods for Type Ia Supernovae, Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, Quasars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Relations between the Sizes of Galaxies and Their Dark Matter Halos at Redshifts 0 < z < 3
- Resolving the Discrepancy of Galaxy Merger Fraction Measurements at z ~ 0-3
- Resolving the ISM at the Peak of Cosmic Star Formation with ALMA: The Distribution of CO and Dust Continuum in z ~ 2.5 Submillimeter Galaxies
- Rest-frame Optical Emission Lines in z ~ 3.5 Lyman-break-selected Galaxies: The Ubiquity of Unusually High OIII/Hb Ratios at 2 Gyr
- Rest-frame UV-Optically Selected Galaxies at 2.3 <~ z <~ 3.5: Searching for Dusty Star-forming and Passively Evolving Galaxies
- Revealing the formation histories of the first stars with the cosmic near-infrared background
- Revealing the Stellar Mass and Dust Distributions of Submillimeter Galaxies at Redshift 2
- Revisiting the role of the thermally pulsating asymptotic-giant-branch phase in high-redshift galaxies
- Robust identification of active galactic nuclei through HST optical variability in GOODS-S: comparison with the X-ray and mid-IR-selected samples
- Satellite Quenching and Galactic Conformity at 0.3 < z < 2.5
- Scientific Synergy between LSST and Euclid
- Searching for Fossil Evidence of AGN Feedback in WISE-selected Stripe-82 Galaxies by Measuring the Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope
- Searching for Islands of Reionization: A Potential Ionized Bubble Powered by a Spectroscopic Overdensity at z = 8.7
- SED-dependent galactic extinction prescription for Euclid and future cosmological surveys
- Selection of Massive Evolved Galaxies at 3 <= z <= 4.5 in the CANDELS Fields
- Serendipitous Discovery of a Massive cD Galaxy at z = 1.096: Implications for the Early Formation and Late Evolution of cD Galaxies
- SHARDS: constraints on the dust attenuation law of star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2
- SIMBA: Cosmological simulations with black hole growth and feedback
- Similarities and uniqueness of Ly a emitters among star-forming galaxies at z = 2.5
- Simulating Deep Hubble Images with Semi-empirical Models of Galaxy Formation
- Simulations of the WFIRST Supernova Survey and Forecasts of Cosmological Constraints
- Simultaneous Estimation of Photometric Redshifts and SED Parameters: Improved Techniques and a Realistic Error Budget
- SINS/zC-SINF Survey of z ~ 2 Galaxy Kinematics: Rest-frame Morphology, Structure, and Colors from Near-infrared Hubble Space Telescope Imaging
- Size evolution of star-forming galaxies with 2 <z < 4.5 in the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey
- Sizes and Surface Brightness Profiles of Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 2
- SKYSURF-3: Testing Crowded Object Catalogs in the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field Mosaics to Study Sample Incompleteness from an Extragalactic Background Light Perspective
- SKYSURF-4: Panchromatic Hubble Space Telescope All-Sky Surface-brightness Measurement Methods and Results
- Slow Evolution of the Specific Star Formation Rate at z > 2: The Impact of Dust, Emission Lines, and a Rising Star Formation History
- Smooth(er) Stellar Mass Maps in CANDELS: Constraints on the Longevity of Clumps in High-redshift Star-forming Galaxies
- Spatially Resolved Kinematics in the Central 1 kpc of a Compact Star-forming Galaxy at z ~2.3 from ALMA CO Observations
- Spatially resolved star formation and inside-out quenching in the TNG50 simulation and 3D-HST observations
- Spectrophotometric Redshifts in the Faint Infrared Grism Survey: Finding Overdensities of Faint Galaxies
- Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Rich z = 1.80 Galaxy Cluster JKCS 041 using the WFC3 Grism: Environmental Trends in the Ages and Structure of Quiescent Galaxies
- Spitzers View of the Candidate Cluster and Protocluster Catalog (CCPC)
- Starbursts in and out of the star-formation main sequence
- Star formation and quenching among the most massive galaxies at z ~ 1.7
- Star Formation at 4 < z < 6 from the Spitzer Large Area Survey with Hyper-Suprime-Cam (SPLASH)
- Star Formation Rate Function at z 4.5: An Analysis from Rest UV to Optical
- Star-forming Blue ETGs in Two Newly Discovered Galaxy Overdensities in the HUDF at z=1.84 and 1.9: Unveiling the Progenitors of Passive ETGs in Cluster Cores
- Star-forming galaxies at low-redshift in the SHARDS survey
- Statistics of galaxy mergers: bridging the gap between theory and observation
- Steadily Increasing Star Formation Rates in Galaxies Observed at 3 <~ z <~ 5 in the CANDELS/GOODS-S Field
- Stellar Masses from the CANDELS Survey: The GOODS-South and UDS Fields
- Stellar masses of giant clumps in CANDELS and simulated galaxies using machine learning
- Stellar Mass-Gas-phase Metallicity Relation at 0.5 <= z <= 0.7: A Power Law with Increasing Scatter toward the Low-mass Regime
- Stellar Populations from Spectroscopy of a Large Sample of Quiescent Galaxies at Z > 1: Measuring the Contribution of Progenitor Bias to Early Size Growth
- Stellar Populations of Lya-emitting Galaxies in the HETDEX Survey. I. An Analysis of LAEs in the GOODS-N Field
- Stellar populations, stellar masses and the formation of galaxy bulges and discs at z < 3 in CANDELS
- Strategies for Obtaining Robust Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting Parameters for Galaxies at z ~ 1 and z ~ 2 in the Absence of Infrared Data
- Structural and Star-forming Relations since z ~ 3: Connecting Compact Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies
- Structural Evolution of Early-type Galaxies to z = 2.5 in CANDELS
- Structural Parameters of Galaxies in CANDELS
- Studying the physical properties of tidal features - I. Extracting morphological substructure in CANDELS observations and VELA simulations
- Sub-kiloparsec ALMA Imaging of Compact Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 2.5: Revealing the Formation of Dense Galactic Cores in the Progenitors of Compact Quiescent Galaxies
- SUPER. I. Toward an unbiased study of ionized outflows in z ~ 2 active galactic nuclei: survey overview and sample characterization
- Supermassive black holes at high redshift are expected to be obscured by their massive host galaxies interstellar medium
- Surface brightness profiles of blue compact dwarf galaxies in the GOODS-N and GOODS-S field
- SXDF-ALMA 2 arcmin2 deep survey: Resolving and characterizing the infrared extragalactic background light down to 0.5 mJy
- Testing Diagnostics of Nuclear Activity and Star Formation in Galaxies at z > 1
- Testing models of quasar hosts with strong gravitational lensing by quasar hosts
- Testing the Recovery of Intrinsic Galaxy Sizes and Masses of z ~ 2 Massive Galaxies Using Cosmological Simulations
- Texas Spectroscopic Search for Lya Emission at the End of Reionization I. Constraining the Lya Equivalent-width Distribution at 6.0 < z < 7.0
- The 2 Ms Chandra Deep Field-North Survey and the 250 ks Extended Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: Improved Point-source Catalogs
- The 5 Gyr evolution of sub-M* galaxies
- The Absence of an Environmental Dependence in the Mass-Metallicity Relation at z = 2
- The accelerated build-up of the red sequence in high-redshift galaxy clusters
- The Accretion History of AGN: The Spectral Energy Distributions of X-Ray-luminous Active Galactic Nuclei
- The ALMA Redshift 4 Survey (AR4S). I. The massive end of the z = 4 main sequence of galaxies
- The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Continuum Number Counts, Resolved 1.2 mm Extragalactic Background, and Properties of the Faintest Dusty Star-forming Galaxies
- The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Search for CII Line and Dust Emission in 6
- The ALMA Spectroscopic Survey Large Program: The Infrared Excess of z = 1.5-10 UV-selected Galaxies and the Implied High-redshift Star Formation History
- The Angular Momentum Distribution and Baryon Content of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1-3
- The angular momentum of disc galaxies at z = 1
- The Assembly of Milky-Way-like Galaxies Since z ~ 2.5
- The ASTRODEEP Frontier Fields catalogues. II. Photometric redshifts and rest frame properties in Abell-2744 and MACS-J0416
- The ASTRODEEP-GS43 catalogue: New photometry and redshifts for the CANDELS GOODS-South field
- The AstroSat UV deep field north: direct determination of the UV luminosity function and its evolution from z 0.8-0.4
- The Baltimore Orioles Nest: Cool Winds from the Inner and Outer Parts of a Star-forming Galaxy at z = 1.3
- The Bright End of the Ultraviolet Luminosity Function at z ~ 8: New Constraints from CANDELS Data in GOODS-South
- The Bright End of the z ~ 9 and z ~ 10 UV Luminosity Functions Using All Five CANDELS Fields*
- The building up of observed stellar scaling relations of massive galaxies and the connection to black hole growth in the TNG50 simulation
- The bulge-disc decomposed evolution of massive galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in CANDELS
- The bulge-disc decomposition of AGN host galaxies
- The Bursty Star Formation Histories of Low-mass Galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1 Revealed by Star Formation Rates Measured From Hb and FUV
- The Candidate Cluster and Protocluster Catalog (CCPC) of Spectroscopically Identified Structures Spanning 2.74 < z < 3.71
- The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. VI. Quantifying Spiral Structure
- The Chandra Deep Field-South Survey: 7 Ms Source Catalogs
- The clustering properties of high-redshift passive galaxies
- The colour distribution of galaxies at redshift five
- The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation (C3R2) Survey: Survey Overview and Data Release 1
- The connection between mergers and AGN activity in simulated and observed massive galaxies
- The connection between stellar mass, age, and quenching time-scale in massive quiescent galaxies at z 1
- The Constant Average Relationship between Dust-obscured Star Formation and Stellar Mass from z = 0 to z = 2.5
- The contribution of faint Lyman-a emitters to extended Lyman-a halos constrained by MUSE clustering measurements
- The cosmic environment overtakes the local density in shaping galaxy star formation
- The cosmic epoch dependence of environmental effects on size evolution of red-sequence early-type galaxies
- The Cosmos in Its Infancy: JADES Galaxy Candidates at z > 8 in GOODS-S and GOODS-N
- The Dearth of z ~ 10 Galaxies in All HST Legacy Fields--The Rapid Evolution of the Galaxy Population in the First 500 Myr
- The debiased morphological transformations of galaxies since z = 3 in CANDELS
- The decomposed bulge and disc size-mass relations of massive galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in CANDELS
- The Deepest VLT/FORS2 Spectrum of a z ~ 7 Galaxy: An Easy Target for the E-ELT
- The deepest X-ray view of high-redshift galaxies: constraints on low-rate black hole accretion
- The Differential Size Growth of Field and Cluster Galaxies at z = 2.1 Using the ZFOURGE Survey
- The Distribution of Satellites around Massive Galaxies at 1 < z < 3 in ZFOURGE/CANDELS: Dependence on Star Formation Activity
- The Effect of the Morphological Quenching Mechanism on Star Formation Activity at 0.5 < z < 1.5 in 3D-HST/CANDELS
- The emergence of passive galaxies in the early Universe
- The eMERGE Survey - I: Very Large Array 5.5 GHz observations of the GOODS-North Field
- The evolution of galaxy shapes in CANDELS: from prolate to discy
- The Evolution of Normal Galaxy X-Ray Emission through Cosmic History: Constraints from the 6 MS Chandra Deep Field-South
- The Evolution of Star Formation Histories of Quiescent Galaxies
- The evolution of the equivalent width of the Ha emission line and specific star formation rate in star-forming galaxies at 1 < z < 5
- The Evolution of the Galaxy Rest-frame Ultraviolet Luminosity Function over the First Two Billion Years
- The Evolution of the Galaxy Stellar Mass Function at z = 4-8: A Steepening Low-mass-end Slope with Increasing Redshift
- The evolution of the galaxy stellar-mass function over the last 12 billion years from a combination of ground-based and HST surveys
- The Evolution of the Tully-Fisher Relation between z ~ 2.3 and z ~ 0.9 with KMOS3D
- The Faint End of the z = 5 Quasar Luminosity Function from the CFHTLS
- The Far-infrared Emission of the First Massive Galaxies
- The first catalogue of spectroscopically confirmed red nuggets at z ~ 0.7 from the VIPERS survey. Linking high-z red nuggets and local relics
- The FMOS-COSMOS Survey of Star-forming Galaxies at z~1.6. III. Survey Design, Performance, and Sample Characteristics
- The formation of bulges, discs and two-component galaxies in the CANDELS Survey at z < 3
- The FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey (ZFOURGE): Ultraviolet to Far-infrared Catalogs, Medium-bandwidth Photometric Redshifts with Improved Accuracy, Stellar Masses, and Confirmation of Quiescent Galaxies to z ~ 3.5
- The Fundamental Signature of Star Formation Quenching from AGN Feedback: A Critical Dependence of Quiescence on Supermassive Black Hole Mass, Not Accretion Rate
- The galaxy-halo size relation of low-mass galaxies in FIRE
- The galaxy mass-size relation in CARLA clusters and proto-clusters at 1.4 < z < 2.8: Larger cluster galaxy sizes
- The galaxy stellar mass function at 3.5 <=z <= 7.5 in the CANDELS/UDS, GOODS-South, and HUDF fields
- The galaxy UV luminosity function at z 2-4; new results on faint-end slope and the evolution of luminosity density
- The Gini Coefficient as a Morphological Measurement of Strongly Lensed Galaxies in the Image Plane
- The Gini Coefficient as a Tool for Image Family Idenitification in Strong Lensing Systems with Multiple Images
- The GOGREEN survey: constraining the satellite quenching time-scale in massive clusters at z 1
- The GOGREEN Survey: Evidence of an Excess of Quiescent Disks in Clusters at 1.0
- The GOODS-N Jansky VLA 10 GHz Pilot Survey: Sizes of Star-forming mJY Radio Sources
- The Hawk-I UDS and GOODS Survey (HUGS): Survey design and deep K-band number counts
- The HDUV Survey: Six Lyman Continuum Emitter Candidates at z ~ 2 Revealed by HST UV Imaging
- The Herschel view of the dominant mode of galaxy growth from z = 4 to the present day
- The HETDEX Pilot Survey. V. The Physical Origin of Lya Emitters Probed by Near-infrared Spectroscopy
- The hidden side of cosmic star formation at z > 3. Bridging optically dark and Lyman-break galaxies with GOODS-ALMA
- The Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) Survey Design, Reductions, and Detections
- The Host Galaxies of X-Ray Quasars are Not Strong Star Formers
- The host galaxies of X-ray selected active galactic nuclei to z = 2.5: Structure, star formation, and their relationships from CANDELS and Herschel/PACS
- The HST eXtreme Deep Field (XDF): Combining All ACS and WFC3/IR Data on the HUDF Region into the Deepest Field Ever
- The Hubble Legacy Field GOODS-S Photometric Catalog
- The Ha and O III l5007 Luminosity Functions of 1.2 < z < 1.9 Emission-line Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Grism Spectroscopy
- The Ha Luminosity Function of Galaxies at z 4.5
- The Impact of Inclination-dependent Attenuation on Ultraviolet Star Formation Rate Tracers
- The Impact of JWST Broadband Filter Choice on Photometric Redshift Estimation
- The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
- The impact of strong gravitational lensing on observed Lyman-break galaxy numbers at 4 <= z <= 8 in the GOODS and the XDF blank fields
- The inferred evolution of the cold gas properties of CANDELS galaxies at 0.5 < z < 3.0
- The Interstellar Medium and Feedback in the Progenitors of the Compact Passive Galaxies at z ~ 2
- The Intrinsic Characteristics of Galaxies on the SFR-M * Plane at 1.2 < z < 4: I. The Correlation between Stellar Age, Central Density, and Position Relative to the Main Sequence
- The Isophotal Structure of Star-forming Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1.8 in CANDELS: Implications for the Evolution of Galaxy Structure
- The JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey: Discovery of an Extreme Galaxy Overdensity at z = 5.4 with JWST/NIRCam in GOODS-S
- The Kiloparsec-scale Star Formation Law at Redshift 4: Widespread, Highly Efficient Star Formation in the Dust-obscured Starburst Galaxy GN20
- The Kinematics of Massive Quiescent Galaxies at 1.4 < z < 2.1: Dark Matter Fractions, IMF Variation, and the Relation to Local Early-type Galaxies
- The KMOS Cluster Survey (KCS). II. The Effect of Environment on the Structural Properties of Massive Cluster Galaxies at Redshift 1.39 < z < 1.61
- The KMOS Cluster Survey (KCS). I. The Fundamental Plane and the Formation Ages of Cluster Galaxies at Redshift 1.4 < z < 1.6
- The KMOS Deep Survey (KDS) - I. Dynamical measurements of typical star-forming galaxies at z 3.5
- The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): rotational velocities and angular momentum of z 0.9 galaxies
- The KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS): the origin of disc turbulence in z 1 star-forming galaxies
- The KMOS3D Survey: Design, First Results, and the Evolution of Galaxy Kinematics from 0.7 <= z <= 2.7
- The KMOS3D Survey: Rotating Compact Star-forming Galaxies and the Decomposition of Integrated Line Widths
- The Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of Emission Line-selected z ~ 2.5 Galaxies Is Less Than 15%
- The Lyman-Continuum Photon Production Efficiency x ion of z ~ 4-5 Galaxies from IRAC-based Ha Measurements: Implications for the Escape Fraction and Cosmic Reionization
- The Magellan M2FS Spectroscopic Survey of High-redshift Galaxies: The Brightest Lyman-break Galaxies at z ~ 6
- The Mass, Color, and Structural Evolution of Todays Massive Galaxies Since z ~ 5
- The mass evolution of the first galaxies: stellar mass functions and star formation rates at 4 < z < 7 in the CANDELS GOODS-South field
- The Mass-Metallicity Relation at z 1-2 and Its Dependence on the Star Formation Rate
- The mass-metallicity-star formation rate relation at z 2 with 3D Hubble Space Telescope
- The mean Ha EW and Lyman-continuum photon production efficiency for faint z 4-5 galaxies
- The Millennium Run Observatory: first light
- The missing light of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
- The missing satellite problem in 3D
- The morphological transformation of red sequence galaxies in clusters since z ~ 1
- The Morphologies of Massive Galaxies from z ~ 3--Witnessing the Two Channels of Bulge Growth
- The Morphology-Density Relationship in 1 < z < 2 Clusters
- The MOSDEF survey: a comprehensive analysis of the rest-optical emission-line properties of z ~ 2.3 star-forming galaxies
- The MOSDEF Survey: AGN Multi-wavelength Identification, Selection Biases, and Host Galaxy Properties
- The MOSDEF survey: an improved Voronoi binning technique on spatially resolved stellar populations at z ~ 2
- The MOSDEF survey: differences in SFR and metallicity for morphologically selected mergers at z ~ 2
- The MOSDEF Survey: Dissecting the Star Formation Rate versus Stellar Mass Relation Using Ha and Hb Emission Lines at z ~ 2
- The MOSDEF Survey: Dynamical and Baryonic Masses and Kinematic Structures of Star-forming Galaxies at 1.4 <= z <= 2.6
- The MOSDEF Survey: Electron Density and Ionization Parameter at z ~ 2.3
- The MOSDEF Survey: Kinematic and Structural Evolution of Star-forming Galaxies at 1.4 <= z <= 3.8
- The MOSDEF Survey: Metallicity Dependence of PAH Emission at High Redshift and Implications for 24 mm Inferred IR Luminosities and Star Formation Rates at z ~ 2
- The MOSDEF survey: probing resolved stellar populations at z 2 Using a new bayesian-defined morphology metric called patchiness
- The MOSDEF survey: the dependence of H a-to-UV SFR ratios on SFR and size at z 2
- The MOSDEF survey: towards a complete census of the z 2.3 star-forming galaxy population
- The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) Survey: Rest-frame Optical Spectroscopy for ~1500 H-selected Galaxies at 1.37 < z < 3.8
- The Most Luminous z ~ 9-10 Galaxy Candidates Yet Found: The Luminosity Function, Cosmic Star-formation Rate, and the First Mass Density Estimate at 500 Myr
- The motivation for flexible star-formation histories from spatially resolved scales within galaxies
- The MUSE Extremely Deep Field: Evidence for SFR-induced cores in dark-matter dominated galaxies at z 1
- The MUSE eXtremely deep field: first panoramic view of an Mg II emitting intragroup medium
- The MUSE eXtremely Deep Field: Individual detections of Lya haloes around rest-frame UV-selected galaxies at z 2.9-4.4
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. III. Testing photometric redshifts to 30th magnitude
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. II. Spectroscopic redshifts and comparisons to color selections of high-redshift galaxies
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. VIII. Extended Lyman-a haloes around high-z star-forming galaxies
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XIII. Spatially resolved spectral properties of Lyman a haloes around star-forming galaxies at z > 3
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XII. Mg II emission and absorption in star-forming galaxies
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. XIV. Evolution of the Lya emitter fraction from z = 3 to z = 6
- The MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. X. Lya equivalent widths at 2.9 < z < 6.6
- The MUSE-Wide survey: A first catalogue of 831 emission line galaxies
- The MUSE-Wide survey: a measurement of the Ly a emitting fraction among z > 3 galaxies
- The MUSE-Wide Survey: survey description and first data release
- The MUSE-Wide survey: Three-dimensional clustering analysis of Lyman-a emitters at 3.3 < z < 6
- The Nature of Extremely Red H - 4.5 > 4 Galaxies Revealed with SEDS and CANDELS
- The nature of giant clumps in high-z discs: a deep-learning comparison of simulations and observations
- The nature of massive transition galaxies in CANDELS, GAMA and cosmological simulations
- The Number Density Evolution of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies in 3D-HST: Results from a Novel Automated Line Search Technique for Slitless Spectroscopy
- The O IIIl5007 equivalent width distribution at z 2: the redshift evolution of the extreme emission line galaxies
- The Origins of UV-optical Color Gradients in Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 2: Predominant Dust Gradients but Negligible sSFR Gradients
- The Palomar Transient Factory Core-collapse Supernova Host-galaxy Sample. I. Host-galaxy Distribution Functions and Environment Dependence of Core-collapse Supernovae
- The Pantheon+ Analysis: Cosmological Constraints
- The Pantheon+ Analysis: SuperCal-fragilistic Cross Calibration, Retrained SALT2 Light-curve Model, and Calibration Systematic Uncertainty
- The Pantheon+ Analysis: The Full Data Set and Light-curve Release
- The Physical Properties of Massive Green Valley Galaxies as a Function of Environments at 0.5 < z < 2.5 in 3D-HST/Candels Fields
- The prevalence of galaxy overdensities around UV-luminous Lyman ?? emitters in the Epoch of Reionization
- The Progenitors of the Compact Early-type Galaxies at High Redshift
- The progenitors of the first red sequence galaxies at z ~ 2
- The Properties of Ha Emission-line Galaxies at Z = 2.24
- The properties of (sub-)millimetre-selected galaxies as revealed by CANDELS HST WFC3/IR imaging in GOODS-South
- The quenching of galaxies, bulges, and disks since cosmic noon. A machine learning approach for identifying causality in astronomical data
- The Rate of Core Collapse Supernovae to Redshift 2.5 from the CANDELS and CLASH Supernova Surveys
- The Red Sequence at Birth in the Galaxy Cluster Cl J1449+0856 at z = 2
- The Relation between Galaxy Structure and Spectral Type: Implications for the Buildup of the Quiescent Galaxy Population at 0.5 < z < 2.0
- The Relation between Star Formation Rate and Stellar Mass for Galaxies at 3.5 <= z <= 6.5 in CANDELS
- The relationship between dust and C I at z = 1 and beyond
- The relationship between galaxy and dark matter halo size from z ~ 3 to the present
- The relationship between star formation activity and galaxy structural properties in CANDELS and a semi-analytic model
- The Rest-frame Optical (900 nm) Galaxy Luminosity Function at z ~ 4-7: Abundance Matching Points to Limited Evolution in the M STAR/M HALO Ratio at z >= 4
- The Rest-frame Optical Sizes of Massive Galaxies with Suppressed Star Formation at z ~ 4
- The Role of Bulge Formation in the Homogenization of Stellar Populations at z~2 as revealed by Internal Color Dispersion in CANDELS
- The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: blank-field number counts of 450-mm-selected galaxies and their contribution to the cosmic infrared background
- The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: galaxies in the deep 850 mm survey, and the star-forming main sequence
- The SFR-M * Correlation Extends to Low Mass at High Redshift
- The size and pervasiveness of Ly a-UV spatial offsets in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 6
- The Size Evolution of Star-forming Galaxies since z ~ 7 Using ZFOURGE
- The Sizes of Massive Quiescent and Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 4 with ZFOURGE and CANDELS
- The Spectral Energy Distributions of z ~ 8 Galaxies from the IRAC Ultra Deep Fields: Emission Lines, Stellar Masses, and Specific Star Formation Rates at 650 Myr
- The Star Formation History of BCGs to z = 1.8 from the SpARCS/SWIRE Survey: Evidence for Significant In Situ Star Formation at High Redshift
- The Star Formation Rate Efficiency of Neutral Atomic-dominated Hydrogen Gas in the Outskirts of Star-forming Galaxies from z ~ 1 to z ~3
- The Star Formation Rate-Radius Connection: Data and Implications for Wind Strength and Halo Concentration
- The Stellar-age Dependence of X-Ray Emission from Normal Star-forming Galaxies in the GOODS Fields
- The Stellar Mass Function in CANDELS and Frontier Fields: The Buildup of Low-mass Passive Galaxies since z 3
- The Stellar Mass-Halo Mass Relation for Low-mass X-Ray Groups At 0.5< z< 1 in the CDFS With CSI
- The Stellar Metallicities of Massive Quiescent Galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.3 from KMOS + VANDELS
- The Structural Evolution of Milky-Way-like Star-forming Galaxies since z ~ 1.3
- The structural properties of classical bulges and discs from z ~ 2
- The SXDF-ALMA 2-arcmin2 Deep Survey: Stacking Rest-frame Near-infrared Selected Objects
- The systematic search for z 5 active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South
- The Team Keck Redshift Survey 2: MOSFIRE Spectroscopy of the GOODS-North Field
- The ultraviolet continuum slopes of high-redshift galaxies: evidence for the emergence of dust-free stellar populations at z > 10
- The unexpectedly large dust and gas content of quiescent galaxies at z > 1.4
- The UV continuum slopes of early star-forming galaxies in JADES
- The UV Luminosity Function of Star-forming Galaxies via Dropout Selection at Redshifts z ~ 7 and 8 from the 2012 Ultra Deep Field Campaign
- The UV-Optical Color Gradients in Star-forming Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 1.5: Origins and Link to Galaxy Assembly
- The UV spectral slope b and stellar population of most active star-forming galaxies at z ~ 4
- The VANDELS survey: dust attenuation in star-forming galaxies at z = 3-4
- The VANDELS survey: The relation between the UV continuum slope and stellar metallicity in star-forming galaxies at z ~ 3
- The VANDELS survey: the role of ISM and galaxy physical properties in the escape of Lya emission in z ~ 3.5 star-forming galaxies
- The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: ~10 000 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to study galaxy assembly at early epochs 2 < z 6
- The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: A major merger origin for the high fraction of galaxies at 2 < z < 6 with two bright clumps
- The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: evidence for AGN feedback in galaxies with CIII-l1908 A emission 10.8 to 12.5 Gyr ago
- The VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey first data release: Spectra and spectroscopic redshifts of 698 objects up to zspec 6 in CANDELS
- The VLA Frontier Fields Survey: Deep, High-resolution Radio Imaging of the MACS Lensing Clusters at 3 and 6 GHz
- The X-Ray Star Formation Story as Told by Lyman Break Galaxies in the 4 Ms CDF-S
- Tight Correlations between Massive Galaxy Structural Properties and Dynamics: The Mass Fundamental Plane was in Place by z ~ 2
- Timing the earliest quenching events with a robust sample of massive quiescent galaxies at 2 < z < 5
- To Stack or Not to Stack: Spectral Energy Distribution Properties of Lya-emitting Galaxies at z = 2.1
- T-PHOT: A new code for PSF-matched, prior-based, multiwavelength extragalactic deconfusion photometry
- Tracing the Reionization Epoch with ALMA: C II Emission in z ~ 7 Galaxies
- Tracing the rise of supermassive black holes. A panchromatic search for faint, unobscured quasars at z 6 with COSMOS-Web and other surveys
- Tracking down the Source Population Responsible for the Unresolved Cosmic 6-8 keV Background
- TRINITY I: self-consistently modelling the dark matter halo-galaxy-supermassive black hole connection from z = 0-10
- Two Massive, Compact, and Dust-obscured Candidate z 8 Galaxies Discovered by JWST
- Two Remarkably Luminous Galaxy Candidates at z 10-12 Revealed by JWST
- Type Ia Supernova Distances at Redshift >1.5 from the Hubble Space Telescope Multi-cycle Treasury Programs: The Early Expansion Rate
- Type Ia Supernova Rate Measurements to Redshift 2.5 from CANDELS: Searching for Prompt Explosions in the Early Universe
- Type-Ia Supernova Rates to Redshift 2.4 from CLASH: The Cluster Lensing And Supernova Survey with Hubble
- Ultradeep IRAC Imaging Over the HUDF and GOODS-South: Survey Design and Imaging Data Release
- Ultraviolet luminosity density of the universe during the epoch of reionization
- Unbiased Differential Size Evolution and the Inside-out Growth of Galaxies in the Deep CANDELS GOODS Fields at 1 <= z <= 7
- Uncovering Drivers of Disk Assembly: Bulgeless Galaxies and the Stellar Mass Tully-Fisher Relation
- UNIVERSEMACHINE: The correlation between galaxy growth and dark matter halo assembly from z = 0-10
- Unveiling the First Black Holes With JWST:Multi-wavelength Spectral Predictions
- Unveiling the hidden Universe with JWST: the contribution of dust-obscured galaxies to the stellar mass function at z 3 - 8
- Unveiling the nature of bright z 7 galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope
- UV-continuum Slopes at z ~ 4-7 from the HUDF09+ERS+CANDELS Observations: Discovery of a Well-defined UV Color-Magnitude Relationship for z >= 4 Star-forming Galaxies
- UV-continuum Slopes of >4000 z ~ 4-8 Galaxies from the HUDF/XDF, HUDF09, ERS, CANDELS-South, and CANDELS-North Fields
- UV Luminosity Functions at Redshifts z ~ 4 to z ~ 10: 10,000 Galaxies from HST Legacy Fields
- UVUDF: Ultraviolet Through Near-infrared Catalog and Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
- UVUDF: UV Luminosity Functions at the Cosmic High Noon
- Variability-selected Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei Candidates in the 7 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South
- Velocity Dispersions and Dynamical Masses for a Large Sample of Quiescent Galaxies at z > 1: Improved Measures of the Growth in Mass and Size
- VLA and ALMA Imaging of Intense Galaxy-wide Star Formation in z ~ 2 Galaxies
- VLT/FORS2 view at z 6: Lyman-a emitter fraction and galaxy physical properties at the edge of the epoch of cosmic reionization
- What is the Physical Origin of Strong Lya Emission? I. Demographics of Lya Emitter Structures
- What Turns Galaxies Off? The Different Morphologies of Star-forming and Quiescent Galaxies since z ~ 2 from CANDELS
- When did Round Disk Galaxies Form?
- When VLT Meets HST: The HUGS Survey
- XMM-Newton X-ray and HST weak gravitational lensing study of the extremely X-ray luminous galaxy cluster Cl J120958.9+495352 (z = 0.902)
- X-rays across the galaxy population - III. The incidence of AGN as a function of star formation rate
- X-rays across the galaxy population - II. The distribution of AGN accretion rates as a function of stellar mass and redshift.
- X-rays across the galaxy population - I. Tracing the main sequence of star formation
- X-Ray Selected AGN Host Galaxies are Similar to Inactive Galaxies out to z = 3: Results from CANDELS/CDF-S
- Young, Star-forming Galaxies and Their Local Counterparts: The Evolving Relationship of Mass-SFR-Metallicity Since z ~ 2.1
- z ~ 1 Lya Emitters. I. The Luminosity Function
- z ~ 2: An Epoch of Disk Assembly
- z ~ 4 Ha Emitters in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Tracing the Dominant Mode for Growth of Galaxies
- z 7 Galaxies with Red Spitzer/IRAC 3.6-4.5 Colors in the Full CANDELS Data Set: The Brightest-Known Galaxies at z ~ 7-9 and a Probable Spectroscopic Confirmation at z = 7.48
- ZFIRE: 3D Modeling of Rotation, Dispersion, and Angular Momentum of Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 2
- ZFIRE: Measuring Electron Density with O II as a Function of Environment at z = 1.62
- ZFIRE: Similar Stellar Growth in Ha-emitting Cluster and Field Galaxies at z ~ 2
- ZFIRE: The Kinematics of Star-forming Galaxies as a Function of Environment at z ~ 2
- ZFOURGE/CANDELS: On the Evolution of M* Galaxy Progenitors from z = 3 to 0.5
- ZFOURGE catalogue of AGN candidates: an enhancement of 160-mm-derived star formation rates in active galaxies to z = 3.2
- ZFOURGE: Using Composite Spectral Energy Distributions to Characterize Galaxy Populations at 1 < z < 4
- SSFR-M * Diagram: A Valuable Galaxy Evolution Diagnostic to Complement (s)SFR-M * Diagrams