3D-HST Emission Line Galaxies at z ~ 2: Discrepancies in the Optical/UV Star Formation Rates
3D-HST WFC3-selected Photometric Catalogs in the Five CANDELS/3D-HST Fields: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Masses
A Calibration of NICMOS Camera 2 for Low Count Rates
A CANDELS-3D-HST synergy: Resolved Star Formation Patterns at 0.7 < z < 1.5
A dusty compact object bridging galaxies and quasars at cosmic dawn
Ages of Massive Galaxies at 0.5 > z > 2.0 from 3D-HST Rest-frame Optical Spectroscopy
A Molecular Line Scan in the Hubble Deep Field North
A Molecular Line Scan in the Hubble Deep Field North: Constraints on the CO Luminosity Function and the Cosmic H2 Density
A Submillimeter Perspective on the Goods Fields. II. The High Radio Power Population in the Goods-N
A Submillimeter Perspective on the GOODS Fields (SUPER GOODS). I. An Ultradeep SCUBA-2 Survey of the GOODS-N
A3COSMOS and A3GOODSS: Continuum source catalogues and multi-band number counts
Bulge Growth and Quenching since z = 2.5 in CANDELS/3D-HST
Caught in the Act: Gas and Stellar Velocity Dispersions in a Fast Quenching Compact Star-Forming Galaxy at z~1.7
CEERS Key Paper. VIII. Emission-line Ratios from NIRSpec and NIRCam Wide-Field Slitless Spectroscopy at z > 2
Charge transfer inefficiency in the Hubble Space Telescope since Servicing Mission 4
CLEAR: Emission-line Ratios at Cosmic High Noon
CLEAR: Spatially Resolved Emission Lines and Active Galactic Nuclei at 0.6 < z < 1.3
CLEAR: Survey Overview, Data Analysis, and Products
CLEAR: The Gas-phase Metallicity Gradients of Star-forming Galaxies at 0.6 < z < 2.6
Cosmic evolution of radio-excess active galactic nuclei in quiescent and star-forming galaxies across 0 < z < 4
Delving deep: A population of extremely dusty dwarfs observed by JWST
Differential attenuation in star-forming galaxies at 0.3 z 1.5 in the SHARDS/CANDELS field
Direct Measurements of Dust Attenuation in z ~ 1.5 Star-forming Galaxies from 3D-HST: Implications for Dust Geometry and Star Formation Rates
Early Growth of the Star Formation Rate Function in the Epoch of Reionization: An Approach with Rest-frame Optical Emissions
Euclid preparation. XXX. Performance assessment of the NISP red grism through spectroscopic simulations for the wide and deep surveys
Evidence for Three Accreting Black Holes in a Galaxy at z ~ 1.35: A Snapshot of Recently Formed Black Hole Seeds?
Exploring the Gas-phase Metallicity Gradients of Star-forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon
First Results from the 3D-HST Survey: The Striking Diversity of Massive Galaxies at z > 1
Forming Compact Massive Galaxies
Galaxies of the z ~ 2 Universe. I. Grism-selected Rest-frame Optical Emission-line Galaxies
HALO7D II: The Halo Velocity Ellipsoid and Velocity Anisotropy with Distant Main-sequence Stars
High-precision Photometric Redshifts from Spitzer/IRAC: Extreme 3.6 - 4.5 Colors Identify Galaxies in the Redshift Range z ~ 6.6 - 6.9
HST Emission Line Galaxies at z ~ 2: Comparing Physical Properties of Lyman Alpha and Optical Emission Line Selected Galaxies
HST Grism-derived Forecasts for Future Galaxy Redshift Surveys
Hubble Space Telescope Emission Line Galaxies at z ~ 2: The Lya Escape Fraction
Hubble Space Telescope Emission-line Galaxies at z ~ 2: The Mystery of Neon
Ionized-gas Metallicity of the Strong O IIIl5007 Emission-line Compact Galaxies in the LAMOST Survey
Is There a Maximum Star Formation Rate in High-redshift Galaxies?
Lack of influence of the environment in the earliest stages of massive galaxy formation
Large-scale Star-formation-driven Outflows at 1 < z < 2 in the 3D-HST Survey
Leveraging 3D-HST Grism Redshifts to Quantify Photometric Redshift Performance
Luminosity Dependence and Redshift Evolution of Strong Emission-Line Diagnostics in Star-Forming Galaxies
Measuring Stellar Masses of Emission-line Galaxies at 1.2 < z < 1.9
MMT/MMIRS spectroscopy of z = 1.3 - 2.4 extreme O III emitters: implications for galaxies in the reionization era
Nowhere to hide: Radio-faint AGN in the GOODS-N field. II. Multi-wavelength AGN selection techniques and host galaxy properties
Observations of Environmental Quenching in Groups in the 11 GYR since z = 2.5: Different Quenching for Central and Satellite Galaxies
Pathways to quiescence: SHARDS view on the star formation histories of massive quiescent galaxies at 1.0 < z < 1.5
Precise Identifications of Submillimeter Galaxies: Measuring the History of Massive Star-forming Galaxies to z > 5
Precision Measurement of The Most Distant Spectroscopically Confirmed Supernova Ia with the Hubble Space Telescope
Quiescent Galaxies in the 3D-HST Survey: Spectroscopic Confirmation of a Large Number of Galaxies with Relatively Old Stellar Populations at z ~ 2
SHARDS: A Global View of the Star Formation Activity at z ~ 0.84 and z ~ 1.23
Spatially resolved star formation and inside-out quenching in the TNG50 simulation and 3D-HST observations
Spectral Energy Distribution Fitting of HETDEX Pilot Survey Lya Emitters in COSMOS and GOODS-N
Spectroscopic Confirmation of Three z-dropout Galaxies at z = 6.844-7.213: Demographics of Lya Emission in z ~ 7 Galaxies
Stellar, Gas, and Dust Emission of Star-forming Galaxies out to z ~ 2
Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and X-ray scaling relations from weak lensing mass calibration of 32 South Pole Telescope selected galaxy clusters
The 3D-HST Survey: Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/G141 Grism Spectra, Redshifts, and Emission Line Measurements for ~ 100,000 Galaxies
The Assembly of Milky-Way-like Galaxies Since z ~ 2.5
The CANDELS/SHARDS Multiwavelength Catalog in GOODS-N: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, Stellar Masses, Emission-line Fluxes, and Star Formation Rates
The Differential Assembly History of the Centers and Outskirts of Main-sequence Galaxies at z 2.3
The Dust Attenuation Curve versus Stellar Mass for Emission Line Galaxies at z ~ 2
The GOODS-N Jansky VLA 10 GHz Pilot Survey: Sizes of Star-forming mJY Radio Sources
The Ha and O III l5007 Luminosity Functions of 1.2 < z < 1.9 Emission-line Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Grism Spectroscopy
The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
The MAGPI survey: evolution of radial trends in star formation activity across cosmic time
The Mass-Metallicity Relation at z 1-2 and Its Dependence on the Star Formation Rate
The mass-metallicity-star formation rate relation at z 2 with 3D Hubble Space Telescope
The missing light of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
The MOSDEF Survey: Electron Density and Ionization Parameter at z ~ 2.3
The Most Luminous z ~ 9-10 Galaxy Candidates Yet Found: The Luminosity Function, Cosmic Star-formation Rate, and the First Mass Density Estimate at 500 Myr
The Neon Gap: Probing Ionization with Dwarf Galaxies at z 1
The Relation between O III/Hb and Specific Star Formation Rate in Galaxies at z ~ 2
The spatial extent and distribution of star formation in 3D-HST mergers at z ~ 1.5
The star formation burstiness and ionizing efficiency of low-mass galaxies
The Stellar Initial Mass Function at 0.9 < z < 1.5
The VANDELS survey: a measurement of the average Lyman-continuum escape fraction of star-forming galaxies at z = 3.5
Using Ne V/Ne III to Understand the Nature of Extreme-ionization Galaxies
Young, Star-forming Galaxies and Their Local Counterparts: The Evolving Relationship of Mass-SFR-Metallicity Since z ~ 2.1
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.