A Calibration of NICMOS Camera 2 for Low Count Rates
A low-mass cut-off near the hydrogen burning limit for Salpeter-like initial mass functions in early-type galaxies
An unexpected high concentration for the dark substructure in the gravitational lens SDSSJ0946+1006
A Relationship Between Supermassive Black Hole Mass and the Total Gravitational Mass of the Host Galaxy
Assessing the effect of lens mass model in cosmological application with updated galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing sample
A weak lensing comparability study of galaxy mergers that host AGNs.
Consistency testing for invariance of the speed of light at different redshifts: the newest results from strong lensing and Type Ia supernovae observations
Constraints on cosmological models from strong gravitational lensing systems
Cosmological constraints from the double source plane lens SDSSJ0946+1006
Cosmological model-independent measurement of cosmic curvature using distance sum rule with the help of gravitational waves
Cosmological parameters from strong gravitational lensing and stellar dynamics in elliptical galaxies
Dark matter haloes of massive elliptical galaxies at z ~ 0.2 are well described by the Navarro-Frenk-White profile
Dark matter-rich early-type galaxies in the CASSOWARY 5 strong lensing system
Detection of a dark substructure through gravitational imaging
Do gravitational lens galaxies have an excess of luminous substructure?
Enhanced Lensing Rate by Clustering of Massive Galaxies: Newly Discovered Systems in the Slacs Fields
Evidence for Dark Matter Contraction and a Salpeter Initial Mass Function in a Massive Early-type Galaxy
Galaxy-Scale Strong-Lensing Tests of Gravity and Geometric Cosmology: Constraints and Systematic Limitations
Galaxy structure with strong gravitational lensing: decomposing the internal mass distribution of massive elliptical galaxies
Golden gravitational lensing systems from the Sloan Lens ACS Survey - II. SDSS J1430+4105: a precise inner total mass profile from lensing alone
Gravitational lens environments: Improving lensing constraints on cosmology and galaxy evolution
Harnessing the Hubble Space Telescope Archives: A Catalog of 21,926 Interacting Galaxies
LEMON: LEns MOdelling with Neural networks - I. Automated modelling of strong gravitational lenses with Bayesian Neural Networks
LENSED: a code for the forward reconstruction of lenses and sources from strong lensing observations
Model-independent Estimations for the Cosmic Curvature from the Latest Strong Gravitational Lensing Systems
On the Inside of Massive Galaxies: The Sloan Lens ACS Survey and Combining Gravitational Lensing with Stellar Dynamics and Stellar Population Analysis
Probing a scale dependent gravitational slip with galaxy strong lensing systems
Project Dinos I: A joint lensing-dynamics constraint on the deviation from the power law in the mass profile of massive ellipticals
Scanning for dark matter subhaloes in Hubble Space Telescope imaging of 54 strong lenses
Searching for Strong Gravitational Lenses
Stellar mass estimates in early-type galaxies from lensing+dynamical and photometric measurements
Superresolving Distant Galaxies with Gravitational Telescopes: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics and Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of the Lens System SDSS J0737+3216
The BOSS Emission-Line Lens Survey. II. Investigating Mass-density Profile Evolution in the SLACS+BELLS Strong Gravitational Lens Sample
The environments of SLACS gravitational lenses
The galaxy counterpart and environment of the dusty damped Lyman-a absorber at z = 2.226 towards Q 1218+0832
The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
The Initial Mass Function of Early-Type Galaxies
The non-evolving internal structure of early-type galaxies: the case study SDSSJ0728+3835 at z = 0.206
The radial distribution of galaxies in groups and clusters
The SLACS Survey. VIII. The Relation between Environment and Internal Structure of Early-Type Galaxies
The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. IV. The Mass Density Profile of Early-Type Galaxies out to 100 Effective Radii
The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. VI. Discovery and Analysis of a Double Einstein Ring
The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. VII. Elliptical Galaxy Scaling Laws from Direct Observational Mass Measurements
The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. V. The Full ACS Strong-Lens Sample
The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. XI. Beyond Hubble Resolution: Size, Luminosity, and Stellar Mass of Compact Lensed Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift
The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. XII. Extending Strong Lensing to Lower Masses
The stellar initial mass function of early-type galaxies from low to high stellar velocity dispersion: homogeneous analysis of ATLAS3D and Sloan Lens ACS galaxies
Two-dimensional kinematics and dynamical modelling of the Jackpot gravitational lens from deep MUSE observations
Witnessing the Differential Evolution of Disk Galaxies in Luminosity and Size via Gravitational Lensing
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Bolton et al., 2007, 'The Sloan Lens ACS Survey: Towards 100 New Strong Lenses', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-quwi2vf