Altitude of Saturns aurora and its implications for the characteristic energy of precipitated electrons
An auroral oval at the footprint of Saturns kilometric radio sources, colocated with the UV aurorae
Asymmetry in the Jovian auroral Lyman-I+- line profile due to thermospheric high-speed flow
Auroral current systems in Saturns magnetosphere: comparison of theoretical models with Cassini and HST observations
Auroral emissions and electromagnetic interactions between Jupiter and Saturn and their satellites
Auroral evidence of a localized magnetic anomaly in Jupiters northern hemisphere
Auroral evidence of Ios control over the magnetosphere of Jupiter
Auroral footprint of Ganymede
Auroral polar dawn spots: Signatures of internally driven reconnection processes at Jupiters magnetotail
Auroral signatures of flow bursts released during magnetotail reconnection at Jupiter
Comparisons Between Jupiters X-ray, UV and Radio Emissions and In-Situ Solar Wind Measurements During 2007
Effect of plasma torus density variations on the morphology and brightness of the Io footprint
Evidence for Auroral Emissions From Callistos Footprint in HST UV Images
Evidence for auroral influence on Jupiters nitrogen and oxygen chemistry revealed by ALMA
Evolution of the Auroral Signatures of Jupiters Magnetospheric Injections
Evolution of the Io footprint brightness I: Far-UV observations
Ganymedes Auroral Footprint Latitude: Comparison With Magnetodisc Model
Hubble observations of Jupiters north-south conjugate ultraviolet aurora
Illuminating the Motions of Jupiters Auroral Dawn Storms
Jovian Auroral Electron Precipitation Budget--A Statistical Analysis of Diffuse, Mono-Energetic, and Broadband Auroral Electron Distributions
Jovian High-Latitude Ionospheric Ions: Juno In Situ Observations
Jupiters equatorward auroral features: Possible signatures of magnetospheric injections
Longitudinal modulation of the brightness of Ios auroral footprint emission: Comparison with models
Magnetic interconnection of Saturns polar regions: comparison of modelling results with Hubble Space Telescope UV auroral images
Magnetosphere-ionosphere mapping at Jupiter: Quantifying the effects of using different internal field models
Magnetospheric mapping of the dayside UV auroral oval at Saturn using simultaneous HST images, Cassini IMF data, and a global magnetic field model
Modeling of Jupiters auroral curtain and upper atmospheric thermal structure
Modeling the Jovian magnetic field and its secular variation using all available magnetic field observations
Morphology of Jupiters Polar Auroral Bright Spot Emissions via Juno UVS Observations
Observations of Jovian polar auroral filaments
Open flux in Saturns magnetosphere
Origin of Saturns aurora: Simultaneous observations by Cassini and the Hubble Space Telescope
Phase relation of oscillations near the planetary period of Saturns auroral oval and the equatorial magnetospheric magnetic field
Quasi-periodic polar flares at Jupiter: A signature of pulsed dayside reconnections?
Recurrent energization of plasma in the midnight-to-dawn quadrant of Saturns magnetosphere, and its relationship to auroral UV and radio emissions
Response of Jupiters and Saturns auroral activity to the solar wind
Similarity of the Jovian satellite footprints: Spots multiplicity and dynamics
Stability within Jupiters polar auroral Swirl region over moderate timescales
Survey of Saturn auroral storms observed by the Hubble Space Telescope: Implications for storm time scales
Ten years of Hubble Space Telescope observations of the variation of the Jovian satellites auroral footprint brightness
The far-ultraviolet main auroral emission at Jupiter - Part 1: Dawn-dusk brightness asymmetries
The far-ultraviolet main auroral emission at Jupiter - Part 2: Vertical emission profile
The Infrared Auroral Footprint Tracks of Io, Europa and Ganymede at Jupiter Observed by Juno-JIRAM
The Io UV footprint: Location, inter-spot distances and tail vertical extent
The multiple spots of the Ganymede auroral footprint
The Structure of the Warped Io Plasma Torus Constrained by the Io Footprint
The tails of the satellite auroral footprints at Jupiter
The VOISE algorithm: a versatile tool for automatic segmentation of astronomical images
Transient auroral features at Saturn: Signatures of energetic particle injections in the magnetosphere
Transient small-scale structure in the main auroral emission at Jupiter
Variation in the Pedersen Conductance Near Jupiters Main Emission Aurora: Comparison of Hubble Space Telescope and Galileo Measurements
Variation of different components of Jupiters auroral emission
Variation of Saturns UV aurora with SKR phase
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Clarke et al., 2009, 'Comprehensive Auroral Imaging of Jupiter and Saturn during the International Heliophysical Year', 1.0, European Space Agency,