A 7 deg2 survey for galaxy-scale gravitational lenses with the HST imaging archive
Adaptive optics imaging and optical spectroscopy of a multiple merger in a luminous infrared galaxy
A deep Chandra observation of the interacting star-forming galaxy Arp 299
A Gemini-NIFS view of the merger remnant NGC 34
Ages of Star Clusters in the Tidal Tails of Merging Galaxies
AGN feedback in a galaxy merger: multi-phase, galaxy-scale outflows with a fast molecular gas blob ~6 kpc away from IRAS F08572+3915
ALMA Observations of Multiple CO and C Lines toward the Active Galactic Nucleus of NGC 7469: An X-Ray-dominated Region Caught in the Act
A Multi-wavelength View of the Central Kiloparsec Region in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 1614
An Embedded Active Nucleus in the OH Megamaser Galaxy IRAS16399-0937
An Ha Imaging Survey of All (Ultra)luminous Infrared Galaxies at Decl. >= -30deg in the GOALS Sample
An Infrared-luminous Merger with Two Bipolar Molecular Outflows: ALMA and SMA Observations of NGC 3256
An Integral Field Study of Abundance Gradients in nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Another piece of the puzzle: The fast H I outflow in Mrk 231
An X-ray view of 82 LINERs with Chandra and XMM-Newton data
A Pair of Leading Spiral Arms in a Luminous Infrared Galaxy?
Around the Ring We Go: The Cold, Dense Ring of Molecular Gas in NGC 1614
Arp 220: A Post-starburst Galaxy with Little Current Star Formation outside of Its Nuclear Disks
A Very Large Array Survey of Luminous Extranuclear Star-forming Regions in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS
Black hole mass measurement using ALMA observations of CI and CO emissions in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 7469
Breaking the Obscuring Screen: A Resolved Molecular Outflow in a Buried QSO
C-GOALS: Chandra observations of a complete sample of luminous infrared galaxies from the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Survey
C-GOALS. II. Chandra observations of the lower luminosity sample of nearby luminous infrared galaxies in GOALS
Characterization of Optically Selected Star-Forming Knots in (U)LIRGs
Comprehensive Broadband X-Ray and Multiwavelength Study of Active Galactic Nuclei in 57 Local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies Observed with NuSTAR and/or Swift/BAT
Connections between Star Cluster Populations and Their Host Galaxy Nuclear Rings
Constraints on Upper Cutoffs in the Mass Functions of Young Star Clusters
Deep ALMA imaging of the merger NGC 1614. Is CO tracing a massive inflow of non-starforming gas?
Discovery of a Very Highly Extinguished Supernova in a Luminous Infrared Galaxy
Discovery of Two Supernovae in the Nuclear Regions of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy IC 883
Dynamical Modeling of Galaxy Mergers Using Identikit
Elliptical Galaxy in the Making: The Dual Active Galactic Nuclei and Metal-enriched Halo of Mrk 273
Evidence for Elevated X-Ray Emission in Local Lyman Break Galaxy Analogs
Exploring high-z galaxies with the E-ELT
Exploring the Overabundance of ULXs in Metal- and Dust-poor Local Lyman Break Analogs
Extranuclear Ha-emitting complexes in low-z (U)LIRGs: precursors of tidal dwarf galaxies?
Extra-nuclear Starbursts: Young Luminous Hinge Clumps in Interacting Galaxies
Fast and Furious: Shock Heated Gas as the Origin of Spatially Resolved Hard X-Ray Emission in the Central 5 kpc of the Galaxy Merger NGC 6240
From merging galaxies to quasars: The evolution of nuclear activity in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies
Galaxy Mergers Drive Shocks: An Integral Field Study of GOALS Galaxies
Galaxy-wide Shocks in Late-merger Stage Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Galaxy Zoo: Mergers - Dynamical models of interacting galaxies
Gas-phase Oxygen Gradients in Strongly Interacting Galaxies. I. Early-stage Interactions
GOALS-JWST: Revealing the Buried Star Clusters in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114
GOALS-JWST: Unveiling Dusty Compact Sources in the Merging Galaxy IIZw096
GOALS: The Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey
Growing supermassive black holes in the late stages of galaxy mergers are heavily obscured
Half-megasecond Chandra Spectral Imaging of the Hot Circumgalactic Nebula around Quasar Mrk 231
Harnessing the Hubble Space Telescope Archives: A Catalog of 21,926 Interacting Galaxies
HSIM: a simulation pipeline for the HARMONI integral field spectrograph on the European ELT
HST NICMOS Imaging of z ~ 2, 24 mm-selected Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
Hubble Space Telescope ACS Imaging of the GOALS Sample: Quantitative Structural Properties of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies with L IR > 1011.4 L
Integral Field Spectroscopy of Massive, Kiloparsec-scale Outflows in the Infrared-luminous QSO Mrk 231
Interstellar Medium and Star Formation of Starburst Galaxies on the Merger Sequence
Investigation of Dual Active Nuclei, Outflows, Shock-heated Gas, and Young Star Clusters in Markarian 266
Is this an early stage merger? A case study on molecular gas and star formation properties of Arp 240
Keck OSIRIS AO LIRG Analysis (KOALA): Feedback in the Nuclei of Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Kinematic Classifications of Local Interacting Galaxies: Implications for the Merger/Disk Classifications at High-z
Kinematics and dynamics of the luminous infrared galaxy pair NGC 5257/58 (Arp 240)
Kinematics of the ionized and molecular gas in nearby luminous infrared interacting galaxies
Linear radio structures in selected Seyfert galaxies
Luminous Infrared Galaxies and the Starburst-AGN Connection
Mass Functions of Giant Molecular Clouds and Young Star Clusters in Six Nearby Galaxies
Massive Star Cluster Formation and Destruction in Luminous Infrared Galaxies in GOALS
Merger-driven Growth of Intermediate-mass Black Holes: Constraints from Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Hyper-luminous X-Ray Sources
Mid-infrared Atomic Fine-structure Emission-line Spectra of Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Spitzer/IRS Spectra of the GOALS Sample
Morphological classification of local luminous infrared galaxies
Morphology and Molecular Gas Fractions of Local Luminous Infrared Galaxies as a Function of Infrared Luminosity and Merger Stage
Morphology of Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Multi-wavelength GOALS Observations of Star Formation and Active Galactic Nucleus Activity in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy IC 883
NOEMA Observations of CO Emission in Arp 142 and Arp 238
NuSTAR Unveils a Compton-thick Type 2 Quasar in Mrk 34
Off-Nuclear Star Formation and Obscured Activity in the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 2623
On the fraction of star clusters surviving the embedded phase
On the star formation rate - brightest cluster relation: estimating the peak star formation rate in post-merger galaxies
On the X-Ray Spectral Energy Distributions of Star-forming Galaxies: The 0.3-30 keV Spectrum of the Low-metallicity Starburst Galaxy VV 114
Optical and OH megamaser observations of the starburst galaxy IIZw 096
Physical Characterization of Serendipitously Uncovered Millimeter-wave Line-emitting Galaxies at z 2.5 behind the Local Luminous Infrared Galaxy VV 114
Post-starburst Tidal Tails in the Archetypical Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy Arp 220
Prevalence of neutral gas in centres of merging galaxies
Radio continuum properties of luminous infrared galaxies. Identifying the presence of an AGN in the radio
Radio properties of the OH megamaser galaxy IIZw 096
Reconstructing merger timelines using star cluster age distributions: the case of MCG+08-11-002
Resolving Gas Flows in the Ultraluminous Starburst IRAS 23365+3604 with Keck LGSAO/OSIRIS
Revisiting the Extended Schmidt Law: The Important Role of Existing Stars in Regulating Star Formation
Role of Galaxy Mergers in Cosmic Star Formation History
Shutting down or powering up a (U)LIRG? Merger components in distinctly different evolutionary states in IRAS 19115-2124 (the Bird)
Spatially Extended Na I D Resonant Emission and Absorption in the Galactic Wind of the Nearby Infrared-Luminous Quasar F05189-2524
Spatially resolved CO SLED of the Luminous Merger Remnant NGC 1614 with ALMA
Spatially resolved observations of warm ionized gas and feedback in local ULIRGs
Spectral Energy Distributions of Local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies
Spectroscopic study of the peculiar galaxy IC 883
Spinning Bar and a Star-formation Inefficient Repertoire: Turbulence in Hickson Compact Group NGC 7674
Star Cluster Formation and Destruction in the Merging Galaxy NGC 3256
Star cluster formation in the most extreme environments: insights from the HiPEEC survey
Star clusters in tidal debris
Star formation and nuclear activity in luminous infrared galaxies: an infrared through radio review
Star formation histories in mergers: the spatially resolved properties of the early-stage merger luminous infrared galaxies IC 1623 and NGC 6090
Star formation history in merging galaxies
Star Formation in Extreme Environments
Star Formation Properties and Dynamics of Luminous Infrared Galaxies with Adaptive Optics
Studying the kinematic asymmetries of disks and post-coalescence mergers using a new kinemetry criterion
Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of Arp 220 at 150 MHz. A kpc-scale star forming disk surrounding nuclei with shocked outflows
Testing a double AGN hypothesis for Mrk 273
The Arp 220 Merger on kpc Scales
The NGC 1614 interacting galaxy. Molecular gas feeding a ring of fire
The build-up of nuclear stellar cusps in extreme starburst galaxies and major mergers
The Buried Starburst in the Interacting Galaxy II Zw 096 as Revealed by the Spitzer Space Telescope
The Complex Structure of the Multi-phase Galactic Wind in a Starburst Merger
The core-collapse supernova rate in Arp 299 revisited
The Dense Molecular Gas and Nuclear Activity in the ULIRG IRAS 13120-5453
The Exceptional Soft X-Ray Halo of the Galaxy Merger NGC 6240
The first ground-based detection of the 752 GHz water line in local ultraluminous infrared galaxies using APEX-SEPIA
The Fraction of Stars That Form in Clusters in Different Galaxies
The impact of satellite trails on Hubble Space Telescope observations
The Inner Kiloparsec of Mrk 273 with Keck Adaptive Optics
The location of an active nucleus and a shadow of a tidal tail in the ULIRG Mrk 273
The Lyman Alpha Reference Sample. III. Properties of the Neutral ISM from GBT and VLA Observations
The Lya Reference Sample. I. Survey Outline and First Results for Markarian 259
The Lya Reference Sample. VIII. Characterizing Lya Scattering in Nearby Galaxies
The Lya Reference Sample. XIV. Lya Imaging of 45 Low-redshift Star-forming Galaxies and Inferences on Global Emission
The Multiphase Structure and Power Sources of Galactic Winds in Major Mergers
The Nature of Optically-Luminous Stellar Clusters in a Large Sample of Luminous Infrared Galaxies
The nature of supernovae 2010O and 2010P in Arp 299 - I. Near-infrared and optical evolution
The nuclear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission of merger system NGC 1614: rings within rings
The Nuclear Structure in Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies: Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS Imaging of the GOALS Sample
The spatially resolved star formation history of mergers. A comparative study of the LIRGs IC 1623, NGC 6090, NGC 2623, and Mice
The spatially resolved stellar population and ionized gas properties in the merger LIRG NGC 2623
The spectral energy distribution of the central parsecs of the nearest AGN
The Structure of Active Merger Remnant NGC 6240 from IRAC Observations
The Type Ib supernova 2010O: an explosion in a Wolf-Rayet X-ray binary?
Tracing the Ionization Structure of the Shocked Filaments of NGC 6240
Unveiling the s-discrepancy. II. Revisiting the Evolution of ULIRGs and the Origin of Quasars
Unveiling the s-Discrepancy in Infrared-Luminous Mergers. I. Dust and Dynamics
VLT/VIMOS integral field spectroscopy of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies: 2D kinematic properties
VLT-VIMOS integral field spectroscopy of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies. I. The sample and first results
XMM-Newton Observations of Three Interacting Luminous Infrared Galaxies
Temporal Coverage
Mission Description
Launched in 1990, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope remains the premier UV and visible light telescope in orbit. With well over 1.6 million observations from 10 different scientific instruments, the ESA Hubble Science Archive is a treasure trove of astronomical data to be exploited.
European Space Agency, Evans et al., 2008, 'An ACS Survey of a Complete Sample of Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Local Universe', 1.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-x7f9z0k