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Understanding the mass transfer and dynamics among the Galactic Center, the disk, and the halo of the Milky Way is fundamental to the study of the evolution of galaxies and star formation. Recently several giant loops of molecular gas (GML) have been found in the Galactic Center from CO maps, which are likely the result of the magnetic Parker instability. There is new evidence of a possible connection between these loops and the Central Molecular Zone as shown in a sparse CII sampling made by the Herschel Key Project GOT C+. Here we propose to map various features of the GMLs and the interface region in CII with HIFI. We will also map the foot points of the loop, which are thought to be highly shocked regions, in the ortho 110-101 line of water, which is a known shock tracer. With this data we will characterize different ISM components and their flow among these Galactic Center features. |