A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name OT2_tbourke_2
Title The Evolution of Dense Cores to Protostars


DOI https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-yfke427
Author European Space Agency
Description Low mass stars form in dense cores of gas and dust. Many details of how
this happens are unclear. Sensitive continuum mapping observations at
wavelengths that sample the peak of their SEDs (100-300 microns) are
needed, for a large ensemble of cores, in order to investigate dense core
evolution. Isolated dense cores are the best place to study core
evolution, as they are free of the confusing effects of star formation in
large clouds and clusters. We propose to map, in the continuum with PACS
and SPIRE, a large ensemble (of order 150) of isolated dense cores spanning
a range of peak extinctions and star formation activity. By combining
these data with Spitzer and submm continuum and molecular line
observations, we will determine the physical, dynamical and chemical state
of each core. These results will enable us to investigate many questions
relating to how dense cores form and evolve toward star formation.
Instrument PACS_PacsPhoto_largeScan
Temporal Coverage 2013-02-21T09:59:14Z/2013-02-21T16:28:35Z
Version SPG v14.2.0
Mission Description Herschel was launched on 14 May 2009! It is the fourth 'cornerstone' mission in the ESA science programme. With a 3.5 m Cassegrain telescope it is the largest space telescope ever launched. It is performing photometry and spectroscopy in approximately the 55-671 µm range, bridging the gap between earlier infrared space missions and groundbased facilities.
Creator Contact https://support.cosmos.esa.int/h®erschel/
Date Published 2013-08-21T16:25:02Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2013, The Evolution Of Dense Cores To Protostars, SPG v14.2.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-yfke427