A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name OT1_tfritz_1
Title Extinction towards the Galactic Center


DOI https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-1v26qrl
Author European Space Agency

We want to use far infrared hydrogen recombination lines for 6.7 hours from the Galactic Center
with Herschel/PACS. We then combine the far infrared measurements with existing near and mid infrared measurements of
hydrogen lines for obtaining the differential extinctions between the lines. Above 100 microns the extinction is below
0.05 mag such that be obtain the absolute extinction over the full infrared.

Firstly the absolute extinction can be used for following goals:

Many of the bright stars in the Galactic Center are massive, young O- or WR-stars.
Their stellar types and ages have been derived individually by means of atmosphere modeling.

Putting a reliable, absolute magnitude scale to the near infrared emission from SgrvirgulA* allows one to relate properly
radio, submm, near infrared and X-ray data with each other.

The .red-clump. feature in the HR-diagram is well visible for the Galactic Center stars. Its apparent magnitude
combined with the extinction measures the distance to the Galactic Center, R_0, independent from other methods.

Secondly the extinction law in the whole infrared regime can be used for testing the surprisingly flat extinction
law in the mid infrared found by previous work constraining.
This extinction law can then constrain dust grain modells.
Publication Importance of radiative pumping for the excitation of the H2O submillimeter lines in galaxies . González-Alfonso Eduardo et al. . Astronomy and Astrophysics . null . null . 2022A&A...666L...3G ,
Instrument PACS_PacsRangeSpec_point, PACS_PacsLineSpec_point, PACS_PacsRangeSpec_large
Temporal Coverage 2012-03-19T00:27:06Z/2012-10-08T14:42:06Z
Version SPG v14.2.0
Mission Description Herschel was launched on 14 May 2009! It is the fourth 'cornerstone' mission in the ESA science programme. With a 3.5 m Cassegrain telescope it is the largest space telescope ever launched. It is performing photometry and spectroscopy in approximately the 55-671 µm range, bridging the gap between earlier infrared space missions and groundbased facilities.
Creator Contact https://support.cosmos.esa.int/h®erschel/
Date Published 2013-04-08T14:26:02Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2013, Extinction Towards The Galactic Center, SPG v14.2.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-1v26qrl