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We have recently discovered a population of super-starbursts atz~1-3-1.5. These rare galaxies are selected from the zWigglesspectroscopic survey, and rest-frame UV and H-alpha spectroscopysuggests star-formation rates 100-500Mo/yr. These apparentlyhigh-luminosity, but low stellar mass (log(Mstar)~10Mo), gas rich(f_gas~60%) galaxies forming extremely quickly in an extended starburstare suggestive of late time proto-galaxies, but uniquely, are selectedfrom their nebular emission lines. We have obtained three dimensionalspectroscopy of 13 galaxies and mapped the two dimensional dynamics on~kpc scales. The galaxies show extended star-formation on 4--16kpcscales, with dynamics which may resemble rotating systems and clumpyand intense star-formation which may indicate bulge formation.However, the impact of dust obscuration is unknown, and if thesegalaxies are confirmed as high luminosity ULIRGs, it would argue thatthese are instead mergers with structures dust, and instead comprisethe low-redshift tail of the archetypal high-z ULIRGs and SMGs seenat z~2.3. We propose short Herschel SPIRE observations of this sampleof 13 galaxies. We conservatively predict 250um fluxes >12mJy, whichshould yield detections viable in just ~7mins each. Our total request6.7 hours. |