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The nature of the connection between the growth of a black hole via accretion and that of its host galaxy bulge via star formation remains a fundamental question in galaxy evolution. SCUBA/850micron observations of matched samples of high redshift X-ray absorbed and unabsorbed QSOs demonstrated that the X-ray absorbed QSO were far more likely to be detected suggesting thattheir host galaxies had very high star formation rates. This result impliesthat the z~2 X-ray absorbed QSO population are undergoing the transition from the main star forming phase and the QSO phase of a massive galaxy. Follow-up X-ray observations of the absorbed X-ray QSOs found that the X-ray absorption isdue to an outflowing, ionized wind which is potentially the feedback invokedby theorists to terminate star formation in the host galaxy. However, no QSOs from the samples, X-ray absorbed or unabsorbed, were detected with SCUBA below z=1.5.We propose SPIRE and PACS observations of a sample of 10 X-ray absorbed QSOs in the 1