Stellar jets are known to play a key role in the overall star formation process as they can remove angular momentum from the disk and disperse the parental envelope. A characteristic emission lines spectrum is produced by the shocks caused by the interaction of the ejected material with the surrounding medium. The collimated, fast and hot gas (Tvirgul2000-1e4 K) is traced by atomic and H2 lines, while the slow and cold swept-up material (Tvirgul10-20 K) can be probed through millimeter lines. Herschel opens a window on the warm component at 100-2000 K, which hold crucial information on the understanding of the connection between the outflow atomic and molecular components and the transfer of energy to the surrounding medium.
Preliminary results obtained from the analysis of GASPS/PACS data of Class II sources associated to jets detected at optical/NIR wavelengths show extended and velocity shifted emission in atomic ([OI]63um, [CII]157um) and molecular (CO, H2O) lines, suggesting that these lines are originating in the outflowing gas. However, also emission from the surrounding accretion disk may contribute to the emission in the unresolved star-disk region (PACS resolution virgul9.4).
We propose to complement the GASPS/PACS data with HIFI observations of the [CII]157um, CO 10-9, and H2O at 556.9 GHz lines in a small sample of GASPS targets associated to outflowing gas sigantures. HIFI high spectral resolution (fraction of km/s) will allow us to observe line profiles and separate emission from the disk and the outflows. The [CII]157um line, with the [OI] lines detected by PACS, will probe the jet atomic component, while HIFI and PACS CO and H2O lines will allow us to derive kinematical/physical properties of the molecular component. The characterization of molecular gas component, as well as the estimates of the mass loss rate associated to the different component is crucial to test the magneto-hydrodin...amical jet models and understand the interplay between accretion and ejection.
HIFI_HifiPoint_dbs, HIFI_HifiMapping_raster
Temporal Coverage
SPG v14.1.0
Mission Description
Herschel was launched on 14 May 2009! It is the fourth 'cornerstone' mission in the ESA science programme. With a 3.5 m Cassegrain telescope it is the largest space telescope ever launched. It is performing photometry and spectroscopy in approximately the 55-671 µm range, bridging the gap between earlier infrared space missions and groundbased facilities.
European Space Agency, 2013, Outflows From Evolved Class Ii Sources: An Herschel/Hifi Insight Into The Kinematical/Physical Properties Of The Atomic And Molecular Component., SPG v14.1.0, European Space Agency,