Description |
While bolometric images provide a snapshot of the impact ofhigh-mass star formation over entire molecular cloud complexes, it is only bypursuing large scale maps of different spectrally-resolved line tracers of the ionized and the warm neutral gas that we can probe and study the cloud dynamics and kinematics in detail.We propose to use HIFI to carry out large scale mapping of the core of the Orion GMC (7.5x11.5), the closest high-mass SFR in the disk of the galaxy. Our goal is to study the impact and feedback of the high-mass star formation process on the parental molecular cloud by following the ionized, the warm neutral gas and the densemolecular gas over large scales and at high spatial resolutions. The global cloud dynamics, the kinematic interplay of the different gas phase components and their influence on the environment will be revealed by a series of velocity-resolvedNII, CII, CH+, CH, high-J CO, HCO+ and HCN line mapsthat cannot not be observed from the ground. |