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We have recently used Spitzer to confirm that large IR excesses seen in about 20-30% of old close binary stars by IRAS correspond to very warm close-in dust that appears to originate from recent collisions of planets or planetesimals (Matranga et al. 2010). Somehow, close binaries seem to be destabilizing their planetary progeny, perhaps through secular shrinkage of the stellar separation caused by magnetically-driven angular momentum loss. The aim of this proposal is to use Herschel to search for excesses characteristic of Kuiper-belt-like cold dust or planetesimals in a sample of 88 close binaries from an approved Spitzer IRAC survey. Probing these larger radii in such systems will provide a robust sample of broad SEDs to understand debris disks in close binaries, provide insight into the possibly origin of the Earth mass or more of dust required, and give us a unique handle in understanding planetary formation in circumbinary disks. |