We propose to make deep PACS observations of a 1.75-square degreeregion of the Coma cluster which encompasses both the dense core andthe southwest infall region, and covers a factor of 100 in galaxy density.In combination with SPIRE data from the Herschel-ATLAS Key Project,these data will provide the first reliable measurements of the dustproperties in a rich galaxy cluster. We have assembled a vastmulti-wavelength dataset over this region of Coma that has allowed usto compute reliable stellar masses for nearly 2,000spectroscopically-confirmed cluster members. We will (i) measure thefar-infrared luminosity function and determine whether the turnoverseen in Virgo is also present in Coma; (ii) measure the dust massesand temperatures of all galaxies brighter than this turnover; (iii)derive reliable *total* star-formation rates for all galaxies from acombination of UV, H-alpha, and far-IR imaging, and hence address thecontroversy surrounding optically-classified post-starburstgalaxies; (iv) relate these important properties of the clustergalaxies to quantities such as stellar mass, galaxy morphology, localgalaxy density, and the density of the intra-cluster medium, todetermine which physical processes are responsible for thetransformation of galaxies from late-type to early-type. We will alsosearch for intra-cluster dust which is expected to be produced viastripping of material from infalling galaxies.
Early science with the Large Millimeter Telescope: a 1.1 mm AzTEC survey of red-Herschel dusty star-forming galaxies | Montana A. et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | null | null | 2021MNRAS.505.5260M |
DustPedia: Multiwavelength photometry and imagery of 875 nearby galaxies in 42 ultraviolet-microwave bands | Clark C. J. R. et al. | Astronomy & Astrophysics Volume 609 id.A37 30 pp. | 609 | 10.1051/0004-6361/201731419 | 2018A&A...609A..37C | http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018A%26A...609A..37C
A nearby galaxy perspective on dust evolution. Scaling relations and constraints on the dust build-up in galaxies with the DustPedia and DGS samples | Galliano Frederic et al. | Astronomy and Astrophysics | null | null | 2021A&A...649A..18G |
Reproducing the Universe: a comparison between the EAGLE simulations and the nearby DustPedia galaxy sample | Trcka Ana et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | null | null | 2020MNRAS.494.2823T |
A surprising consistency between the far-infrared galaxy luminosity functions of the field and Coma | Hickinbottom S. et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 442 Issue 2 p.1286-1293 | 442 | 10.1093/mnras/stu924 | 2014MNRAS.442.1286H | http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.442.1286H
Dust emissivity and absorption cross section in DustPedia late-type galaxies | Bianchi S. et al. | Astronomy and Astrophysics | null | null | 2019A&A...631A.102B |
DustPedia: the relationships between stars gas and dust for galaxies residing in different environments | Davies J. I. et al. | Astronomy and Astrophysics | null | null | 2019A&A...626A..63D |
Old and young stellar populations in DustPedia galaxies and their role in dust heating | Nersesian A. et al. | Astronomy and Astrophysics | null | null | 2019A&A...624A..80N |
Dust grain size evolution in local galaxies: a comparison between observations and simulations | Relano M. et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | null | null | 2022MNRAS.515.5306R |
JINGLE - V. Dust properties of nearby galaxies derived from hierarchical Bayesian SED fitting | Lamperti Isabella et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | null | null | 2019MNRAS.489.4389L |
Fraction of bolometric luminosity absorbed by dust in DustPedia galaxies | Bianchi S. et al. | Astronomy & Astrophysics Volume 620 id.A112 21 pp. | 620 | 10.1051/0004-6361/201833699 | 2018A&A...620A.112B | http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018A%26A...620A.112B
UV to submillimetre luminosity functions of TNG50 galaxies | Trcka Ana et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | null | null | 2022MNRAS.516.3728T |
DustPedia: A Definitive Study of Cosmic Dust in the Local Universe | Davies J. I. et al. | Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Volume 129 Issue 974 pp. 044102 (2017). | 129 | 10.1088/1538-3873/129/974/044102 | 2017PASP..129d4102D | http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017PASP..129d4102D
From voids to Coma: the prevalence of pre-processing in the local Universe | Cybulski Ryan et al. | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Volume 439 Issue 4 p.3564-3586 | 439 | 10.1093/mnras/stu200 | 2014MNRAS.439.3564C | http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014MNRAS.439.3564C
Temporal Coverage
SPG v14.2.0
Mission Description
Herschel was launched on 14 May 2009! It is the fourth cornerstone mission in the ESA science programme. With a 3.5 m Cassegrain telescope it is the largest space telescope ever launched. It is performing photometry and spectroscopy in approximately the 55-671 µm range, bridging the gap between earlier infrared space missions and groundbased facilities.
European Space Agency, simpson et al., 2012, 'Herschel Observations of the Coma Cluster', SPG v14.2.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-axxmoxy