A dataset provided by the European Space Agency

Name DDT_mbayliss_1
Title Far-IR dust properties of a star-bursting ULIRG at the center of the most luminous and strongest cooling flow galaxy known


DOI https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-wwlkvib
Author European Space Agency
Description We proposed PACS photometry of SPT-CLJ2344-4242. It is the strongest cool core (CC) cluster known and is the only CC to be caught in a rare phase of the CC life-cycle when it is forming stars at a rate comparable to the inferred X-ray cooling rate.
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Instrument PACS_PacsPhoto_largeScan
Temporal Coverage 2012-05-01T04:30:00Z/2012-05-01T04:49:37Z
Version SPG v14.2.0
Mission Description Herschel was launched on 14 May 2009! It is the fourth 'cornerstone' mission in the ESA science programme. With a 3.5 m Cassegrain telescope it is the largest space telescope ever launched. It is performing photometry and spectroscopy in approximately the 55-671 µm range, bridging the gap between earlier infrared space missions and groundbased facilities.
Creator Contact https://support.cosmos.esa.int/h®erschel/
Date Published 2012-11-01T04:40:20Z
Publisher And Registrant European Space Agency
Credit Guidelines European Space Agency, 2012, Far-Ir Dust Properties Of A Star-Bursting Ulirg At The Center Of The Most Luminous And Strongest Cooling Flow Galaxy Known, SPG v14.2.0, European Space Agency, https://doi.org/10.5270/esa-wwlkvib